Welcome to Year 1
This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our exciting learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun. We'll also post some links to learning resources we've used in school so you can continue learning at home! Make sure you also visit the Airhead section where you will find different online resources to help with your learning.
End of term
Week beginning 15.7.19
Where has the time gone?! It has been a lovely last week. We have had a storyteller in and the children have designed their own bunting which will be used at various venues in Nottingham over the summer. The final summer sing is over and the children performed all the songs with tremendous enthusiasm. We also had a visit from children from Arnold Hill this week and several of their bands performed for us. The year ones loved it and most sang along with the songs. Watch out for plants, bags, books and PE kits as they will all be going home this week. Have a great summer and see you in September.
Digital Leaders
Week beginning 15.7.19
Next year, Mrs Burton is looking to appoint four Digital Leaders from Class 5 and 6. They will support in computing lessons, help with IT hardware in school, write regular blog posts, make videos, receive training from Mrs Burton, lead a lunchtime computing club and help educate their peers on online safety - amongst other things! To apply, children must complete the Digital Leader '2Do' task on Purple Mash and virtually hand it in by 18th August. Good Luck!
Butterflies and Pizza
Week beginning 8.7.19
Our butterflies have emerged! There was great excitement (and a little sadness) among the year one children as the butterflies flew off to whoops and cheers. The children have been fascinated by the whole process and hopefully will be more appreciative of butterflies in the future. A big thank you to Mrs Sellers for organising for us to have them. The Warburtons visit was also a great success. The year ones learned about healthy food groups and healthy choices. After this, most of the children needed very little encouragement to 'be brave' and add veg they were not sure about to their pizza. However, one child was heard to say mournfully 'I don't want to be brave today. It'll spoil my pizza'! Hope you all enjoyed them.
Celebration Afternoon
Thank you all the parents who attended the Year One Celebration Afternoon. It was a lovely treat for the children and they were proud to show off all the work they have done and skills they have learned this year. This week the children had the opportunity to visit their new teachers. A quick survey of the year one children showed that they were all very happy in their new classes, with their friends and new teachers.
Caterpillars, Puppets and Sports day
Week beginning 24.6.19
It's been a busy week! The Year ones were very excited to receive this year's quota of caterpillars and are watching them closely to monitor the changes. A big thank you to Mrs Sellers for organising to get them again this year. Thanks to all the adults for their help during sports day. The years ones practised incredibly hard. Congratulations to Class 3 for winning the team race. All the children loved the puppet show this week and had a great time making their own puppets. I'm sure you will agree, they did a great job!
Healthy Living Day
Week beginning 17.6.19
This week has had a definite sports feel with Sports Day looming and with our Healthy Living Day on Monday. The Year 1 children especially loved the Clubbercise session and many could talk about the importance of fitness in a healthy life. As Sports Day approaches, we are all hoping for a dry day! The Year Ones have had their own mini practice and the air of competition is palpable! Any parents free to help are more than welcome.
Bags and Seeds
Week beginning 10.6.19
The year ones have seen vegetables growing. They have pulled and dug them up, as well as packing them in the shop. So this week they have planted seeds to understand better how vegetables grow. The children have also designed bags and have begun sewing a decoration to put on them. Both year one teacher have been amazed at how competent the children have been at sewing!
Hammonds Farm and Sainsburys
Week Beginning 4.6.19
First of all, a big thank you to all the parents who helped this week on the year one trips. They couldn't have happened without you! The aim this half term is to help the children understand the process of food production - 'From Farm to Fork'. The farm visit was a very hands-on experience and most adults were surprised to learn that cress is actually oil seed rape in its beginning stages. We hope all the year one parents have plenty of parsnip and rhubarb recipes!
Life Cycle of an Oak Tree
Week beginning 20.5.19
This week year ones have learned about the life cycle of an oak tree. Many have recounted their own experiences of planting acorns and other tree seeds. Some have expressed disappointment that after a few weeks their tree hasn't grown yet! We have revisited positional language and the children have learned about the importance of understanding position and left and right as they give their friends instructions to build a model. Have a good half term. It's hard to believe that next half term is their last in year one.
Tree bark and Fractions
Week beginning 13.5.19
Year ones continued to investigate the differences between native trees by using bark rubbings to compare them. The weather contributed significantly to the success of this endeavour! In maths the children have been learning how to find a half and a quarter of a shape or a quantity, while in literacy they continue to develop their understanding of verb, nouns and adjectives. Many are confident in this area now.
Money and Music
Week beginning 6.5.19
Year one children were very keen to learn about money, recognising it as a 'grown up' skill. They used notes and discussed ways of spending large amounts. The club, 'Rocksteady' did a workshop this week which the children loved and had the opportunity to form and play in their own band. It's amazing what can be achieved with just a beat...
Budding Artists
Week beginning 29.5.19
As summer term progresses, its been gratifying this week to see many of the children begin to grasp tens and units and confidently add and subtract larger numbers. As we continue to develop our topic on plants and trees, many of the year ones have excelled at observational drawings of bluebells and lilac. We hope you enjoy looking at them.
Week beginning 22.4.19
First of all a big thank you to all the parents who helped out on the Year 1 trip to the park. We had a lovely time and we were exceptionally lucky with the weather! The children were very keen to hunt for, learn about and name plants and trees they found along the way. The Year 1 children will continue to learn about plants and trees throughout the half term.
Easter Holidays
Week beginning 1.4.19
As our UK topic comes to an end this week, we would really appreciate any postcards from UK holiday destinations to show on our UK class map. This week the children have learned to tell the time-half past and o'clock and some are beginning to understand time related word problems. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered for the year one trip to the park in the first week back. We aim to identify as many trees and plants as possible on the way.
Left and right, clockwise and anti clockwise.
Week beginning 25.3.19
Left and right is hard but clockwise and anticlockwise is harder still! Year 1s have spent a lot of time this week on turning left and right and making half turns, quarter turns and full turns. They have also added to their knowledge and understanding of the countries that make up the UK and their capital cities. We feel the children have a much better understanding now of the place they live in.
The Art Exhibition
Week Beginning 18.3.19
The playground is finished at last and the year one children love playing on the new equipment and enjoy sitting and chatting on the 'grass' in the sun. After their hard work, all the children looked forward
this week to showing parents their work at the Art Exhibition. In class we have continued to work on developing understanding of the Great Fire of London and the children have written great reports that explain what happened.
The Great Fire of London
Week beginning 11.3.19
The Great Fire of London has sparked all the childrens imaginations and they enjoyed finding out how and why the fire spread and what happened as a result. The children have continued to work to develop their understanding of division and for many this is progressing well. The highlights of the week have undoubtedly been science related. Mrs Sellers organised a very enjoyable 'Science Day' across school and the children had lots of opportunities to engage with hands on science activities. She also organised for 'living eggs' to be delivered to the school and the year ones have loved having the opportunity to watch them develop.
World Book Day
Week Beginning 4.3.19
What a busy week! World Book Day was a great success and all were keen to talk bout their favourite
books and authors and to explain which character they liked best. We have spent this week making a start on work for the Art Exhibition which is later this month and all the year ones should be congratulated on the effort they have put into their work. We have begun work on multiplication and
the children have enjoyed learning about 'repeated addition' and arrays.
Royalty Week
Week beginning 25.2.19
The new half term got off to a great start with our 'Royal Day'. All the children have been very keen to express an interest in their favourite royal. These range from Prince Charming to Queen Elizabeth! The children were very vocal about what they would like to do if they were King or Queen. This half term our topic is about the UK, its countries and capital cities. Learning about the Royal Family has helped the children understand a little bit more about London and some of its landmarks.
Well-being Week
Week beginning 11.2.19
What a lovely way to end the half term! During Well-being Week the children have been learning about ways in which they can improve their frame of mind. We discussed how the various sessions made them feel eg. calm, relaxed, excited, healthy, happy etc and if they could use them outside school. They loved having an Olympic Athlete in school and taking part in the circuits. They also tried yoga, using clay and cooking and loved investigative science and some map making. Hopefully they will tell you all about it!
Budding Authors
Week beginning 4.2.19
This week the year one children have written their first story independently. They used a story written and illustrated by our own Ms Gill for inspiration and then went on to write their own stories about a day at Goose Fair. We now have some children who would like to be authors when they grow up. On a different note, next week our sponsored event for our Olympic athlete takes place. Please help us make the event a success by sponsoring the children. Pics to follow soon.
Features of Nottinghamshire continued...
Week beginning 28.1.19
The year one children all attended a fascinating workshop which explained how and why the canals were built. They had the opportunity to look at old photographs and to find out why the canals were built using role play and small world models. We also wrote our first longer story this week. Adults were very impressed with how hard the children worked and how well they wrote.
Features of Nottingham
Week beginning 21.1.19
The year ones continue to learn about some of the features of Nottingham and this week they were very keen to find about the origins of Goose Fair and how it has changed over time. They were all eager to share their experiences of the Fair. Work on designing their own 'wacky buildings/homes' continues with many children enthusiastic about the possibility of pursuing careers in architecture in the future! All the children enjoyed investigative work around 2d and 3d shape this week.
​​​​​​Week beginning 14.1.19
Electro-city was a huge hit in both year one classes this week. Children benefited from previous work on electrical circuits and were able to light up their Lego city with minimal help. It was quite a spectacle when the lights were turned off. The city building theme was continued in art as children designed and drew their own 'wacky' buildings. More on this at a later date...
Maths had a practical aspect as the classes gained experience of weighing and were introduced to grams and kilos.
First week back....
Week beginning 7.1.19
The first week back has flown by and all in all the children have settled back well. They have taken the new KS1 whole class teaching methods in their stride. This half term we are learning about Nottingham. We found out about Nottingham Castle-when it was built, what materials were used to build it and how it was initially used. The classes had a great time building their own castles later. Work on 'tens and units' has continued and the children have used lots of different equipment to represent two digit numbers. Some have also learned how to make electrical circuits.
Christmas is coming and the goose....
Week beginning 17.12.18
We had delicious Christmas Dinner
The Christmas party was lots of fun
The pantomime was wicked
And even Santa has come.
We made awesome cards and calendars
Decorations, cakes and more
Now Autumn term is over
Happy Christmas from classes 3 and 4!
Nearly There!
Week beginning 10.12.18
Another milestone in the countdown to the holidays has been reached this week with the KS1 performance. While the Year One children were understandably nervous they were also very proud of their dances, and keen to perform for their audience. It was a fantastic experience for them all. A big thank you to all of you who came to our first Christmas Fair. The year one classes raised just over £180.
Preparation for the Christmas Fair
Week beginning 3.12.18
Christmas is very much in evidence in school this week. Our first Christmas Jumper Day was a great success. The children loved showing off their jumpers and the year 1 classes brought in a lot of chocolate too! The children learned new skills in Art and Design Technology as they enjoyed making for the Christmas fair. They are all looking forward to showing adults the dances they have learned for the school nativity.
Materials and Capacity
Week beginning 26.11.18
New vocabulary is never easy to retain and the Year One children should be congratulated on their efforts this week to learn new words to describe materials and capacity. They enjoyed the practical activities which helped them understand some of the properties of materials. They learned about the difference between volume and capacity. This week Class 4 are sad to say goodbye to Mrs Bencherif who has been teaching in Class for four weeks. However she will be rejoining us at Easter.
Money and PE
Week beginning 19.11.18
It's incredible how many Year One children believe that money comes from a hole in the wall or from a piece of plastic! Nonetheless they have worked hard to learn about the value of the coins and how to use them. At the other end of the scale the children are really enjoying having the opportunity to develop their skills, jumping from large apparatus. They have really taken up the challenge to better their skills.
Children in Need
Week beginning 12.11.18
Children in Need has provided a very exciting end to the week in classes 3 and 4. The children are beginning to appreciate that some people aren't as fortunate as they are and they were very excited to be allowed to dress in crazy pyjamas. In other areas of the curriculum the children have been learning how to half and quarter shapes and quantities. They have been very interested to find out about Diwali.
Safety Week
Week beginning 5.11.18
The children have settled well following their holiday and have enjoyed the activities surrounding Safety Week. They have been so inspired that many now want to be firefighters or work on lifeboats! A workshop on the senses has helped them work out where their senses are located and how they use them. The children have all come back well rested and very enthusiastic about their learning.
What a great half term!
Week beginning 22.10.18
This first half term has gone so quickly! The children have settled brilliantly into Year 1 and are making good progress. We have had an busy week, exploring 2d shape further, sorting shapes online on purple mash and writing our own stories based on 'Who am I?'. We have learnt how to add the suffix -est to adjectives such as soft and bright to make softest and brightest when writing sentences in our story.
Welcome Miss Crabtree! Miss Crabtree has been in for the past few days getting to know the children in Class 3 and becoming familiar with routines. She has made a great start and is looking forward to teaching them after half term.
Who am I?
Week beginning 15.10.2018
The Year One children made animal puppets with 2d shapes to support their learning in Maths, Literacy and Design Technology. They had a lovely time using the puppets while they learned to retell the story-Who am I? by Gervasse Phinn (see story on YouTube here) In the process their cutting skills have improved and they are beginning to identify some of the properties of 2d shapes!
Here is the story plan Class 3 made to help them retell the story 'Who am I?' by Gervase Phinn. See the video of Class 3 retelling the story here.
Emmet the Guide Dog
Week beginning 8.10.2018
The children had a lovely treat this week when Emmet the Guide Dog came to visit class 3 and 4. They asked some very perceptive questions of his owner, about the life of a person who is partially sighted. This experience should prove very useful when the children learn about their Super Senses after half term. Other activities this week have included developing fine motor skills, finishing clay animals, writing sentences with verbs and learning how to make 10 and 20. See this link for a fun YouTube song about number bonds to 10. This week please help become confident in recalling number partners that make 10 or 20.
Clay Animals
Week beginning 1.10.18
This week we have had great fun making animal models from clay, looking carefully at the structure of the animals we were making. I'm sure you'll agree from the photos that the children have done at a great job. Making these models has reinforced learning in other areas of the curriculum. We have also used adjectives to describe animals and practised writing letters c, a and d, amongst other things!
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Week beginning 17.09.18
Year 1 visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park this week and enjoyed finding out about the animals on site. We saw wallabies, brown bears, squirrel monkeys, polar bears and meerkats. The education staff on site helped us to think about grouping animals in different ways - reptiles, mammals, birds and insects.