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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Welcome to year 2! We are so happy to welcome the children back to school. We have missed everyone so much and cannot wait for our learning journey to begin together. We have a fantastic year planned for our lovely year 2 children and are so excited to work with you to ensure that your child is enjoying school life. As you know, the class 5 teacher is Ms McGuinness and the class 6 teacher is Miss Bartlam. Mrs Burton, Mrs Bucknall and Miss Creber will also work with the year 2 children regularly. Our door is always open and if you have any questions, worries or concerns, please do let us know. Together we are going to make this year a wonderful experience for the children. To see a what we are learning in computing click here. To see some samples of our Purple Mash work see the class 5 display board and the class 6 display board. Our year together is going to be fun and exciting as we continue to... 'Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Happy!'

Year 2 Curriculum Presentation

Click here to view the Year 2 curriculum presentation.

Year 2 Phonics for Parents Presentation

Click here to view the Year 2 Phonics for Parents presentation.



A jam packed week!

Week beginning 19.7.21


What an incredibly busy week we've had! We had a great start to the week when we ventured out into the sunshine and joined in with our whole school Sports Day. The children were so resilient and raced all the way to the finish line in their obstacle and sprint races. We were gutted that the unexpected downpour cut the event short but we wanted to say another huge congratulations to all of our super year 2 children for taking part, we are so proud of all of you! 


We also had a super exciting day on Thursday when we were treated to a wonderful magic show. We were completely amazed by some of his awesome tricks but were left very shocked and wondering just how the magician did it. We wanted to say an extra big thank you to the Friends of Woodthorpe for providing some tasty doughnuts for us too, they went down a treat! Not only was Thursday a magical day but we also learnt some very helpful First Aid tips to help keep us safe. We were again, very proud of of year 2s for being brave and having a go. 


To end the week, we had our very special, and certainly very emotional, leaving assemblies. What a wonderful way to end our time at WIS and share all of the special memories we've made. We wanted to say a huge thank you to everybody who joined us to celebrate. We have absolutely loved teaching every single one of you and will miss you all very much. We know you all have very bright futures ahead of you, just remember to always Be Kind, Be Brave and Be Happy!


Take care

Love Ms M and Miss Bartlam

3D Printing 

Week beginning 12.7.21


We have been very busy in our computing lessons with Mrs Burton over the last few weeks as we have been developing our own ideas to design a car.  We have really enjoyed exploring different stages of the design process and, using an online platform called 'Purple Mash', we all created our very own 3D car net. These have been sent home for us to build and put together. With the help of Mr Hopkinson, 4 of our designs were selected to be printed in 3D by our friends at Arnold Hill. These designs belonged to Freya and Aimee in the Crunching Crocodiles and Joseph and Kitty in the Playful Penguins. We can't wait to see the finished result! We have loved learning more about the possibilities of 3D printing and are very much looking forward to next week when we have a special visitor joining us from Nottingham University. They will be helping us to explore even more about how 3D printing is used in the wider world. 


Football Frenzy

Week beginning 5.7.21


This week has definitely been one to remember! Football fever has well and truly swept through the school and our year 2s in particular have loved showing their support for the England team. It has been fabulous to see so many children get into the spirit and show off their football skills at break times. From what we have seen from the Crunching Crocodiles and Playful Penguins, we definitely have some future Harry Kanes in the making! As part of our final Wellbeing Day this year, the Playful Penguins got themselves ready for the weekend's big game with some football themed colouring and crafts. It was so nice to see how excited they were! We also set them the task to create a decorative banner to showcase what WIS means to them. As we edge closer to our move to year 3, it is wonderful to see the children be so reflective and reminisce on their wonderful memories here. Thankfully, the weather stayed nice too as we also had some fantastic sports activities for children to get involved in.


We are sure many of you will be joining us in cheering on our team on Sunday. We hope that you all stay safe and we look forward to hopefully celebrating an England win with you back at school on Monday. COME ON ENGLAND!



Beautiful Butterflies

Week beginning 28.6.21


This week we watched in amazement as our crawling caterpillars came out of their chrysalis and turned into beautiful butterflies. Our Playful Penguins were really shocked when they left the classroom for break with 3 butterflies in the net and came back shortly after to 4. We have loved watching them show off their gorgeous wings as they flew from leaf to leaf and we really enjoyed getting a closer look at them through our magnifying glasses. Before we let them out of their net to be free in their natural habitat, we managed to get some lovely photos of them that we are really excited to share with you. Take a look at their beautiful wings below.


Just like the butterflies, here in year 2 we have also been getting ready for some changes of our own this week. On Thursday morning we had a visit over to the junior school to meet our new teachers and get to know the school a little bit better. After a busy morning, we returned to the infants with big smiles on our faces and lots of excitement about what is to come in year 3. Our teachers are all so proud of us for being so brave and we can't wait to tell our grown ups all about it.

Fantastic learning powers

Week beginning 21.6.21


This week our fabulous year 2 children have once again been showcasing their excellent learning powers and proving that they can be super resourceful! We have been experimenting with making our very own bug hotels for some creepy critters. With the help of some of your donations of water bottles, yoghurt pots and a lot of empty toilet rolls we showed great reciprocity and created our first prototype bug hotel. At first it was a little tricky to make sure the our hotels were structurally secure but we showed great resilience and in the end had some impressive first drafts. 

Exciting Evidence and Creative Crafts

Week beginning 14.6.21


As usual here at WIS, this week has been quite busy! We started the week by exploring some evidence to learn more about one of our favourite football teams... Nottingham Forest! We had great fun diving deeper into old matchday programmes, game tickets and information texts. Some of our Playful Penguins even put their modelling skills to the test when trying on some football kits and caps, they would've looked great on a cat walk! The evidence really helped us to learn more about some of the club's significant historical events and put these on a timeline. Take a look at some pictures below to see our resourceful research and marvellous modelling in action.


Also this week, we once again showed our creativity when making some very special cards for the fabulous fathers, great grandads and unbelievable uncles in our lives. We don't want to spoil the surprise too much but they are definitely a treat for the eyes. I'm sure more will be revealed on Sunday, we hope you all have a lovely day. Thank you so much to everybody who has already donated plastic bottles and cardboard toilet rolls for our upcoming DT project, any further donations would be greatly appreciated.


Take care everybody and have a lovely weekend!

A wonderful week back!

Week beginning 7.6.21


What a glorious first week back it has been! We are so glad that the sun has been shining down on us for our return to school and it is great to see so many of you taking good care of yourselves with some funky sunhats. From the stories we have heard, it sounds like you all had fabulous half terms and were able to get out and about exploring again. We hope you all enjoyed a nice break.


Our brilliant year 2 children have settled back into school life excellently and have enjoyed lots more fun in the sun. Take a look at the pictures below to see how some of our Playful Penguins have been enjoying their playtimes. We've had a lot of sun bathing with some children being resourceful and making their own sunbeds from the building blocks. There was also a hula hoop competition. The participants were, as always, so resilient and kept picking the hoops back up and having another go. Well done everybody!


Just a little reminder that there is still time to upload your 'toy interview' videos to Flipgrid. We have already had a couple of uploads but would really appreciate some more for us to explore in our upcoming history lessons. A letter was sent out before half term with the full details but if you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are looking forward to seeing your interviews.


Take care everybody, let's make this final half term the best one yet!



Art and Well-Being

Week beginning 24.5.21


It has been yet another wonderful week at WIS despite even more rain. This week, we read the story of the 'Green Man' and used this as the inspiration for our own art work featuring a 'green' character. The children thought very carefully about the design of our class's green character and decided that they wanted it to be colourful with a flower crown. Our 'green' character represents how much we care about the environment and how much we value our green spaces, woodlands and forests. The children also had lots of fun making crafts, using natural materials such as twigs and pine cones. Year 2 are a kind and special year group who care very much about the environment. 

How Our Bodies Work

Week beginning 17.5.21


It's been another wonderful week at WIS especially as the sun came out for our playtimes. We made the most of the sunny spells and went outside for a fantastic science lesson too. We have been thinking about how our bodies work and how we stay healthy. We quickly ran outside (between rain showers) and a friend drew around our bodies. We then thought very carefully about where our heart, lungs, and brain are inside our bodies. We also thought about how our ribs and skull protect these organs. The year 2 children were brilliant at this and worked so well in their teams. Way to go year 2!

A Search for Microhabitats

Week beginning 10.5.21


As you know the year 2 children are phenomenal scientists and this week we went on a hunt for different microhabitats on our playground. We have been learning that even in one garden, there can be a number of different microhabitats which different plants and animals will prefer to live  in. Here are some of the year 2 children searching for different plants and animals with their friends. We didn't find any polar bears or elephants (although Ms M was hoping that we would) but we definitely found a number of insects and some of us, unfortunately, found some stinging nettles! Ouch!


Self Portraits

Week beginning 4.5.21


It has been another busy week for our amazing year 2 children. This week we have had lots of fun working on our self-portraits. Our work is inspired by the paintings of Godfrey Banadda, a wonderful artist from Uganda. Godfrey Banadda's impressionist portraits use vibrant colours and different shapes and they are very interesting to look at. Here we are working away and adding in interesting shapes, colours and textures to our own self-portraits. Although they aren't finished yet, you can already see how wonderful they are going to be. 

Once There Were Giants

Week beginning 26.4.21


Our amazing year 2 children have been working their socks off this week and have produced some beautiful writing. We have been reading the wonderful story, 'Once There Were Giants' by Martin Waddell and have used his work as the inspiration for our own writing. The children have thought about the different stages of their lives and some even pretended to be a grown up looking back. Each story is a truly beautiful read and made us feel very proud and a little bit teary. Take a look some examples of their fantastic work and check out their super neat handwriting. To hear some of the children reading their work click on the videos below.

A Super Start to Summer

Week beginning  19.4.21


What a fantastic start to the summer term! We are so happy to have everyone back at school and ready to learn. The children have settled in beautifully and their amazing learning attitude is stronger than ever. Our super scientists carried out a fantastic investigation into the best material to use for an umbrella although let's hope we won't be needing our brollies too much in the summer term. The children worked really hard to make sure that they devised a fair test and carefully measured the same amount of water to test each material. They worked so sensibly and had lots of fun too. Everyone used their learning powers and made sure that they showed reciprocity by taking turns and worked respectfully and kindly with their partner. The WIS children never stop impressing their teachers!

An Egg-citing week!

Week beginning 29.3.21


This week has been a little different to the rest. We started the week with a cracking challenge, an egg rolling extravaganza! Our brilliant year 2s were super busy over the weekend creating their excellent (or should we say egg-cellent) eggs. We are so impressed with everybody’s artistry and the ‘Best Dressed Egg’ competition was a definite success! We had some super hard-boiled minions, a delightful dancing pink flamingo and even an eggy cheeseburger and chips. Congratulations to all of the winners of the class competitions! An extra well done goes to the awesome Oliver in the Crunching Crocodiles who claimed the title of undefeated egg rolling champion, we are very proud of you!


If that wasn’t enough excitement for one week, on Thursday was April Fool’s day which can only mean one thing… time for the children to take over the rules! For one whole day, whilst our teachers waited nervously, we had some brand new rules including: come to school with funky hair, wear your trainers, eat your pudding before your dinner and extra playtime. What a super day it was! We loved seeing all of wild and wacky hairstyles with lots of colourful hats and headbands. Take a look at some fabulous photos from this week below. 


Lastly, we would like to wish everybody a very Happy Easter, we hope that you get a visit from the Easter Bunny and, most importantly, have lots of fun! We are looking forward to hearing all about it when we return to school on the 19th April.

Take care and remember to Be Kind, Be Brave and Be Happy!

Love  Miss Bartlam and Ms M.

Creative Computing

Week beginning 22.3.21


We have had some very excited children in the Crunching Crocodiles and the Playful Penguins this week! With the help of Mrs Burton, our lovely year 2 children have been experimenting with Ozobots in their computing lessons. An Ozobot is a little toy robot that helps us to learn all about programming, and class 5 and 6 have been doing just that. They have been showing some super reciprocity and working in groups to follow and create their own programmes. It was fantastic to see everybody get involved and we loved seeing our Ozobots on the move. 

Fun with the ducklings!

Week beginning 15.3.21


We have been lucky enough over the last 2 weeks to spend some time with some quacking visitors. The Crunching Crocodiles and Playful Penguins have been learning about life cycles in some of their science lessons this year and, luckily for them, this week they had the chance to carry out their own scientific observations with the help of some very cute ducklings.  We waited patiently whilst the ducklings hatched from their eggs and have since seen them grow into chirping, fluffy little birds. How adorable they are! We had a good chat about how the ducklings have changed and adapted to their surroundings and how they will continue to grow. Additionally, we have given them a helping hand at the start of their journey by cleaning out their home, making sure they have plenty of water and taking them out for a little swim. We have really enjoyed having the ducklings in school and wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Mrs Sellers for organising their visit. Why don't you take a look at some of our new friends below?


Welcome back!

Week beginning 8.3.21


After what has been a very strange and quieter couple of months in the Playful Penguins class, it was absolutely fantastic to welcome everybody back today. I loved opening the classroom door to 30 smiling faces. I have really enjoyed hearing about what you have been getting up to at home and it was so nice to finally be able to say a HUGE 'well done' for all of your hard work on your home learning. Thank you to everyone for showing so much resilience and bravery on your return to class 6 this morning. I can't wait to have lots of fun and make our brains grow even more over the rest of this half term. Let's keep being kind, brave and happy!


Love Miss Bartlam x


The Crunching Crocodiles have made an awesome return to school. It has been such a lovely day and it has been extremely hard not to give everyone a great big squeezy hug! Well done to all you Crazy Crunching Crocodiles, you have been sooooooo brave and sooooooo kind to each other today. I couldn't be prouder of you all. Check out the scary crocodiles in the photos below. Watch out everyone at home because the children tell me that these crocodiles like nothing better than to nibble on... 'GROWN UPS!'


Love Ms M x

Wonderful World Book Day!

Week beginning 1.3.21


As you may already know from the array of colourful costumes in class 5 and 6, this week year 2 have joined in with the World Book Day celebrations. We have loved having a whole day dedicated to one of our favourite things, reading! To start the day, Class 6 heard about the adventures of The Highway Rat in their story time with Mrs Offord. We were also treated to a very special pirate story from Long John Hopkinson. It has been so lovely to talk about and get dressed up as our favourite book characters. There have been superheroes, Mr Men, princesses, stick men and even a cat in a very stripy hat. Miss Bartlam was a little bit worried when 3 Hogwarts wizards appeared in Class 6 this morning. Luckily for her, the Playful Penguins were on their best behaviour so no spells were cast. Phew!


The children at home have also been getting involved in World Book Day celebrations with a very special book themed quiz in today's story sessions. We were so impressed with their scores. Finally, we wanted to say a really big thank you to everyone who got involved with our story jar project! It was so fun to investigate which stories they represented. Take a look at some of our wonderful costumes below.

A secret design challenge

Week beginning 22.3.21


Hello everybody, we hope you all had a lovely half term! We have really enjoyed hearing about the adventures you had in this week's English lessons as we have been writing our own half term recounts. It was great to hear that a lot of you had been going for long bike rides and baking yummy treats. It sounds like you all had so much fun! This week the year 2 children also showed their learning powers in a special design challenge. Miss Bartlam and Ms M set them a task to build a house for a small toy. It was fantastic to see so many children being so resourceful and finding different ways to keep their house stable and their toy safe. Take a look at some pictures below to see some of the Playful Penguins hard at work.

Marvellous Map Readers

Week beginning 8.2.21


The wonderful year 2 children have worked so hard again this week and had lots of fun along the way. Last week we created some maps of our playground and this week the Crunching Crocodiles used them to find some treasure! We studied our maps with our partners and decided where we thought the treasure was. It was a freezing day but the treasure was worth it! Brilliant work Crunching Crocodiles!

Nature and Art

Week beginning 1.2.21


This week we have continued to look at amazing artists such as Jenny Pickford and Andy Goldsworthy. We had a lovely afternoon outside gathering natural materials and then making our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired natural sculptures. We managed to find all sorts of wonderful natural materials on our playground such as dried leaves, twigs and stones. We worked with a partner to arrange the natural materials to make some beautiful art work. What do you think? The children showed amazing team work and artist flair. They are amazing people!

Happy and Healthy

Week beginning 25.1.21


This week has been lovely. The Crunching Crocodiles and Playful Penguins talked about how we can all stay healthy. We thought about how important exercise, healthy food and plenty of sleep are. We also talked about how important it is to smile and laugh because this makes us feel happy. The children know that keeping clean is a part of being healthy and there was a lot of laughter as we made some pretend germs and then tried to wash them off our hands. Our pretend germs were made of glitter and glue! Ms M ended up with glitter everywhere!

Forest School Fun

Week beginning 18.1.21


Even though the weather has been awful this week, the resilient, resourceful year 2 children have still had smiles on their faces. Our wonderful Mrs Harvey has taken the Crunching Crocodiles out for their 'Forest School' experience and it has been so much fun. Here they are using all sorts of tools! They have been making dens, digging, weaving and making some jewellery from natural materials. Each child has come back into school at the end of their session with bright pink cheeks and huge smiles. In fact they have enjoyed it so much that they don't want their session to end. How fantastic they are!

Amazing Artists

Week Beginning 11.1.21


What a fantastic week we have had. It really has been so much fun and we have loved having the children in school. We have been finding out about the wonderful sculptor Jenny Pickford and thought about the materials she uses. Jenny Pickford is inspired by nature and her sculptures are often flowers and plants but she makes her sculptures from glass and metal. We made our own mini Jenny Pickford style sculptures. What do you think of them? Aren't they pretty? We have also enjoyed making some winter inspired paintings which will be displayed on our art wall. What amazing artists we have here at WIS!

Happy New Year!

Week beginning 4.1.21


We want to wish you a very happy and healthy new year! It has definitely been an interesting start to the term to say the least! As always the resilient Woodthorpe community have risen to the challenges this week has presented us. We can't thank you enough for the very special messages of support and acts of kindness. They mean so much to us. The children attending school have been so sensible and have worked very hard this week. We are going to continue to 'Be Kind, Be Brave and Be Happy' and are going to make sure that we work hard and look after each other brilliantly. Here are some of our lovely year 2 children playing and having fun in the beautiful sunshine. We will continue to blog here and let you know what we are doing in school and, even though we can't all be together, we will be thinking about every single one of you. No matter what, we will always be the best school in the world!

Lots of love to you all,

Ms M and Miss Bartlam

Happy Christmas To You All

Week beginning 14.12.20


We think that we are definitely the luckiest teachers in the whole wide world. We have had a wonderful week with our fabulous year 2 children. We especially enjoyed today as we watched a pantomime online and ate lots and lots of popcorn! Will our classrooms ever recover?! We would like to say a huge thank you to every single grown up and child in year 2 for making this such a special Christmas. Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts but most of all thank you for the kind good wishes. We think the world of you all and wish you a healthy and happy Christmas. Be kind, be brave and be happy! HO! HO! HO! 

Lots of love from Ms M and Miss Bartlam


What a busy week!

Week beginning 7.12.20


The Crunching Crocodiles and the Playful Penguins have been hard at work this week. We've been resourceful in Maths when using counters to help us solve division problems and have shown great resilience when writing our own 'Dear Earth' letters in Literacy. However, we have also had some very important visitors to add some extra excitement to our week. On Monday, we were treated to a sprinkle of magic from the main man himself... Santa! He parked his sparkling sleigh in school and answered all of our festive questions. Much to the amazement of our year 2s, Santa wasn't our only special visitor this week. On Wednesday we met a whole host of amazing animals as part of our wildlife workshop. We met guinea pigs, giant snails, hissing cockroaches, a tarantula and many more spectacular species. Some of us even had a go at holding some of these creatures, what amazing bravery! 


We finished our busy week with another wonderful wellbeing day. As we are approaching Christmas, the Playful Penguins put their decorating skills to the test and designed their own tree decorations and biscuits, which I must admit looked super yummy. To contribute to our whole school collaborative art project, everybody in year 2 decorated a feather which, with the help and talent of Mrs Gill, will form part of a beautiful wings display. We can't wait to see the finished product in the new year, keep your eyes peeled. 


What a brilliant week it's been! Why don't you have a look at some of our pictures below whilst we get some rest ready for next week, which is sure to be just as awesome.


A Festival Musical Medley

Week beginning 30.11.20


This week things have started to get a little bit festive for our wonderful year 2 classes. As you may already know, we have been hard at work learning some festive songs and have recorded a very special video for you all to see. We won't spoil the surprise and tell you which songs we sung, but we really hope that it helps to bring a smile to your face this Christmas time. We have also been practicing a special Christmas tune in our ukulele sessions with Mrs Heath. Our teacher's have been really impressed with the fantastic resilience we have shown! Learning a new instrument takes a lot of practice and hard work and it is certainly paying off. We are sounding great!


We wanted to say a BIG thank you to everybody who has already donated an to our raffle hampers, they are going to be a great prize for a lucky winner. Just in case you needed reminding, the Crunching Crocodiles (Class 5) are creating an orange hamper and the Playful Penguins (Class 6) are on the hunt for purple things for theirs.

Car Construction

Week beginning 23.11.20


In DT this half term, we have been learning about the different elements of a car and this week it was finally time to begin making our very own toy cars. For the first stage of this process, we designed our own car and labelled all the important parts that it must include. We learnt that the axel has a very important role as it helps us to connect our car's wheels. When our design plans were complete, we got to work measuring and cutting our axels to size. Miss Bartlam was very impressed with how brave and sensible we all were when using the saws. It was great to put our new cutting skills to the test. We are so excited to continue building our cars next week and cannot wait to show you the finished products.

Flashback Football!

​​​​​​Week beginning 16.11.20


This week we have been exploring the history of our city with a particular focus on Nottingham Forest Football Club, much to the delight of many of our keen football players in year 2. We learnt all about how the club started over 150 years ago and how they grew to the club they are today. We also watched the victory moment from Nottingham Forest's 1979 European Cup win and made sure to cheer on the team as they beat Malmo 1-0. We are really looking forward to learning more about Nottingham Forest later in the year and are looking forward to being on the look out for the Brain Clough statue on our next visit to the city centre.


Supporting Children in Need

Week beginning 9.11.20


We have been showing our support for Children in Need this week and firstly wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all of your kind donations. We know that the money we have raised will make a big difference to lots of children who are not as lucky as we are. To support Pudsey on his quest to raise money we had a non uniform day on Friday. We loved seeing so many children in their Pudsey t-shirts! Take a look at the picture below to see some of our Playful Penguins getting into the spirit of Children in Need. We also joined in with Joe Wicks' 24 hour PE challenge this morning and caught the last 15 minutes of Joe's epic sporting adventure. We couldn't believe that Joe has been doing non-stop sport for a whole day, what amazing resilience he has! 

Welcome back year 2!

Week beginning 2.11.20


We are so pleased that you all had a lovely and safe half term and we have really enjoyed hearing about all of the things you got up to in your two week break, it sounds like you still managed to have lots of spooky halloween fun. We are so proud of how the children have returned to school this week and have been very impressed by just how much of their learning they have remembered, I'm sure many of the children in class 6 have been practicing their 5 times tables too over the half term as they are now super speedy with them! 


We became poets in our Literacy lessons this week and have read 2 different poems about the world, 'I Spun a Star' and 'River Winding'. We spotted some of the different types of sentence and had a go at re-writing the poems with our own super impressive verbs. Take a look below at the beautiful poem written by one of our Playful Penguins.


                     Flowers swaying, where do you go?

                    Rainbows glimmering, how do you show?

                   Rabbits pounding, where do you hop?

                   Parrots squawking, when will you stop?

                  Grasshoppers chirping, why are you so loud?

                  Butterfly fluttering, why don't you float to a cloud?


A Wonderful Well Being Day

Week beginning 12.10.20


Well being day was so much fun.  We made a collage 'Playful Penguin', a painting of a 'Cool Crunching Crocodile', a crocodile rock and a penguin rock for the pebble pathway plus lots of other things too! On top of our class art work we had a brilliant time doing all sorts of PE activities. Here are some photos of some of year 2 dancing with some glow sticks and learning tennis skills. Don't they look awesome!

Thank you to everyone for a very special half term. We hope you have a safe and restful holiday and we can't wait to see you all next half term. Remember to do lots of reading and don't forget to work on your challenges. Lots of love to everyone from the Year 2 Team.



Fantastic Fieldwork

Week beginning 5.10.20


Our wonderful year 2 children worked so hard on their fieldwork skills this week. We went out onto the playground and identified all the physical geographical features and human geographical features we could find. There were a lot! The children also enjoyed working in teams and showed so much reciprocity by working together and taking it in turns to record their answers. On top of all this, we read the poem 'The Magic Carpet Ride' by Brian Moses. We had lots of fun making up actions to go with the poem and identified the nouns, verbs and adjectives too. We used 'The Magic Carpet Ride' as the inspiration for our own ideas and wrote an extra verse which we think Brian Moses would be very impressed by. Year 2 are so hard working! They are awesome!

Funny Stuck Stories

Week beginning 28.9.20


We have had lots more fun this week in year 2. We have worked our socks off in maths on place value, we have written fantastic stories based on the Oliver Jeffers story 'Stuck' and we have made animal sculptures out of play dough. It really has been a wonderful week and the children are working hard and playing beautifully with each other too. The children's writing has been particularly impressive and they have had lots of fun choosing and writing about crazy objects to throw into a tree for their 'Stuck Stories'. Can you guess what happens to those crazy objects? They all get STUCK! Don't forget to ask your child about his/her story. I promise they will make you laugh! A huge thank you to everyone for working so hard on the children's reading at home. It is having a huge impact on their progress. What an awesome learning community we are!

Amazing Artists

Week beginning 21.9.20


It has been another fantastic week for year 2. We have all been working super hard on place value and we are learning to write list sentences too! On top of all this, we have been trying out different techniques in art. We have used oil pastels to make strong outlines, smudged the colours to provide a lovely hazy effect and then added a 'brusho' wash background. We have also worked on another art skill: 'collage'! You can see some of our work in the photos below. Year 2 really are amazing artists and they know that art is the same as every other subject; if you want to improve, you have to practise. You are fantastic year 2!

Ukulele Fun

Week beginning 14.9.20


We have had such a beautifully sunny week and have had so much fun playing outside with our friends. If next week is as hot, we will need to dig out our sunhats and sun cream again! The classes are quickly becoming very happy learning communities with a fantastic team spirit. It is so great to see the children developing their learning powers of reciprocity and resilience. We used our learning powers brilliantly this week as we started our ukulele lessons in year 2. We very nearly brought the school down with our impressive playing. Here is a lovely picture of some of our amazing children taking to the stage and performing for Ms M. Don't they look wonderful?

The Crunching Crocodiles and The Playful Penguins

Week beginning 7.9.20


The children are continuing to settle in beautifully and it is just so lovely to have everyone back at school. Both year 2 classes have decided on their new class names and they've made very interesting choices to say the least! You have probably already heard that class 5 are the 'Crunching Crocodiles' and class 6 are the 'Playful Penguins'. Don't you think that these are brilliant names? Let's hope that the 'Crunching Crocodiles' aren't too scary!


Thank you to you all for the lovely messages in reading diaries and for supporting the children with their reading at home. It really does make all the difference to their progress. Take a look at these two little 'Crunching Crocodiles' and some whole class collaborative art work.

A Brilliant Beginning!

Week beginning 1.9.20


What a brilliant start to year 2. We are sooooo proud of our sensible, kind, resilient year 2 children. A huge thank you and well done to each and every parent too. You have been wonderful at following all of our new systems and procedures! 


We have had so much fun this week sharing our 'Little Mole' projects which will be displayed in the classrooms for everyone to see. You must have had very busy summers because the projects are all so varied, exciting and interesting. On top of all of this, we have been so impressed with the summer learning challenges you have completed with your children. The standard of the home learning is phenomenal. What an amazing learning community we have!


Many thanks to you all for supporting the children with everything they need for their school day. On Fridays the children will be doing PE in the afternoon and will need to come to school in their PE kits. 


Thank you so much for helping to make the start of the year so special. Little Mole says, 'Welcome back to our amazing year 2 children.'

