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Woodthorpe Infant School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Welcome to Year 1's year group page. This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun. We have an exciting year ahead, with trips out, workshops and visitors already planned. We look forward to getting to know and working together with all Year 1 parents, to ensure the children have a fulfilling year.  To see a what we are learning in computing click here. For a sample of some of our computing work over the year see the class 3 display board and the class 4 display board.

End of a different year!

Week beginning 20th July


First of all, it has been an absolute privilege to teach all of the children in school or remotely.

It has been a challenge for us all in different ways but we are hopefully 'over the rainbow and back in Kansas' for the foreseeable future. 

We are all overwhelmed by the generous gifts and such kind words from parents and children. 

On behalf of the Year 1 team I would like to say a huge thank you for sticking with the home learning and /or putting your trust in us to teach them back in school. Despite the situation, there have been some great great moments.

My Never Give Up Narwhals group have been amazing. We had a bit of a disco party yesterday to celebrate and my Friday gang and I (Mrs Bright and my 6 lovely Friday children) had a lovely morning down at the Pebble Pathway today.

This is the Never Give up Narwhals signing off for the Summer and wishing you a lovely restful time with your families.

We look forward to see you back in Year 2 for the next exciting chapter.

Take care everyone and keep safe.

2020 is the year we will never forget. heart

I (Mrs Sellers) would like to thank all the parents for all the support this year and for all the hard work with the home school learning. I have been privileged to have taught some of my class for two years and would like to thank you all for your kind words and generous gifts. I hope you have a wonderful summer. Keep safe and well. Lots of love and see you in September! 


Never Give Up Narwhals- post lockdown 2020

Excitement is in the air!

Week beginning 13.7.20


There have been a lot of excited Year 1 children this week all keen to meet their new Year 2  teacher. Transition visits went very well and the children can't wait to move on. They couldn't wait to talk to us about the journals they are going to keep over the summer either, outlining their experiences with mole. Please help them complete the Summer Challenges as this will give them a great head start when they begin Year 2 in September.  In class the children remain busy and focused and proud of the skills they are learning in multiplication. They have all agreed that they 'love maths'!!!!  They are really getting to grips with the concepts that underpin multiplication. and are much more confident. They loved finding out about old toys and inventing their own modern day toys. Perfecting VR and inventing new gaming apps were unsurprisingly the most popular ideas. Have a great weekend.


Week beginning 6th July


It is that time of year when we are looking forward to moving on. The Year 1 children have continued to be amazing both at home and in school. We have been working hard on adding up equal groups this week and getting so quick! Next week will be the last week of formal learning in school but on Wednesday the children get to meet their next teacher and find out about the exciting Summer challenges.

The Year 1 team are so proud of you all and have told your Year 2 teachers how brilliant you are.

See you all soon.

A cooler week!

Week beginning 29th June


We have continued to be busy going over things we first learned before the end of March. It was impressive to see so many children adding and subtracting confidently in different ways. We have had a focus on the outside and been thinking about seasonal changes, as well as bug hunting. In the Narwhals group ( with myself, Mrs Bright) we found a worm, a bee, ants, woodlice, rain beetles, ladybirds, butterflies and even a wolf spider in the middle of its meal!

If you are learning at home, why not see what you can find? The best places to look, we found, were under things and inside things. 

Keep safe everyone!

It's been hot!

Week beginning 22.6.20


Despite the heat, the year ones have coped well with a return to almost normal lessons. We have all been very impressed with how much they have remembered, particularly in maths and literacy. Many have produced some lovely written work about our playground. We continue to paint our pebbles and they look fantastic. Please remember to bring yours to school. Our pebble pathway will look spectacular with your help and it will provide great and lasting memories for the children who contributed. For those of you still at home, well done for continuing to access the home learning. It's been lovely to see your work. and you too have remembered so much! Don't forget, you too can paint a pebble for our community art project. A big thank you to all of you who continue to support us as we work to keep our school community safe.

Busy Busy Busy!

Week beginning 15.6.20


Hi everyone! 

The Year 1 children who have returned to school have had a very busy week. The groups have created a display with their new class names. I hope you like them? We have been also very busy planting peas and spinach seeds and the Plotting Platypuses are having a competition to see who will be the star grower of the week. The children have loved painting their pebbles and have come up with some super ideas. It has been lovely to talk to the children who are still working extremely hard from home. We are so impressed with the learning you are doing! Don't forget to collect your pebble from school so that you can also paint it at home. 

Lots of love, the Year 1 team.


Week beginning 8.6.20


Welcome back to all the Year 1 children who have been learning at home since March, as well as those who have been at school but are now in a new group. They have all come back with a very positive attitude and it has been lovely to see how much they have enjoyed Art work, getting used to their new spaces and teachers and dancing away to Go Noodle! 

For those who are still learning at home, keep it up and we will carry on calling you every fortnight to see how you are getting on. Also, Mrs Burton is setting your Home Learning and will be sending you a message 


If you are at home still, please remember to pop up to use the book exchange and bring us your painted cobble to go on the drive. If any of us are outside when you come, we can wave and say hello through the fence.

Keep safe everyone and we are looking to seeing more of you soon.


June is here!

Week beginning 1.6.20


Hello everyone!

We are very excited to be getting ready for some of you coming back to school next week. 

Mrs Sellers, Ms O'Hanlon and I (Mrs Bright) can't wait to see you all. Some things will be a little bit different but lots of things will be the same and we will have fun being together again. If you are not coming back to school just yet, we will carry on giving you a call every couple of weeks to see how you are doing. Keep up your fantastic Home Learning - we are so impressed and so proud of all you have achieved while not in school.

Don't forget to look out for Miss Gill's fantastic Art project which is about decorating a stone to put on the school drive. It will be amazing!



​​​​​​Science you can do at home!

Week beginning 18.5.20


Hi class 3 and 4 I hope your all enjoying the nice weather. I ( Mrs Sellers) have been having great fun with the children trying out some science that you could do at home. I have a great floating and sinking activity for you. First, make a boat out of plasticine and place it into a bowl of water. Then, check that it floats. Next, place some 1p coins into your boat and see how many you can place into it until it sinks (see pictures below). Have a competition with your family to see who can place the most. 


Today, we have been drawing shadows of toy animals but you can draw shadows of anything. It is a really fun activity you can do outside as long as the sun is shining. We hope you are all keeping well and safe and we can't wait to see you all again soon.


Lots of love, the Year 1 teachers.

Be a May Detective!

Week beginning 11.5.20


Hello everyone. It is now the middle of May and there is so much to spot outside. I (Mrs Bright) have seen some beautiful bluebells and other flowers blooming when I have been able to go out for some exercise.

I have been so impressed with your hard work on Purple Mash and loved chatting with some of you earlier this week. You are amazing! Well done also to your adults who have been working hard to help you with your home learning. The weather is getting better again so make sure you get outside and be a nature detective!


My challenge to you is this:

Search for a favourite flower, bird, leaf, a sky view, a land view.

Draw them or take some photos to share. 

Below are some of mine.


Take care everyone. Stay safe and see you all soon.


Views from my home

What can you grow?

Week beginning 4.5.20


Hi everyone, the year 1 teachers are so impressed at how hard you are all working at home. We love getting a message from you on Purple Mash; it makes our day. I (Mrs Sellers) have been doing some planting with the children. We have planted some peas and spinach. The children have taken them home to grow and they are going to take some photos of how well they are growing. Why don't you have a go at growing something and you can take some photos and bring the photos into school to show when we are all back together. We are missing you all! Stay safe and keep smiling! All our love, the year 1 teachers.

Choose a challenge!

Week beginning 27.4.20


First of all a big thank you to all the year 1 children (and parents) who continue to access the home learning and Purple Mash activities. It has been great to see how well you are doing and how much you are learning! All of us love to read the messages and look at the photos you have sent into school. This week, I (Ms O'Hanlon) have been enjoying the beautiful weather. During my daily walks it has been lovely to see all the signs of spring. I have also started growing some vegetables and look forward to having some sweetcorn later on in the year! Have you been growing anything? Hopefully your can tell us when we all come back to school. Below is a link to some challenges that I hope you all enjoy. I was amazed at the balloon kebabs on page 9.


Stay safe and keep washing those hands! Love from the Year 1 teachers.

Spring Fun!

Week beginning 20.4.20


Hi everyone, we hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely Spring sunshine. I have been very busy (Mrs Sellers) trying out some experiments and having great fun! When I was at school we experimented on how to blow up a balloon but not with our mouths. Here's the link you can have a good at home sure you ask an adult to help you. Also we made our tornado in a bottle which was a big hit with the children. The most exciting thing was we actually launched a water bottle rocket into the air with the help of Mr Ward. Unfortunately, this experiment didn't work on Science Day so I will do it again when we are all back together. We can't wait see you all and hear all your news. Keep working hard at home and sending you all a big hug!

Lots of love from The Year 1 Teachers

Rocket Bottle!

Still image for this video

Having Fun!

Week beginning 30.3.20


Hello Year Ones. We hope you are all safe and happy and healthy.  I  (Ms O'Hanlon) have had a lovely week and I celebrated a birthday. I had a lovely day and it was made even better after reading birthday cards and video messages from Year One children. So a big THANK YOU to all of you. What have you been doing and learning this week? We have had a lot of fun with a helicopter challenge. Here is the link: Have a go and let us know which one you found flew best.  Oh and don't forget to keep up the exercise!

Loads of love 

From The Year 1 Teachers

Hello Everyone!

Week beginning 23.3.20


Hello class 3 and 4 children! We hope you are all well and staying safe. We hope you have been having lots of fun at home and also doing lots of learning. We will be excited to hear about it when we are all back together. I have been joining in with Joe Wicks PE when I can. Have you had a go? It's lots of fun! My cat Maisy has been looking at me strangely and has been wondering what I am doing. Here's a little challenge for you. How about making a Tornado in a bottle; this is the link: You could even put some food colouring in. Take some photos to show me when we get back. Stay safe and we can't wait to see you soon. Lots of love from The Year 1 Teachers

Thank you!

Week beginning 16.3.20


Due to our unexpected closure, all the Year 1 teachers feel as though they haven't had the opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support so far this year.  We are having a great year and have enjoyed getting to know you and your children. We all hope it won't be long until we are all back together again. Keep safe and well. Best wishes from the Year 1 teachers. 

Duckling Fun!

Week Beginning 16.3.20


The year 1 children have been enjoying the ducklings. They are growing fast and eating loads! Hope you enjoy the video.

Swimming Ducklings!

Still image for this video

Duckling Fun!

Still image for this video

Marvellous Measuring

Week beginning 9.3.20


The children in classes 3 and 4 have had a very busy week. They have been learning to measure length and height using standard and non-standard units and even measured each other with cubes. The children loved making rockets on Science Day and I'm sure they showed you how far they could launch their mouse. On Wednesday, the children had a very interesting trip to St. Mark's church learning about baptism, the bible and communion. We have had lots of excitement with the arrival of our ducklings and two have already hatched! 

Exploring the Senses

Week beginning 2.3.20


This week the children in classes 3 and 4 have been learning to subtract using sticks and dots and they have done very well. In literacy we have been learning facts about Nottingham Forest. Even the teachers have learnt some facts! In science we have been exploring the senses. There were lots of funny faces when the children were using the smelling pots and lots of  excitement from the sound that the ear gongs made. We have another exciting week planned for next week, including Science Day and our trip to St. Mark's.

Welcome Back

Week beginning 23.2.20


Classes 3 and 4 have had another busy week. It was lovely to hear about all the children's adventures during the half term. Lots of children were eager to tell us about their trip to London and talked about the land marks they saw which we had previously covered. This week the children have started to use Base 10 to subtract 2 digit numbers and have enjoyed learning about 'The Great Fire of London' and asking questions and finding answers about animals in science. We have another busy week coming up next week!



Athlete Event

Week beginning 10.2.20


Classes 3 and 4 have had another busy week. The highlight of the week was  a visit from Sam Oldham the Gymnastic Olympian who put the children through their paces. The children enjoyed a variety of activities and showed how much stamina and resilience they have. Please keep the donations coming as it will benefit the athlete and the school.



Trent Lock Visit

Week beginning 3.2.20


Classes 3 and 4 have had a very busy week. On Monday the children were introduced to base 10 in their maths lesson. The children enjoyed investigating numbers using the equipment. In science this week the children went on a tree trail in the school environment observing closely the changes taking place during the winter months. The highlight of the week was a visit from Trent Lock. The children were involved in recreating the story of how the canals were first built. They learnt some very interesting facts!



Class 3 and 4 at Springbank Primary School Phiz Lab

Week beginning 27.1.20


Classes 3 and 4 enjoyed the Science activities at Springbank Primary School. The children investigated floating and sinking in the lab where they made a boat out of plasticine and then investigated how many metal counters they could place in it before it sank. They ensured their boat didn't let any water in at the sides and that there were no cracks so that it didn't sink straight away. The children also investigated light sources. They used different light sources to observe which was the best light source to see clearly what was in the bear cave. Finally, they tried out different materials to see which would be the best curtains to keep the sun out of the bear cave for the bear. A big thank you to The Friends of Woodthorpe who paid for the transport to Springbank Primary School.


Electro City

Week beginning 20.1.20


Many of the year one girls expressed disinterest in Lego before the Electro City workshop. Some of the boys were heard to comment that "Lego was for boys". Despite their preconceptions, we all had a lovely time. The children demonstrated a lot of creativity when thinking and building their cities. The loveliest part of the day though was the way in which they all worked together to create a city that lit up. They were enthusiastic, awestruck and proud. It definitely was one of those moments in teaching...


Landmarks and dissecting plants

Week beginning 13.1.20


It has been lovely to hear from parents how interested year 1 children are in new learning. Many children have gone home to discuss Mary Anning with parents after learning about her in school. This week we have been finding famous landmarks in the UK and the children have also had the opportunity to dissect plants and bulbs, and to learn the names and functions of parts of plants. Please keep coming with stories of subjects that have grabbed the children's interest as it helps us plan a more relevant curriculum.


A Great Start

Week beginning 6.1.20


What a great start to our new term! The children have come back rested and eager to learn. They have been full of stories about what they got up to during the holidays - clearly they have had a lovely break. Equally they are very excited to learn that we will all be visiting the Phiz Lab later this month (Mrs Sellers deserves a big thank you for organising this for the whole school). This week the children have been learning about nouns and proper nouns and they have learned how to use a number line to add and subtract. Thank you for continuing to support the children's learning at home. It makes a huge difference.

End of Term

Week beginning 16.12.19


We have had a lovely week to end our first term! Santa has visited and the children enjoyed their Christmas dinner and party. They  loved having the opportunity to finish calendars and Christmas Cards and those should be home with you by the end of the day.  We are all very sorry to say goodbye to Sally Need. She has always made music very accessible to all the children in school. Thank you for all your support this year. Have a great Christmas and a lovely New Year.

Christmas Performance

Week beginning 9.12.19


This week we have had nerves and stage fright and final tweaks to dances. However in the end the year one children thoroughly enjoyed their moment to shine and I'm sure you will all agree - they were fantastic! The Christmas theme continues in class and children are busy making Christmas calendars and cards and planning stories with a Christmas theme. Thank you to all who supported our Christmas Fair. It was a great success. One more week to go......

Christmas Countdown

Week beginning 2.11.19


While 'normal' work has continued for the children this week, there is a definite festive feel to the air  in school. Rehearsals  for the performance have continued and the year 1 children are enjoying the build up to their dance. Adults have worked  hard to ensure there is merchandise for the Christmas fair and children have enjoyed the baking and making opportunities this has provided. Hope to see you all there.

The Seasons and Mary Anning

Week beginning 25.11.19


The Year ones were fascinated as they investigated the difference a few weeks of Autumn can make to our trees. They are beginning to recognise the difference Autumn and Winter can make to the length of the day. We learned a little bit more about the important events in Mary Annings life and put them in chronological order. In Maths, children have been using base 10 to find out how many tens and units in a 2 digit number.






Sorting and grouping

Week beginning 18.11.19


Year ones found out this week how the shape of an animals teeth can tell us if they are carnivore, herbivore or omnivores.  Many went on to explain how they could sort  animals  by looking at their teeth.  Children found themselves sorting in Maths this week as they learned about the properties of 2d and 3d shape.  Our Mystery  History personality was revealed much to the children's excitement.  The Year ones will be learning about Mary Anning. They were intrigued to learn that she lived in Lyme Regis.  Some expressed an interest in holidays there...........

History Mystery

Week beginning 11.11.19


The Year ones were introduced to a History Mystery this week and made very sensible predictions about who (or what) they could be learning about next week. They studied a range of pictures and archaeological artefacts and there are definitely a few detectives in the making! Children used a range of equipment to develop their understanding of the vocabulary of addition and subtraction.

Safety Week

Week beginning 4.11.19


We have had a lovely start to the new half term and the children were really excited to have the opportunity to meet real live firefighters and to clamber all over their fire engines.  They responded well to learning about how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations. The Year Ones have come back with lovely stories about their holidays and have settled well to work. They enjoyed practically sorting evergreen and deciduous  leaves and plants and are excited to start preparations for our schools Christmas performance.


Week beginning 14.10.19


In computing lessons this week, your child has been learning that photos can be shared when people send them to their friends. We chatted about how that can make people sad sometimes and learnt that it is important to always ask permission of the person/people in the photo before it is shared.  If we are ever sad or get a funny feeling in our tummy about photos being shared we know we have to tell an adult we can trust. You might have seen a hand come home with your child, containing names of their trusted adults so they know you to talk with should they ever be worried or upset.  Click here to see the video we watched in class. There is a song at the end with some memorable tips when working online. Thank you and have a great half term.



The Bug Hunt

Week Beginning 7.10.19


The Year 1 children enjoyed exploring the school outdoor environment to see what bugs and animals they could discover. They observed a variety of Slugs, Snails, Woodlice, Squirrels and the most excitement was caused by a Wiggly Worm.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Week beginning 30.9.19


The Year 1 children have had a very busy week with lots of learning opportunities. They were all very brave when facing the elements on Tuesday at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Despite the rain the children really enjoyed seeing a variety of animals and also had the opportunity of holding an African Snail and stroking a real live snake. On Wednesday, we had a visit from Beth who is a Veterinary Nurse from Mapperley. She came to share her experience of zoo animals from when she worked at Chester Zoo. 

Comparing Animals

Week beginning 23.9.19


The children in Year 1 have had another busy week. Due to the weather, unfortunately we were unable to go to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park but instead we were able to observe two jungle animals up close. The children enjoyed using magnifying glasses to see the key features of the animals. Lets hope the sun shines for us on Tuesday as we are all really excited about seeing the animals at the park.

Classifying Animals

Week beginning 16.9.19


Firstly, we would like to thank all the parents who attended the curriculum meeting on Wednesday evening. It was really lovely to see so many of you. This week the children have been introduced to some new vocabulary about mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds. They have learnt about warm blooded and cold blooded animals ready for our trip to Yorkshire wildlife. The children have also been researching how long it will take us to get there and which will be the shortest route. Please remember to send your child with a back pack and waterproof clothing because the forecast is not very promising.sad

Jungle animals and sorting

Week beginning 9.9.19


This week  the children have had their first taste of the year 1  curriculum. They have enjoyed sorting animals by pattern, number of legs, colour and size.  They have followed this up  by choosing an jungle animal pattern to draw and will later make this into an animal face. Some of the art work has been outstanding! The children have felt very grown-up as they have been introduced to a new style of handwriting, designed to make joining easier later on. More about this at the Curriculum Evening.....

First Week Back

Week beginning 3.9.19


The children in year 1 have all settled well into the school routine. They are already asking questions about and looking forward to the school trip later in the month.  The topic this term is about animals and the children will be introduced to vocabulary such as carnivore, herbivore and omnivore and they will learn how to sort animals into groups such as reptiles, birds, mammals, amphibians and insects. Thanks to all the adults who have helped support the children as they have come into to school.  We are all looking forward to a fabulous year!

