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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1's year group page. This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun. We have an exciting year ahead, with trips out, workshops and visitors already planned. We look forward to getting to know and working together with all Year 1 parents, to ensure the children have a fulfilling year. 

Theatre Production! 

Week Beginning 14.7.24

This week, we finished writing our instructional texts. We included all the features of an instructional text, and the children did some amazing writing.

On Monday, we had our Well-being Day. We started the day by watching a theatre production of ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ We joined in with clapping and singing and had a great time! We made fridge magnets, and in the afternoon, we enjoyed doing archery, multi-sports skills, and disco dodgeball!

Mrs. Mitchell found some Top Trumps in the cupboard, and we have really enjoyed playing this game and discovering interesting facts about different creatures.

Next week, we will be finishing our books with moving sliders in DT and practicing for our summer sing, which we are looking forward to performing! We hope you can join us! We will also be saying our final goodbyes to Mrs Tyler and Ms McGuinness as they finish their time with us at Woodthorpe Infant School.


Almost there! 

Week Beginning 8.7.24

As we near the end of the summer term, we are just finishing our final Talk for Writing unit on Instructions. We have explored the features of an instruction text, such as titles, sub-headings, numbers to organise, and the roles of opening and closing sentences. We are excited to create our own instruction texts next week!

In maths this week, we have been using the part-whole model and number lines to create addition and subtraction number sentences and fact families. The children have really impressed me with how secure they are becoming in place value, addition, and subtraction, as well as their ability to manipulate numbers.

In science, we have been identifying and naming a variety of common animals. We recalled the characteristics of these groups, such as amphibians being cold-blooded, laying eggs in water, living in water or on land, and having moist skin.

In PE, we have been using a variety of skills we have been perfecting this term. Tennis, hockey, and throwing were some of the skills we have been developing and practicing.

Next week, we are looking forward to our theatre production of "The Wizard of Oz," well-being day, and our final history lesson on the Great Fire of London.








Summer Fair!

Week Beginning 1.7.24

This week was packed with activities, events, and curriculum fun! We had our final transition visit to our new classes, and the children are now familiar with their new friends and teachers, feeling nicely settled and ready for the new term in September. Additionally, the children have brought home a small challenge for you to complete over the summer break, which will allow them to share their experiences when we return.

In maths, we focused on addition, using rekenreks and number lines to count on. We also explored the concept of commutativity, learning that 14+6 and 6+14 yield the same result.

In English, we started examining the features of instructional texts. We discussed titles, subheadings, and how the introduction and first line of the text provide clear information about what the instructions will help us accomplish.

In Science, we used our senses to explore the outdoor area, noting the various things we could smell, see, feel, and hear.

We ended the week with our summer fair last night. Mrs. M got very wet in the stocks, and Miss Creber was covered in jelly! There were lots of sparkly faces, games, and prizes to be won. Thank you all for your support; the money raised goes back into the school to benefit all our children. Thank you!




Brackenhurst Visit! 

Week beginning 24.7.24

This week, we visited Brackenhurst to learn about how food travels from the farm to our forks! We explored the site and discovered various aspects of farming, including how the animals are cared for, what they produce, and how the byproducts are utilised.

We saw cows, goats, bulls, horses, and donkeys. Additionally, we made our own apple juice. First, we chopped the apples, then put them into the grinder and turned the handle to crush and chop them. The crushed apples were placed into a press to extract the juice, while the byproducts (cores, seeds, and brown apple pieces) were sent to the stables to feed the horses. We also used milk from the animals to make soft cheese. We brought the apple juice back to school to drink and made bean pots from newspaper, planting a bean in each one.

In history this week, the children were fascinated by toys from the past. We read a story and watched a video clip about how children played in the 1950s. We discussed the materials the toys were made from and compared them to the toys we have today. The children were amazed to learn that children used to play on old, cobbled streets!

We finished the week with an incredibly family disco. It was my first one and it truly showed what a great community WIS is! We are all very tired and hot, but we have had a fantastic week making more memories! Next week we have another transition visit and our Summer Fair!


Sports Day. 

Week beginning 17.6.24

Luckily, the weather was kind to us this week and we managed to have our sports day on Tuesday. The children showed incredible teamwork and resilience, cheering and celebrating everyone’s achievements. It was a fun and enjoyable afternoon.

This week in science, we have been looking at flowers, particularly the petals, and exploring how they are different and why. We explored our outdoor area and found a variety of flowers with different colours, sizes, and shapes of petals. We cut out a flower, folded the petals, and put it into water to watch what happened. The children were in awe as the water was transported through the petals, causing them to open. We then put the flowers into the water to watch how the colours spread too!

Last half term, we planted some potatoes outside our classroom in potato bags. Mrs. Harvey helped the children dig these up, and on Friday, we tasted them. There was a mixture of opinions on whether the children liked them!

I’m not sure how we fitted this in too, but the children spent an exciting morning with their new teacher and classmates. There were lots of smiles and excitement and a fun morning was had by all!



Week begining 10.6.24


We have had a busy but enjoyable week. The week started with our well-being day in Class 4. We painted backgrounds and then used our cutting skills to create a silhouette of a mini beast. We then embellished our work using paper in different ways to create more depth. In the afternoon, we did a variety of athletics and sports day events in preparation for our sports day next week!

We have started to orally learn our new Talk for Writing text called "We’re Going to Find a Monster." In maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers using our knowledge of tens and ones in 2-digit numbers. We had an enjoyable conversation in our history lesson, looking at sources of evidence such as diaries, photographs, eyewitness reports, and artefacts, and discussing their reliability.

In Design and Technology yesterday, we learnt how to make an object move. We explored making up-and-down and side-to-side sliders to demonstrate this, and we will develop other skills over the term, hopefully finishing with a moving parts book that we will create.

Finally, a big well done to all our Year 1 children, who impressed us this week with their knowledge in the phonics screening check. They did themselves proud. Well done!



Welcome back to a busy but exciting half term! 

Week beginning 3.6.24 


Welcome back to the final half-term of the year. This week, it has been wonderful to hear about all the exciting activities that the children and their families enjoyed during the break. We have an eventful half-term ahead, filled with activities such as sports day, a visit from the theatre company, the summer fair, and beginning our transition into Year 2!

This week, our computing lessons focused on making animations. The children used still images that they copied and modified, starting with an acorn and illustrating its growth into an oak tree. Next week, we will be adding backgrounds and sounds to our animations.

In science, we have been honing our investigative skills to work scientifically. We conducted an experiment to determine which material would keep ice solid the longest, checking every ten minutes to observe and record the changes. The children made incredibly accurate predictions!

During our continuous provision time, the children thoroughly enjoyed building with Kapla and Polydron. In Class 4, the interactive globe has captured the children's interest, and they have been using it to learn more about the countries featured in our "World on Wednesday" books.

A fantastic end to the half term

Week beginning 20.5.24


What a fun week it has been. The children loved computing this week, exploring purple mash and creating their own program on 2go. They continue to impress the adults with their skills of logging on. Class 3 also enjoyed their wellbeing day this week. In the morning, we enjoyed our art project. We used bottles to squirt and drag paint down to create our backgrounds before using black paper to create our insects and 3D art. The end products were amazing. I know class 4 are excited for their turn after half term. Thank you for your continued support again this half term, we hope you have a lovely break with your families and we will see you soon! 


Week beginning 13.5.24


What an impressive week it has been! The children have shown great reciprocity as they worked together in teams for a memory game. The children were very excited and loved cheering their team members on as they had to look at and remember all the continents and oceans - I'm sure you'll be impressed with their knowledge! It has been great watching the caterpillars as they have turned into butterflies. The children have used fantastic observational skills and had lots of discussions about the life cycle. In class 3 we have also said goodbye to Miss Klinska this week who had been working with us on her teaching placement. The children have loved working with her and wish her lots of luck. 

Lots of Geographers!

Week beginning 29.4.24


Classes 3 and 4 were both VERY excited to do some Geography together this week. We talked about maps and their purposes before creating our own maps of the playground. We then used these to identify the human and physical features. It was great to see all the children work so well together. In Art this week, we have continued our work making 3D sculptures to have a go at making a 3D tree. The end results were fantastic. The children have continued showing great reciprocity in maths as we have been learning about arrays and making groups. What fabulous classes we have! 

Computing whizzes! 

Week beginning 22.4.24


The children have been VERY excited to have the computers back out in computing this half term. They were so speedy at logging on and loved playing the games on purple mash. We have been talking about the need for passwords and why it is important we don't share these with other people. The children have then been finding their passwords on the keyboard to log on. In Art, we have continued exploring folding, rolling and bending paper to create 3D shapes. Later this half term we will be creating an exciting art piece with newspaper! If you have any old newspapers at home, please bring them into school. Thank you for all the support and have a wonderful weekend. 

Summer time! 

Week beginning 15.4.24


Welcome back into the Summer term! We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break with your friends and families. We have had a fantastic week back. In English we have started to learn the Three Billy Goats Gruff - the children have fantastic troll voices! Ask your child to tell you the story at home - you will love it. The children have been very excited about maths this week. We have been learning about splitting into even groups and seeing how many 'groups of _' are in a given number. It was fantastic to see the children working together, demonstrating lots of reciprocity. 

Eggcellent end to the Spring term!

Week beginning 25.3.24

What a lovely way to end a fantastic spring term! This week the children have been measuring in maths, looking at the vocabulary of shorter, longer and taller. They have measured with the non-standard units of cubes and moved onto cm. The children really impressed me with the accuracy they showed, measuring in cm with rulers. We finished our artwork, inspired by the artist ‘Clarice Cliff’. We used our knowledge of primary and secondary colours to create our concentric circles and finished it off using a straw blowing technique in black to show a contrasting tree. The results were so lovely we displayed them in our classroom.

Some children in Class 4 planted potatoes in our potato bags outside the classroom with Mrs Harvey. We will make sure we water and look after these in the spring term to help them to grow.

We finished the week with our egg decorating and rolling competitions. We had a cracking time and had lots of fun. Grace won the Class 4 race while Charlie in Class 3 won their race to roll their egg across the hall and closest to the line!

Finally, a massive thank you to all the children for their hard work this term and to the parents and carers for all your much valued support. Have a well-deserved rest and enjoy time with your families.

Spring has Spring!

Week beginning 18.3.24

It has been lovely to see the signs of spring this week! We have been incredibly busy, as usual, setting up science investigations, coding the Ozobots , creating Clarice Cliff plates and bopping away at the disco!

We started the week in PE using the apparatus to show the different shapes, balances and jumps that we have been learning over this half term. The children were brave and sensible when setting up the equipment, jumping and climbing.

The Ozobots presented us with some challenges this week, we had to show great resilience when we were trying to code them to show some very clever moves like zigzagging, spinning, moving backwards and even creating a tornado! Using four colours to create different codes was quite tricky and we had to do a lot of debugging when we found errors in our algorithms.

The disco on Thursday was a great success, the children never stopped dancing, strutting their moves and working together to create dance sequences. There were some very hot and sweaty but happy children. It was a delight to see them having so much fun.

We finished the week with our art on Friday. We used what we have been learning about primary and secondary colours to create concentric circles in the style of Clarice Cliff. When these are dry on Monday, we are going to finish these by using the technique of straw blowing the paint to create a tree and branches over the top of our designs. I can’t wait to see the finished work and display these in the classroom.

Spring has Spring!

It has been lovely to see the signs of spring this week! We have been incredibly busy, as usual, setting up science investigations, coding the Ozobots , creating Clarice Cliff plates and bopping away at the disco!

We started the week in PE using the apparatus to show the different shapes, balances and jumps that we have been learning over this half term. The children were brave and sensible when setting up the equipment, jumping and climbing.

The Ozobots presented us with some challenges this week, we had to show great resilience when we were trying to code them to show some very clever moves like zigzagging, spinning, moving backwards and even creating a tornado! Using four colours to create different codes was quite tricky and we had to do a lot of debugging when we found errors in our algorithms.

The disco on Thursday was a great success, the children never stopped dancing, strutting their moves and working together to create dance sequences. There were some very hot and sweaty but happy children. It was a delight to see them having so much fun.

We finished the week with our art on Friday. We used what we have been learning about primary and secondary colours to create concentric circles in the style of Clarice Cliff. When these are dry on Monday, we are going to finish these by using the technique of straw blowing the paint to create a tree and branches over the top of our designs. I can’t wait to see the finished work and display these in the classroom.

A visit to St Marks Church

Week beginning 11.3.2024

This week, Class 3 and 4 visited St Marks Church. Tim, the Children’s and Youth Minister and his lovely volunteers made us feel very welcome. We found out about how babies and older children are baptised and welcomed into the church as well as discussing ideas about how Christians thank God and prey.

In School, we have been busy in our computing lessons discovering coding and how we can create an algorithm and debug this if it doesn’t work! The children had great fun with the Ozobots. They were using coloured codes to turn left, right and stop.

In history, we have continued with our theme of cause and consequence, linking this to the great fire of London and what might have happened if the houses were not wooden and so close together. What was the cause of the fire and what were the consequence of this.

We have continued with our work on primary and secondary colours in art this week. We looked at the colour green and the different shades. We made the secondary colour with yellow and blue and then had to think about how to make this lighter or darker using only these colours. We then painted a hand where the challenge was to paint each finger a different shade of green.

We Love Reading! World Book Day Fun!

Week Beginning 4.3.2024

We have had another busy week in Year 1!  Thursday was World Book Day and we had great fun sharing books and reading children’s favourite stories. There was a collection of great costumes as the children and staff, dressed up as book characters. In Science, this week, we were investigating magnets and finding out that magnets have a North and South and that they attract or repel. We then had a challenge where we had to get a paperclip out of a cup of water without getting the magnet wet. This took us while to achieve but the children showed great resilience and problem-solving skills, and it was lovely to see their proud faces when they were successful!

In History, we revisited what we already know About Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and discussed how they were treated, was this the same and was it fair? We ended the week with art, we recapped on the primary and secondary colours and then used these to print and create patterns and sequences.

We have had another busy week in Year 1!  Thursday was World Book Day and we had great fun sharing books and reading children’s favourite stories. There was a collection of great costumes as the children and staff, dressed up as book characters. In Science, this week, we were investigating magnets and finding out that magnets have a North and South and that they attract or repel. We then had a challenge where we had to get a paperclip out of a cup of water without getting the magnet wet. This took us while to achieve but the children showed great resilience and problem-solving skills, and it was lovely to see their proud faces when they were successful!

In History, we revisited what we already know About Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and discussed how they were treated, was this the same and was it fair? We ended the week with art, we recapped on the primary and secondary colours and then used these to print and create patterns and sequences.

Goodbye Miss Creber heart

Week beginning  26.2.2024

This week we said a sad farewell to Miss Creber. Miss Creber has been an incredible asset to the school and has worked closely with Class 3 and 4 over the years, she will be sadly missed. We wish her well in her new career. 

This week we have been busy in history, discussing new and old toys. We discussed the differences between the materials they were made from and the packaging and information that was included on these. We also explored the concept of boys and girls toys and our thoughts around this. It got very heated at times! The children had very strong morals about stereotyping and fairness. 

In art we looked at a piece of work called 'Numbers in Colour' by Jasper Johns. We learnt about primary colours and secondary colours. We painted with red, yellow and blue then investigated mixing colours to make purple, green and orange. In our english this week, we have been exploring time starters both at the start of and in our stories. We have used openings like 'There once was, one day, long ago, early that morning and later that night' to think about when events happen. We have used base 10, Numicon and cubes to partition numbers to 50 and look at how many tens and ones make that two-digit number. 

A super week Year 1 with those great Learning Powers shining through! Well done. 

Spring has Sprung

Week beginning 19.2.2024

Welcome back to the Spring 2 term. Year 1 has been investigating the seasons and looking for the signs of spring! Unfortunately, the weather wasn't too kind to us this week, but we have been discussing how the blossom, shoots, and buds will be starting to grow, how the birds, bees, and butterflies are starting to come out, and how the length of the day is changing. We planted flowers to look after and watch them grow.

We have finished and taken home our DT puppets from last half-term, and in art, we are now starting to learn about primary and secondary colours. This week in history, we were discussing the cause and effect of events in the past. We shared ideas about the riots in Nottingham, which caused the burning down of Nottingham Castle. Alongside all of this, we have been coding the Ozobots in computing and started to learn our new Talk for Writing text called 'The Storm Whale.'  A fantastic busy first week back; well done Year 1! You have been engaged and enthusiastic throughout!

A fantastic half term

Week beginning 5.2.24


What a fantastic half term it has been! We continue to be impressed by the children's progress and attitudes to learning. It is a pleasure being their teachers. Thank you to all those who attended parents' evening, I'm sure you're as proud of your child as we are. To end the half term, the children have loved designing and finishing their puppets. The resilience they have shown is amazing. Class 3 also enjoyed their well being day on Friday where we worked on our DT skills to make a mini person. They had lots of fun joining in with laser tag, cheerleading and boccia. Have a lovely half term break and we look forward to seeing you back soon. 

We LOVE reading 

Week beginning 29.1.24


We have been so excited to have the book fair in school this week. Both classes have enjoyed exploring the book fair and having a look at some new books. Class 3 chose a new class book and we can't wait to read it together! The children had a lovely time and left with an exciting wish list of books (so did the teachers!). Thank you for supporting the book fair and we hope you had as much fun as we did. In computing, we have enjoyed using the ozobots. The children learned how to turn them on, off and calibrate them. They then explored creating different lines, shapes and colours for the ozobot to travel along. We can't wait to get them out again next week!

Super scientists! 

Week beginning 22.1.24


The children were very excited about science this week! We have learned about the 5 senses and how these can be used and help us. The children had lots of fun as they worked in pairs to explore a range of objects using their 5 senses. We talked about what they can see, hear, touch, taste and smell and thought of words to describe with their partner. The children especially enjoyed using the 'feely bag' - how exciting! 

Resilient mathematicians

Week beginning 15.1.24


Wow! We have been blown away by the children's maths this week. They have shown lots of their learning powers as we have been learning about tens and ones and using base 10. The children have been very resilient when using the new equipment and have shown great reciprocity as they worked together. We played a great game testing each other. Over the week, we have continued learning our story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. There are definitely lots of super story tellers in class 3 & 4! Ask your child to show you at home - we are sure you will be blown away.  

Pinxton Puppets

Week beginning 8.1.24


Happy New Year! We have had a fantastic start to 2024. It has been great to see the children after the break and they have settled back amazingly. This week, we were very lucky and had an exciting visit from 'Pinxton Puppets'. We learned about the different kinds of puppets and watched a puppet show of Little Red Riding Hood. It was very funny! The children then worked with our fantastic visitors to create a puppet of their own. They were given their template to design and chose their material to make some clothes. The children's puppets looked great. What a fantastic day!  

It's Christmas! 

Week beginning 18.12.23


What a fantastic week we have had! The children (and staff!) are now well and truly in the Christmas spirit. We had a fantastic time on Wednesday for our party day. The children showed off their fancy moves and enjoyed different party games and treats. The children have been very busy with Christmas crafts - Miss Sheppard was even brave enough to get the glitter out! We hope you enjoy seeing these crafts come home in the week.


We are  very sad to be saying goodbye to the lovely Mrs Sellers. She is a fantastic teacher who will be greatly missed. We wish her lots of luck in her new job! Thank you to everyone for your kind words, cards and gifts as well as your ongoing support so far this year. We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas break and we will see you in the new year! smiley

Thank You!


I would like to say a big 'Thank You' for all the kind wishes and generous presents. I have loved teaching your children this term and thank you for all the support that you have given to me. I have had seven wonderful years at Woodthorpe Infant School and have taught so many wonderful children. I will cherish the memories.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Lots of Love,

Mrs Sellers heart

The Sleepy Shepherd

Week beginning 11.12.23


What a week it has been! I hope you were as proud of the children as we were for their fantastic performances of The Sleepy Shepherd this week. All of their hard work paid off and they did an amazing job dancing and singing. The children have also enjoyed their wellbeing days this week. They worked great as a class team to create a wonderful winter landscape. The children have also started making calendars for 2024! We are very excited to see the finished product. On Friday we had a special treat as we were joined by players from the Hucknall and Linby brass band who came to play some Christmas songs. What a festive treat to take us in to the last week of term. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 

Week beginning 4.12.23


We're getting more Christmassy every day here at WIS. This week the children were very excited to put up decorations in their classrooms. They also had a fantastic time decorating their party hats ready to enjoy their Christmas dinner. If we weren't feeling Christmassy enough with dinner and party hats, it was also Christmas jumper day! What an exciting time. We also had our dress rehearsal this week. The children were amazing and we can't wait for you to enjoy this next week.  It was fantastic to see so many of you at the Christmas fair. I'm not sure who had more fun - the children or the grown ups! 


Busy bees!

Week beginning 27.11.23


We had a great time completing circuits activities this week with Miss Bartlam. The children showed great resilience and reciprocity as they approached the new activities. They definitely impressed the adults! We have also had another busy week getting ready for the nativity. We have joined the Year 2 children in the hall to start putting it all together and we can't wait to share this with you! In DT this week, the children were very creative as they designed and decorated the base of their windmill. We can't wait to see the end result. 

A wonderful week

Week beginning 20.11.23


The children have continued to show us how wonderful they are this week. We have continued our work on the story 'The Acorn' and the children have blown us away coming up with their own sentence starters, verbs and even onomatopoeia! We are very excited to see what else they come up with next week as we begin to innovate the story. In science, the children have been learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We had some fantastic discussions about these. It was then great to see the children's reciprocity as they worked hard sorting the animals into groups. 

A noisy time! 

Week beginning 13.11.23


The children really enjoyed their music session this week. We have been learning about dynamics (loud and quiet) and tempo (speed) and using these to tell a story about some swimmers and sharks. It was great listening to the children tell the story but it did get very loud! Lots of music was also enjoyed at the school disco on Thursday. The children were so excited to show off their party clothes and had a fantastic time dancing. They definitely taught the adults how to move! We have also continued learning and working on our English story 'The Acorn' this week. Ask your child to tell you the story at home - they have been super story tellers! 

Nottingham Castle 

Week beginning 6.11.23


We have been so excited to see all the children back after half term and what a week it has been! We hope you all had a lovely break. The children were very excited to go on their first Year 1 trip to Nottingham Castle this week. It was fantastic to explore the castle and learn about what has happened to the castle over the years. The children enjoyed exploring the Robin Hood exhibition and learning about the legend of Robin Hood (I think some of the adults did too!). It was also fantastic to go down into the caves. What a fantastic day! We would like to thank those who volunteered to help again and those who came with us on the trip. We wouldn't be able to do things like this without your continued support. 


Have a great break!

Week beginning 16.10.2023


We have had another busy week at school. The children enjoyed the 'Wellbeing days.' They had great fun with the art activities and the sport activities. 

We have been busy writing our own version of 'The Tiny Little Fly' story. The children have been really resilient with working independently. In Maths we have been recording addition equations.

Thank you to you all for coming to meet with us to discuss how your child has settled and their progress. It was so lovely to meet you all!


Have a wonderful half term and get plenty of rest.

The year 1 team wink

Yum Yum!

Week beginning 9.10.23


The children had great fun making and drinking their chosen smoothies. We were surprised how well the children could hold and cut up their fruit. We had lots of happy faces!

In maths this week the children have been learning how to use a part whole model. This gives the children an understanding of how a number can be parted and then put back together to make the whole number.

In Music this week the children have been using instruments to keep in time with the pulse in music. 

We hope the children are showing off their reading skills to you at home. They are really enjoying the range of reading books.

We are really looking forward to meeting you all next Tuesday and Wednesday evening to discuss your child's progress.


See you next week!

The year 1 team

Seasonal Changes

Week beginning 2.10.23

The children in class 3 and 4 have been using the equipment in the exploration shed to observe the seasonal changes. They used the magnifying glasses and binoculars to observe the trees and collected fallen leaves to match them with the leaf identification sheet. 

In maths this week the children have been using number lines to find 'one more and one less.'

We hope the children told you about the smoothies they tasted last week. This week they will be making their favourite one.

The children used their reciprocity this week in PE by creating a 'Motif.'


Enjoy the lovely weather promised this weekend!

The year 1 team

Thank You!

Week beginning 25.9.23


Thank you so much to all the parents that attended the 'Curriculum Evening' on Monday. We hope you found it informative. If you were unable to attend we will be adding the power point to the website. Also, we have some handouts about reading so if you would like to ask your class teacher for them.

We have had lots of fun this week with reciting our story 'The Tiny Little Fly' ask your child to tell you it.

This week we have pretended that we were the fly and we flew into the story book. The children came up with some fantastic idea's about what we would see, touch, smell and hear.

In maths we have been using the vocabulary 'greater and smaller' and we have been ordering numbers from 'greatest to smallest' and 'smallest to greatest.'

In PE this week this week the children have been adding dynamics to their 'high', 'medium'  and 'low' movements. The children were using their reciprocity by working together.

Enjoy your weekend!

The year 1 team


Busy Busy!

Week beginning 18.9.23


We have had another busy week in year 1. The children in class 3 and 4 have enjoyed learning about materials in science and exploring their properties. They have introduced to the vocabulary 'transparent and opaque.' Why not ask them what it means? In computing the children have had a go at logging on and off a laptop. Our book this week is the 'Tiny Little Fly' so the children have been using actions to retell the story. In maths the children have been counting 1:1 correspondence and using the vocabulary 'more', 'less' and 'equal.'

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday at the curriculum evening and we are looking forward to another busy week next week!

The year 1 team

Welcome Back!

Week beginning 11.9.23


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer break. We are so impressed with how well the children have settled and are getting used to their new routines.

The children in class 3 and 4 have had a very busy week. They have been learning about everyday materials in science and in music they have been learning about the pulse in a song. They enjoyed using the musical instruments to play along with the rhythm.

Please can you send your child's reading diary and PE kit into school as they are needed this week. Also, please can you write a note in your child's reading diary so that we know how they are getting on at home with their reading. Their reading books will be sent home on Wednesday and please return them back to school on Monday.

Thank you for your continued support!


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that the weather cheers up again.

The year 1 team smiley
