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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Welcome to Year 1's year group page. This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun. We have an exciting year ahead, with trips out, workshops and visitors already planned. We look forward to getting to know and working together with all Year 1 parents, to ensure the children have a fulfilling year.  

A Huge Thank You!

Week beginning 25.7.22


Thank you all so much for your support and your generosity over the year. We have absolutely loved teaching your children in class 3 and 4. We have been overwhelmed with the gorgeous gifts and cards from you all.

We hope you have a wonderful Summer holiday! Stay safe!

Thanks again

The year 1 team heart

Almost there!

Week beginning 18.7.22

Well we made it through the hottest day of the year! Thank you so much to the parents who very kindly supplied us with fans and ice pops. It was greatly appreciated and very enjoyable!

The children have been planting this week and discussing what plants need to grow. The children in class 3 have planted Sunflower seeds and the children in class 4 have planted spider plants from our very own school plants. 

We hope they grow well and it would be lovely to see some photos in September to see how they are doing.

Enjoy a cooler weekend and hopefully we will all get a good nights sleep.

The year 1 team

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Week beginning 11.7.22


It has been a very hot week in school but the children have coped remarkably well. They had their last visit to their new class on Monday afternoon and we are sure they have told you all about it.

During the holiday's the children have all been given a challenge to complete. Year 1 children are writing  about  mole and taking him on lots of adventures. 

On Tuesday we had a visit from Beth Bevan from St Mark's church to talk about Christianity and the values of love and generosity. Thank you to her!

In maths this week the children in class 3 and 4 have been sharing equal amounts. 

Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe in the sun!

The year 1 team

Lots of reciprocity!

Week beginning 4.7.22


We hope you enjoyed your long weekend and had lots of fun. Tuesday we had our 'Wellbeing Day' the children in class 3 and 4 had a wonderful day. They did yoga, cricket and dance and painted a picture of a happy face. 

Wednesday the children enjoyed another visit to their new teachers. We had lots of smiles when they returned and Wednesday afternoon we had our sports day. Thank you for all your support the children loved seeing you there.

Next Monday we have our last visit to our new teachers. I hope the children have been telling you all about it.

Have a super weekend and enjoy the hot weather! See you next week!

The year 1 team cool

Meet our Science Ambassadors!

Week beginning 27.6.2022


We would like you to meet our Science Ambassadors. These children will be in charge of the exploration area during playtime and lunchtime. They will be showing the children in the school how to use the science equipment and keeping our planters in tip top condition. Thank you children your doing a great job!

Our science this week saw the children using their senses in the school environment. The children in class 3 and 4 firstly went on a listening walk. Then, they used the science equipment to use their sense of sight to observe the school surroundings. After that, they went into the gardens to feel and smell the flowers and finally they tasted our home grown mint. Which was a big hit!

The children have been very excited about meeting their new year 2 teachers. We know they will really enjoy year 2 and will have a fabulous time.

Hopefully weather permitting we will have our sports day on Wednesday. Fingers crossed the sun shines.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team

So much fun!

Week beginning 20.6.22


What an amazing week the children have had in year 1. Class 3 and 4 enjoyed the 60th celebrations. We played on the bouncy castle, had pass the parcel, baked biscuits for the Summer Fair (class 4), had a picnic and sang to ex pupils and ex staff of WIS.

On Wednesday we had a wonderful day at Brackenhurst even with the extremely hot weather! The children learnt how to make cheese, butter and apple juice. They also visited a live working farm and met some of the Lincolnshire red cattle. In the wall garden the children had the opportunity to make their own biodegradable plant pots, ground wheat into flour and planted some beans.

Thank you to all the parents who came to support us. We wouldn't be able to run the trips without you.

Have a wonderful time at the Summer Fair and a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team smiley

Last Half Term!

Week beginning 6.6.22


We have had a great start to this half term. Yellow day was well supported and we have had fun learning about weighing as well as the story of the three billy goats gruff.

The tadpoles are still thriving-no legs yet!

Sports day practice has begun and we are preparing for our 60th celebrations and Summer fair too. 

Lots of fun things which have not always been possible in the last 2 and a half years.

The 'phonics job' happened this week and we  are so proud of how hard the children in Year 1 worked.

Reminder- please return any 70 sheets if not done so and the trip to Brackenhurst is coming up.

From the Year 1 team


Happy Holidays!

Week beginning 23rd May 2022


This week we have had lots of fun measuring length and height using different equipment such as cubes, paperclips, handspand and centimetre rulers. The children worked really well together to find out the measurements of different objects in the classroom.

We completed our Art project for this term and the creativity used in models, paintings or drawings was lovely to see.

We have given out the free books about the Queen and hope you will enjoy sharing these at home. (There is quite a lot of text!-but a lovely resource to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee.

We hope you all have a restful half term and just a reminder that the return to school is Tuesday 7th June and not the Monday.

We look forward to an exciting last half term in Year 1.

PS. Mrs Sellers had a difficult task of choosing from the many applicants but we are pleased to announce the new Science Ambassadors have been selected and will start their training after the half term holiday.

From the Year 1 teamsmiley

Summer is coming!

Week beginning 16.5.22


This week we have spend some time learning outside. In PE we have been practising controlling a football in the playground to dribble and strike. In Science we tested a variety of different types of ball to see which bounced best on different surfaces. The foam rugby ball bounced very unpredictable!

In Maths we have been learning to count in 5s from 0 both forward and back. 

In Literacy our text has been 'The things that I love about trees' and we tried reall y hard to include adjectives in our descriptions.

We look forward to our last week of learning before the well deserved half break!

The Year 1 teamsmiley

It's the Gruffalo!

Week beginning 9.5.22


What a wonderful day the children had yesterday with our trip to see the Gruffalo at the Theatre. It was so lovely to see their faces light up and their engagement with the production. Thank you to the 'Friends of Woodthorpe' for the fabulous treat!

This week we have been writing in first person and the children in class 3 and 4 and been coming up with some lovely ideas about how our character 'Noi' is feeling from our book 'The Storm Whale.'

We have had some additions to the classes this week. We have now got some caterpillars and some tadpoles. The children are enjoying observing the changes and we will keep you updated on their progress.

Have a wonderful weekend and the sun should be shining!

The year 1 teamlaugh


Not what we thought!

Week beginning 2.5.22


We hope you had a wonderful bank holiday weekend. The children came back telling us all about their lovely weekend. 

After lots of discussion about our cress seeds the children predicted what they thought would happen. They thought the seeds that were in the cupboard that were watered would not germinate but they had a big surprise because they grew more than the cress that was watered in the window. The difference was the cress from the window is nice and green and the cress from the cupboard is yellow because they haven't had the energy from the sun to create chlorophyll.

This week we are reading 'The Storm Whale' the children have been using their faces and bodies to show how they are feeling. We had some great faces! Have a look!

The year 1 team!

What's growing?

Week beginning 25.4.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have had another busy week. This week we have moved to whole class reading.  We have now got some really confident readers in year one and it is especially wonderful to hear the lovely expression when reading.

In PE they have been learning ball skills and enjoyed experimenting with different size balls.

The children were very excited about the science experiment we are doing and this resulted in lots of discussion. We planted some cress seeds and we watered some and put them in the window. Then we put some in the window but didn't water them. Next we watered some and put them in the cupboard and then we didn't water some and put them in the cupboard. We will give you the results next week!

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend!

See you next week!

The year 1 team

Welcome Back!

Week beginning 18.4.22


The children have had a super start to the term. On Tuesday they had 'Wellbeing Day' and enjoyed a variety of sporting activities and a creative art session. The children had to paint using only their mouths and feet. The end results were fantastic!

The children have enjoyed our new book this week 'We're going to find the monster' and had great fun retelling the story and sequencing it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team smiley

Curriculum Presentation

You can view our curriculum presentation for 2021-22 here.

Happy Easter!

Week beginning 28.3.22


We say goodbye to the Ducklings on Thursday. The children have had a wonderful time with them and we will be sorry to see them go. This week the children having been learning about 'imperative verbs' ask your child and they will tell you what they are. Class 3 and 4 used their 'imperative verbs' when doing a Easter Hunt on Wednesday. 

Have a wonder Easter break and see you in the Summer term.

The year 1 team wink

The Ducklings are here!

Week beginning 21.3.22


What an exciting week, with the arrive of the Ducklings. So far 3 have hatched and we have our finger's crossed that the other two will as well. The children have been fascinated when watching them hatch and also observing the membrane in the egg. We will keep you posted on their progress!

Friday was a real treat with the children being Woodthorpe Superhero's they all looked amazing and had a fun packed day.

This week the children have been making head bands from their design they did in the pervious week. Lots of resilience was shown with cutting out and using Sellotape and staples.

In PE we have seen lots of reflectiveness when jumping off a frame. All the children have been working really hard to prefect their technique.

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in a photo for Spring Photograph Competition. It is going to be really hard to judge because they are all amazing.

Have the most wonderful weekend in the sunshine!

The Year 1 team



Spring is on it's way!

Week beginning 14.3.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have had a wonderful time exploring the school surroundings for signs of Spring. They used the exploration area to plant carrots, parsnips, and beetroot and used the binoculars and magnifying glasses to observe the seasonal changes. Don't forget to send your spring photographs in for the competition!

In computing, the children programmed the Ozobot to zigzag, spin around and move backwards. The children are becoming very confident with collaborating  the Ozobot and instructing it to move in different ways. 

In PE, the children have been learning how to jump off the benches with using their arms to gain height and to bend their knees in the sitting chair position when they land.

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!

The year 1 team smiley


Using Reciprocity!

Week beginning 7.3.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have been busy using their reciprocity this week. They have been working together to compare two amounts of objects and work out the difference. In Literacy, the children have been writing their own version of The Gingerbread Man and we have some fabulous new characters such as The Hot Dog Man, The Cookie Man, The Candy Floss Man.

In Science, the children put their knowledge of animals to the test working together to guess the animal for a series of questions.

Have a wonderful weekend and here's to lots more wonderful learning next week. 

The year 1 team


The Moon came to Woodthorpe!

Week beginning 28.2.22


What an amazing week we have had in Year 1. The children in class 3 and 4 have been so excited about actually holding a rock from the moon. We investigated which rocks were from the moon and which were from earth. The children then sorted them into the correct category. The children were able to observe a  large 'Campo De Cielo Iron Meteorite, Libyan Glass Impactite, and Tektite Impactite and lots more.  We had some soil samples from the moon provided by NASA (See the power point for more details) Thank you too all the parents for supporting the showing of the rocks.

All the children looked fantastic on Wednesday for World Book Day. We had a wonderful day sharing all the books the children had brought in.

Don't forget to send in your photos  for the Spring Photograph Competition.

Have a wonderful weekend and we hope the sun shines!

The year 1 team

We are so brave!

Week beginning 21.2.22


Welcome back!

We hope you had a wonderful week off. It was a shame about the weather.

We have had such an exciting week back. Tuesday we had our wellbeing day, which settled the children gently back to school life. On Wednesday we had a visit from' The animal man.' The children in class 3 and 4 blew us away with their bravery when holding the animals. They held Sweetcorn the Corn Snake, Goldilocks the Golden Haired Tarantula, Ethel, Toffee and Fudge the Guinea Pigs, Bernie and Beryl the Horsfield Tortoises, Coach and Roach the Giant Hissing Cockroaches, Jet and Jessie the Chinchillas and Shrek and Fiona the White Tree Frogs. Some of the children were feeling a little apprehensive about holding the animals but they showed their 'Woodthorpe Resilience' and surprised themselves. Check out the photos!

Don't forget to send your photo in for the Spring Photograph competition I am really excited to see the them.

Have a wonderful weekend and let's hope the sun shines!

Have a great break!

Week beginning 7.2.22


We have had another busy week, with lots of use of our learning powers. The children have used lots of different equipment to help with addition equations in Maths.

In Literacy the children have used lots of adjectives to make their story of 'The Queen's Hat' more exciting and they have been really resilient with their hand writing.

It was really lovely catching up with parents this week and sharing your child's achievements. Thank you for your time!

The children are ready for a rest next week. Have a wonderful week whatever you do.

See you soon!

The Year 1 Team 


Week beginning 31.1.22


The Children in class 3 and 4 have had another exciting week learning lots of new things and using their learning powers. New story settings have been produced for the story 'The Queen's Hat' and the children have been writing their own version using lots of adjectives.

In science the children have been exploring the outside environment to observe closely the changes in the seasons and they came up with some really good ideas of what they would like or dislike if Winter never ended!

The highlight of the week was using the Ozobots in computing. The children designed a path for the Ozobot to travel along and they experimented with instructing it to spin around. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all at parents evening next week and sharing with you your child's progress.

Another fabulous week in Year 1!

Have a great weekend!

The Year 1 team smiley

Using our senses!

Week beginning 24.1.22


What an exciting and busy week the children in class 3 and 4 have had!

They have been exploring their senses through, sound, touch, smell and sight and having lots of fun and making lots of noise. In maths the children have been introduced to 10 base and they have been using it practically to make number bonds to 20 and exploring teen numbers. Have you heard of 'Algorithms' your children have. We have been learning about them in computing.  Why don't you ask your child what it means?

We've had lots of sticky fingers in art as the children have been covering balloons in 'Paper Mache' to make a model next week.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the rest!

The Year 1 teamsmiley

Exploring shapes!

Week beginning 17.1.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have had another busy week. This week the children have been exploring shapes in maths and talking about their properties. They have had lots of fun working out which shapes will stack and have made different models.

In science the children have been finding out about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and they asked some very interesting questions which we researched the answers.

Art  has been very exciting, the children have been making plasticine models in the style of Barbara Hepworth. Take a look at the photos.

Have a wonderful restful weekend!

The Year 1 team




Into whole class learning!

Week beginning 10.1.22


This week has seen us introduce whole class learning during independent challenges. The children have taken it in their stride and are adapting to the new structure where all children attempt the Literacy and Maths challenges at the same time.

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Sarah and her assistance dog Barney at the start of the week. Sarah was very informative and the children were very well behaved-as was Barney! It was fascinating to hear about and see the duties Barney is trained for.

In Science, we looked at bulbs and planted some.

In Art, each child was given their own piece of plasticine to practise squashing, rolling and shaping skills, which they really enjoyed.

We are looking forward to the children building on their independent skills next week.

The Year 1 team.


Happy New Year!

Week beginning 3.1.22


It has been a great start to the new year and term. 

We started with Wellbeing day and the children produced some amazing artwork. A reminder to name your child's clothing so we can return it as we have a growing amount of unnamed items.

Thank you for your support in this.

The Year 1 team


Merry Christmas!

Week beginning 13.12.21


What a busy and fun-packed week we have had!

We had our Christmas dinner day on Tuesday followed by our celebration up at St Mark's church. It was lovely to see so many of you attend and have another gathering that was long awaited.

Wednesday was the Year 1 party day and the children loved playing party games in the Hall and all looked amazing in their party clothes. 

There have been lots of opportunities to do Christmas crafts and games amongst some formal learning.

It has been a long and busy term and the children deserve a well-earned break! We wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas and look forward to see everyone back in the New Year raring to go!

Enjoy your family time together!

Thank you for all your support this term and for the lovely Christmas gifts!

From the Year 1 team smiley


Christmas all around us!

Week beginning 6.12.21


Christmas spirit has definitely arrived in school!

The Christmas disco was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by children and grown-ups!

Christmas trees and decorations have gone up all around school and the performances of our Nativity called 'Away in a Manger' went so well. We hope you were as proud of and impressed by the children as we were!

It was lovely to see so many of you attend and have a proper Christmas event that we have not had for a long time.

A reminder that it is our party day next Wednesday so please remember to send your child in party clothes and also that it is our carol event at St Marks next Tuesday afternoon which adults are welcome to attend.

On a less Christmassy note, some children have been busy planting bulbs in our outdoor Science area-we can't wait to see them start to grow in the Spring.

We are looking forward to a last fun-packed week!

The Year 1 team

Nearly there!

Week beginning 29.11.21


The children in class 3 and 4 have been practising hard for the 'Nativity' and they can't wait to show off there moves to you next week. We hope you are able to attend.

The children have done some lovely writing about their trip to Nottingham Castle. They have been working hard with their hand writing especially lead in's and lead out's and making sure that they are writing on the lines. Well done children keep you the super work!

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.

The Year 1 team  

Nottingham Castle

Week beginning 22.11.21


The children in class 3 and 4 have had a very busy and an exciting week. This week the children have been exploring the school environment to see the changes in the seasons. They loved using the new equipment from the new science exploration area. The highlight of the week was the trip to Nottingham Castle. We had lots of very excited children! I am sure they will have lots to tell you when they get home.

Thank you to the parents who came to help they also had a wonderful time. The children learnt about Robin Hood and had a go with a bow and arrow. The caves were exciting with lots of historical stories and the puppet show totally engaged all the children. 

just a reminder, If you haven't brought your costume in for our Christmas production please could you bring it in as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team smiley

Making together!

Week beginning 15.11.21


We have had lots of fun making moving pictures with sliders and levers this week. We have been exploring number bonds to 10 in Maths and learning how to work systematically.

The Nativity rehearsals are well under way and the children joined the Year 2s this week to do our first full run through which went really well. A reminder to send in your child's costume as soon as possible. They are towns people so need an appropriate top/bottoms preferably in muted colours.

Also, remember it is our trip to the Castle on Wednesday which we are all very excited about. Lunch is provided.

Have a look on here at the end of next week to see how the trip went!

Remember, remember the 5th of November!

Week beginning 8.11.21


We hope you had a great weekend full of family time and celebrations for Bonfire Night-even if many public events were cancelled once again.

This week in Year 1 we have been learning how to use the part/whole model to find addition equations. (Ask your children about this!)

In Design Technology, the children have been learning how to make moving pictures using the slider technique. They loved making their prototypes! We hope they show you how at home. 

Nativity rehearsals are underway and both classes are practising their dance for the show. Class 3 are performing to the first song 'We're going to see a baby' and Class 4 are performing to the second one called 'Munch'. 

Have a good weekend!

From the Year 1 team.




Back to School!

Week beginning 1.11.21


We hope you all had a lovely break and maybe got away somewhere nice. It has been great to hear about what fun the children have had over the last two weeks!

The highlight of this week in school has been Wellbeing day on Tuesday. The children thoroughly enjoyed all the different activities that replaced normal lessons.

They had three different sessions with external providers which were Dance, Drama and Singing. They also did some craft activities and decorated a feather shape to renew our Woodthorpe Wings which have faded over time. Look out for the return to colour as you come up the drive!

As the days grow colder and wetter, please remember to send your child with a coat every day -preferably with a hood.

We are looking forward to another exciting week in Year 1!

Goose Fair weather!

Week beginning 4.10.21


No Goose Fair again this year but the weather has certainly been changeable so could we remind you to send in coats even on the warm sunny days we have had. Also, we have growing piles of unnamed cardigans and jumpers so could you please pop your child's name in when you retrieve them so we know who they belong to.

Hello Yellow day on Friday was a real blast of sunshine colours and thankyou for all your voluntary contributions.

We have continued to use the lovely story 'Beegu' for our Literacy learning and the children are very settled into the Year 1 routines as well as enjoying our Space/Autumn themes for child initiated time.

Some children are so proud of their independent learning that they are asking for photos to be taken to be uploaded here. Lego models are a favourite in Class 3!

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support as we approach half term.


Autumn is here!

Week beginning 27.9.21


It was lovely to see lots of you enjoying the first school fair in a long time. The inflatable slide was certainly a big hit! 

This week, we have been learning about asking and writing questions based on a lovely story called 'Beegu'.

In Maths, we have been ordering groups of objects and numbers from smallest to greatest and vice versa.

The children have also enjoyed comparing Nottingham to Rio de Janeiro - we certainly wish we had their weather right now!

A message from Mrs Sellers: a final call for any photos of your sunflowers that you grew over the Summer so they can be shared on here.

Finally, a reminder to sign up for Parents' Evening if you have not already done so. 

Here's to another exciting week ahead!

Changing Seasons

Week beginning 20.9.21


This week has seen Summer turning to Autumn and whilst we have still had some lovely weather, the children have really enjoyed hunting for signs of Autumn and using the outdoor exploration area. 

In Maths, we have been finding out if there are enough to match 2 groups e.g. gloves to hands. There has been some great teamwork when building models together and you couldn't hear a pin drop when the children were learning how to draw jungle animals from an on screen tutorial.

We hope you enjoyed the school fair after a long wait and wish you a happy weekend!

Settling in

Week beginning 13.9.21


Not only have the children been settling in, but also the stick insects that Class 4 are very excited about! See photos below of them in their habitat.

We have been sharing the story 'Tiny Little Fly' and learning what a noun is. Why not do a noun hunt around your house or out and about?

This year, in addition to our daily Maths lesson, we have introduced a programme called Number Sense. This takes place for 15 minutes each day. The programme aims to enable children to develop a deep understanding of how the number system works. This week we have been working on how to recognise amounts of objects up to 5 without counting. The standard arrangements on dice and dominoes have been part of this learning. It would be helpful if you could practise this at home using any objects up to 5 in these standard and random arrangements.

The children are really getting the hang of the Year 1 routines and we look forward to more learning together next week.

The Year 1 team



Normal lessons resume!

Week beginning 6.9.21


The children have settled amazingly well and have been getting used to the timetable in Year 1. They have been introduced to the Year 1 curriculum in Maths, Literacy, Phonics, Reading, PE, Science, RE and Geography. On Thursday afternoons, both classes alternate each week in Music and RHE (Relationships and Health Education). This week, Class 3 had RHE and Class 4 had Music.

On Wednesday, we had a well-being afternoon and produced artwork for the hall and painted a rock for the bottom of the drive. The focus was on the class identity. Class 3 are the Brave Butterflies and Class 4 are the Positive Peacocks.

A message from Mrs Sellers: I am looking forward to seeing how your sunflowers grew over the Summer. Please could you send a photo of you and your sunflower to the office if you would like to. The photos could then be put on this website blog.

It has been a great first full week of the year and we look forward to many more to come.

First week back!

Week beginning 2.9.21


It was lovely to greet all the children and their families on Thursday the 2nd September. Being able to open the doors to a return to normal was uplifting for all the staff in the team. We would like to say once again a big thank you for all your support during the challenges of the last 18 months and that we look forward to working together to make Year 1 a memorable one.

We have spent the first two days introducing some of the knowledge content from what we will be teaching in more depth over the year for History, Geography and RE. We kicked it off with a 'Rio' day, learning about some of the basic facts about what Rio de Janeiro is like and having a mini carnival in the hall.

It was great to be able to be together as a year group and lots of fun was had by all parading to Brazilian music accompanied by children on drums and adults on whistles!

We hope we have sown some seeds of interest and excitement for the year to come.

Please remember that we have an open door policy and now restrictions are lifted we have message boards inside the outside doors that you can use when needed.

The Year 1 team are very excited to be able to take your children on a journey without previous challenges and we look forward to getting to know you all properly.

Welcome back!

From the team - Mrs Bright, Mrs Sellers, Ms O'Hanlon, Mrs Bucknall and Miss Creber
