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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Welcome to year 2! We are so happy to welcome the children back to school. We have missed everyone so much and cannot wait for our learning journey to begin together. We have a fantastic year planned for our lovely year 2 children and are so excited to work with you to ensure that your child is enjoying school life. As you know, the class 5 teacher is Ms McGuinness (Ms M) and the class 6 teacher is Miss Bartlam. Mrs Bucknall and Miss Creber will also work with the year 2 children regularly. Our door is always open and if you have any questions, worries or concerns, please do let us know. Together we are going to make this year a wonderful experience for the children. Our year together is going to be fun and exciting as we continue to... 'Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Happy!'

Year 2 Curriculum Presentation

Year 2 Spellings Booklet

A Huge Thank You

Week beginning 24.7.23


There can't have been dry eye in our school as we said goodbye to our wonderful year 2 children and we would like to say a huge, 'THANK YOU' to everyone for your kind thoughts and good wishes. There were lots of chin wobbles as we read your beautiful cards. We were overwhelmed. Teaching your children has been an absolute pleasure and we will miss every single one of them but we know that they will love the junior school. Come back for a hug any time you like year 2.

Wishing you a wonderful summer.

Ms M and Miss Bartlam

PS Don't forget year 2, 'Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up. Nobody learns without getting it wrong.'

A Terrific Teddy Bear Picnic

Week beginning 17.7.23


To celebrate our final full week of school,  our class bear friends invited us to a very special Teddy Bear Picnic this week. As part of the day, we all brought our favourite cuddly toy to school and joined together on the playground for a special picnic lunch complete with yummy bear shortbreads. For an extra bit of fun, we had some time to play one of our favourite games in the afternoon... LASERTAG! If that wasn't enough we also got to show off our best bounces, flips and rolls on the bouncy castle. We're sure you won't be surprised to hear that we had a fantastic day. Also this week, we have been finishing off lots of work to get us ready to start our new adventures in year 3. All of our fantastic writing, maths, books, artwork and achievements from our time in year 2 has now been sent home. We're sure that you will love spending some time going through it all and seeing all of the excellent work we have done.

Wellbeing Day

Week beginning 10.7.23


As we get closer to the end of the year, we are sure you will not be surprised to hear that it has been another busy week here in year 2. On Wednesday, we celebrated our time at the infants with 2 brilliant assemblies. We were so pleased to have so many of you join us as we reflected on our memories, shared some of our favourite songs and celebrated everything we have achieved over the past 3 years. Our teachers certainly had to hold back their tears as I'm sure some of you did too. Thank you again for everyone for joining us!


Also this week, we had our final WIS Wellbeing Day and what a day it was! As always, we had great fun trying out some new sports. On the menu this week was indoor golf, cheerleading and lacrosse. As an extra treat this wellbeing day, we were very kindly invited over to the junior school to watch their Year 6 Peter Pan production. It is clear that the year 6s have been working very hard. What a super show it was! 

Awesome Athletics

Week beginning 3.7.23


What an active week we have had! In year 2, we love being active and we know how important it is to do plenty of exercise. With that in mind, we have really thrown ourselves into some awesome athletics this week. We had a brilliant day on Wednesday when we were visited by GB heptathlete Katie Stainton. Katie told us all about the 7 events that she trains for and we got to have a go at the javelin, hurdles and sprint in our very own workshops with her. It was so inspiring to hear about Katie's athletics journey and it really motivated us to try something new and stay resilient. Some of our year 2 children also competed against other schools in a Quad Kids athletics tournament this week. Although we didn't get the outcome we wanted, we are so incredibly proud of everyone for taking part and doing their absolute best. Well done everyone!


As a special treat for raising the most money in our recent fundraising challenge, Class 6 were treated to a smoothie making course this week. The children all helped to make 3 different smoothies including tropical, berry and chocolate and banana. The smoothies were delicious and we absolutely loved it, even if we did get a little bit messy. A HUGE thank you to FOWI and Miss Creber for organising everything.

Winnie the Pooh

Week beginning 26.6.23


This week we ventured deep into the Hundred Acre Wood and visited Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin and all of their friends. We were very kindly treated to a special theatre visit where we got the chance to watch the 'Winnie the Pooh the Musical'. We followed Pooh on his adventure to find some honey for his rumbly tummy and watched as his friends all worked together to help each other. The children loved the show and especially enjoyed singing along to Tigger's favourite song. As always, we are so proud of the way the Year 2 children behaved. Well done, everyone! 


The children also enjoyed a fun filled morning at their new school this week and took the time to get to know their new teachers. Although we know that moving up can be a challenging, and at times worrying, thing to do, we are unbelievably impressed with the bravery and resilience that the children all showed. It was so lovely to see them all come back with bright smiles and lots of stories to tell about their morning. They really so make us so proud!



Food Tasting and First Aid

Week beginning 19.6.23


We have had such a lovely week this week! Even as we approach the end of the year, the children are still wowing us with their amazing attitude to learning and the way they always show their learning powers. They have produced some fantastic writing this week and have shown superb resilience when finding fractions in maths. We are so proud of them all! 


We have been busy in DT this week as we prepare to make our own healthy wraps. We spoke about what is meant by a 'balanced diet' and designed our own wraps, each having a source of protein, vegetable and dairy. The children really enjoyed trying different foods and we're sure that their wraps will be very tasty when we make them next week. Also this week, we took part in a mini-first aid course. This gave us really important skills that would help us in an emergency. We learnt how to call 999 and ask for help, how to use plasters and a cold compress and how to help someone when they're poorly by laying them onto their side. To help us with this at home, it would be great to make sure your child knows their home address.  It has certainly been a busy week. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.

A Spectacular Sports Day

Week beginning 12.6.23


What a fantastic week it has been! It has been lovely to have such fantastic weather and we have certainly enjoyed soaking up the sunshine at playtimes. On Tuesday, we all took part in our annual WIS Sports Day and what a great day it was! The children were all super sports stars and gave 100% effort in all 3 races. They were focused on the finish line in the running race, showed fantastic control in the obstacle race and worked as brilliant teams in the hoop race. It was great to see so many children get into the spirit and cheer on their friends too. Thank you to everyone who came and supported us and gave us a big cheer when we crossed the finish line. We hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did. We hope you all manage to enjoy even more sunshine over the weekend. 

Awesome Artists!

Week beginning 6.6.23


Welcome back everyone! We hope you all managed to have a relaxing half term in the sunshine. From the stories we've heard from the children, it sounds like you've all had a super week. This week the children have been very busy! They were treated to a fantastic printing workshop from artist Elaine Winter on Wednesday. As we approach our final half term at WIS, we thought it would be a great opportunity for the children to reflect on their memories of their time here. With that in mind, the children all designed their own picture relating to one of their favourite memories of school life which they printed onto a whole class display using ink. What a great job they did! We cannot wait to show you their designs on display soon.


A Perfect Day at Perlethorpe

Week beginning 22.5.23


What a brilliant time we had at Perlethorpe! It was a beautiful sunny day and we had so much fun. Before we tell you what we got up to, we have to say a big well done to all the year 2 children. Everybody showed amazing respect to the grown ups and, as always, displayed great use of their learning powers throughout the day. We are very proud of all of you! Another big thank you to all our parent volunteers. We could not have done it with out you. You were AMAZING!


What a jam packed day it was! There were two exciting parts to the day. One activity involved the children getting their wellies on and actually wading into the River Meden to fish for some exciting wildlife. Even though some of us were a bit nervous about taking the plunge, we all gave it a go and by the end were having a fabulous time doing the 'Perlethorpe Shuffle' in the river.  Will our soggy socks and wellies ever be the same again? The second part of the day was lots of fun too. We had an exciting time in the woodland, searching for different minibeast, making dens for cuddly creatures and doing a woodland treasure hunt. We also showed great reciprocity as we lead our blindfolded partners thorough a woodland obstacle course. It really was a very special day and we are super proud of our wonderful school community. 

Fun with our Friends

Week beginning 15.5.23


We have had so much fun this week and have used all of our learning powers every single day. The year 2 children have worked hard on some tricky 'quizzes' but have also had lots of fun with their friends too. We have been lucky enough to have had some extra playtimes, choosing and making sessions. On top of all of this, we have had a special visitor called Aftab from the 'Fiveways' Mosque. Aftab talked to us about Islam and how Muslim people care about peace and community. The year 2 children are always respectful and always work hard but this week they have surpassed themselves. When we think of our year 2 children, the word that springs to mind is... 'WOW!'

Amazing Mathematicians

Week beginning 9.5.23


The fantastic year 2 children bounced back into school with lots of news about the 'Coronation' bank holiday weekend with their families. It sounds as though you all had lots of fun. Year 2 are always ready to learn and this week was no exception as they worked their socks off, especially in maths. We have been working on finding fractions of quantities and used bar models to prove our mathematical thinking. We did our best to catch the children out but they were too reflective, resilient and resourceful for us and spotted every trick. What amazing mathematicians they are! Well done year 2. We love your brave learning attitude. 

The King's Coronation

Week beginning 2.5.23


WOW! What a wonderful day we had on Wednesday. It was our very special 'Coronation Day'. We all came to school dressed in red, white and blue and wearing the crowns we had made at home. We spent the morning making sandwiches for our picnic and our classrooms ended up very buttery and jammy but we didn't mind. We did such a good job of our sandwiches, Ms M was tempted to eat them all! We also worked very hard on drawing our portraits which Miss Gill will use to create a special King Charles collage. In the afternoon, we had a fantastic WIS crown parade which was lots of fun and we all looked amazing. Take a look at these very regal photos.

A Journey around the World

Week beginning 24.4.23


This week we have been excellent geographers as we went on an 'around the world' trip. The children really got into the travelling spirit, creating their own passports and boarding passes and even packing their own luggage before heading through security and boarding WIS Airlines. It was great to see the children get involved and really think about what clothes they needed and what the weather was like in each new destination that they visited. They tested their compass skills and thought about the best mode of transport they could use when describing how they travelled from one continent to the next before taking their flight and landing safely back at school. What a great afternoon we had! 


A Super Start to Summer

Week beginning  17.4.23


What a fantastic start to the summer term! We are so happy to have everyone back at school ready to learn. The children have settled in beautifully and their amazing learning attitude is stronger than ever. We kicked off our super summer term with a wonderful book called, 'Tell Me a Dragon' by Jackie Morris. This is a truly beautiful book which describes all sorts of different dragons and ends with the words, 'Tell me about your dragon.' In our English lessons, the children have thought very carefully about what their dragon might look like and how it might sound and behave. The children have  thought very carefully about the descriptive language they have used to express their ideas and everyone has used their reflective learning power brilliantly. The thoughtful, hard-working WIS children never stop impressing their teachers!


Egg-citing Easter!

Week beginning 27.3.23


For our last week of the Spring term, we have been writing our own versions of 'Once there were Giants' by Martin Waddell. The children have looked back at how they have changed in their own life and described the things they got up to as babies, toddlers and when they first started school. We have been thinking about how to make our writing interesting and have used clauses beginning 'When I' to start our sentences. The children did a fantastic job and we loved hearing their stories. 


Also this week, the children have enjoyed some fun Easter themed activities. On Thursday, we put our rolling skills to the test as each class went head to head in Egg Rolling Competition.  The children were so focused and it was great to see them cheering each other on. Congratulations to both the Class 5 and Class 6 winners who went into the final. As you can imagine, we had a cracking time! The children have also been busy decorating eggs at home this week. What an amazing job they did! There were minions, superheroes, burgers, athletes and even Mr Hopkinson, all in egg form. Take a look at our creations below.


Finally, we want to wish you all a lovely Easter break. We hope you all have lots of fun!

Love the Year 2 team 

Dashing Ducklings

Week beginning 20.3.23


It's that time again! One of our favourite times of the year when we have some fluffy friends in school. We are, of course, talking about the ducklings. We have been lucky enough to have 4 new arrivals in school over the last few weeks and the children have loved watching them hatch and grow. Last week the children were very observant when looking at the eggs and spoke about how the shells protect the ducklings. How fantastic it was to see them at such an early stage of their life cycle! This week we spoke about how the ducklings have developed and what they will need to help them grow further. The children were so caring when holding the ducklings and particularly enjoyed watching them go for a swim. 

Fab Fractions

Week beginning 13.3.23


This week we have been showing just how resourceful we are when working to find fractions of objects, shapes and quantities in maths. We learnt that a fraction is 'one part of a whole amount' and used our playdough and cubes to make equal groups. The children were fantastic at identifying a half and a quarter and even began to show two thirds and three quarters of shapes. We would love to show off our impressive fractions knowledge at home, maybe we could help you by cutting different objects into halves, quarters and thirds. 

Great Gymnastics

Week beginning 6.3.23


We have been working really hard on our balance and coordination in PE over the last few weeks and this week was no different. We have been exploring how to safely move around the large apparatus and gymnastics frames at different levels. What fun we had! We even had a go at creating our own mini sequences on the benches and vaults. These sequences included our own method of travelling, a balance or gymnastic shape and a jump of our choice. Of course, we used lots of resilience here and really worked hard to maintain control and perfect our landing positions. Take a look at some pictures below to see how we got on. We cannot wait to explore even ore next week.


World Book Day

Week beginning 27.2.23


As you know, we LOVE reading here at WIS so we were so excited to celebrate all of our favourite stories and books on World Book Day this week. Our theme this year was 'Bedtime Stories' so it was great to see so many children wearing their comfiest and cosiest pyjamas to school. Some children also dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had some wonderful wizards casting spells with their magic wands as well as our own Wally. The children enjoyed sharing their favourite books with their friends and loved closing the curtains and having a special 'bedtime story' in the classroom. What a fantastic day it was! 

Puppets Galore

Week beginning 20.2.23


Welcome back year 2! We have had a fantastic start to the new half term this week. The children have been hard at work writing their own half term recounts. It has been so lovely to hear about what fun they had on all of their adventures. As usual, the children were incredibly reflective with their work and checked it through carefully to ensure it was all written in the past tense. What a great job they did!


Also this week, we had a very special treat with the help of the Pinxton Puppet team. The children were treated to a fabulous puppet show where they helped Little Red Riding Hood escape from the Big Bad Wolf. We were greeted by stick puppets, sock puppets and glove puppets but the children were most impressed by Mrs Wozzle the marionette puppet. It was lovely to see how creative the children were when they created their own stick puppet characters. Check out the pictures of our new friends below. We cannot wait to learn more as we design, make and evaluate our own marionette puppets soon.

Busy Busy Busy

Week beginning 6.2.23


What a super busy week we have had at school! We have learnt the names and properties of 2d and 3d shapes and we have used mirrors to find lines of symmetry. We finished our wonderful 'Land Art' sculptures based on the work of Andy Goldsworthy and we completed some fantastic writing inspired by the book, 'Rainbow Bear'. The children's 'Rainbow Bear' writing was so powerful that it made Ms M and Miss Bartlam have a bit of a chin wobble. On top of all of this, we have managed to, 'be kind, be brave and be happy' too. These really are very special, hardworking children. On Friday we are looking forward to our wellbeing day which will be lots of fun and we will pop some photos on for you to see at the end of the week. Remember the exciting things you do in the half term holiday children because we want you to tell us all about once we are all back at school. Have a lovely time!

Our Trip to the Mosque

Week beginning 30.1.23


This week we were lucky enough to visit the Baitul Hafeez Mosque in Sneinton. We were made so welcome and learnt lots about Islam. This mosque was opened in 2018 and it was very interesting to see a modern mosque and to hear how the Muslim community worship together. Outside we saw the dome of the mosque, two small minarets and a sign which said, 'Love For All'. We had a tour of the mosque and saw the Quaran and the prayer areas. The year 2 children were so sensible and respectful and we were incredibly proud of them. They asked some very interesting and well thought out questions. As always, thank you so much to the wonderful grown ups who gave up their time to help with the trip. You are fantastic and we appreciate your support so much. 

Nature, Art, Happiness and Health

Week beginning 23.1.23


It has been another fantastic week here at WIS. We have been thinking about how important exercise, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep are if we want to stay healthy. We talked about how important it is to smile and laugh because this makes us feel happy. Miss Bartlam organised a whole school PE competition which was so much fun. Not only did we get lots of exercise but we had a great time too. We have also discussed the amazing temporary sculptures and land art of Andy Goldsworthy. We had a lovely afternoon in the hall making our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures. We used all sorts of materials such as leaves, conkers, pinecones and wood. Then we worked in a group to arrange the materials into patterns and made some beautiful artwork. Take a look at our photos. What do you think? The children showed amazing teamwork and artistic flair. 

PS We also had lots of fun on our 'break the rules' day.

Inspiring Stories

Week beginning 16.1.23


This week we have continued our work relating to the beautiful book, 'Leaf'. The children worked so hard and created their own stories ensuring that they made interesting language choices and punctuated their writing accurately. As you will remember, 'Leaf' is a story all about a polar bear who washes up on the edge of a wild wood.  Sadly, the other animals fear and avoid him because he is different. The poor bear misses his family and home so much and he resiliently tries to get back to them but his plans don't work. In the end, the crows of the wild wood take pity on him and fly him home. The children have responded to this wonderful book with so much empathy and have enjoyed orally rehearsing the story. They imagined how the polar bear must have felt which inspired even more great writing. Our children are so kind and empathetic and it was heart-warming to hear them explain how we should always welcome and include others. WIS children really are amazing upstanders!

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Week beginning 9.1.23


Well, what a wet week we have had! It hasn’t stopped us from having fun though. Just look at all these smiles. This week we have worked very hard on telling the time. We understand that the hands on the clock have very different jobs. The ‘big, fast minute hand’ counts the minutes and the ‘slow, small hour hand’ moves from one number to the next, telling us the hour. Everyone has worked so hard on understanding o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times and some of us have even started to think about 5-minute intervals. Why not continue this work at home? It is lots of fun. We have also enjoyed thinking about the different features of the continents of the world. We played a game which involved guessing the continent using clues. The children were brilliant at this and we didn’t manage to trick them once! We even checked the weather forecast for Nottingham and guess what? It said… rain!

Happy New Year

Week beginning 4.1.23


First of all we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts we received at Christmas and an even bigger thank you for the very kind messages and good wishes.  We have loved hearing about the special holidays your children have had with you. The children were brimming over with exciting stories about the wonderful time they have had and it was a joy to hear their accounts of their Christmas holiday. What beautiful memories you have made for them!


The lovely year 2 children have returned to school so ready to learn. We could not believe how sensibly they came into the classroom on their first day back and how hard they have worked right from the very first moment. We have started a new book in English called, 'Leaf' and are really enjoying it. It's an engaging story all about a polar bear who drifts away from the Arctic on some melting ice. The poor bear finds himself far from home and feeling very lonely until the animals of the 'Wild Wood' help him. Don't forget that we love to hear the children's reading recommendations. Please do remind them to bring in any new and exciting books they have discovered.  Happy New Year to you all.



Twas the week before Christmas

Week beginning 19.12.22


Twas the week before Christmas

and all through the school

the children wrapped up warm

as the wintery air was cool


The year 2s started the week

singing carols to spread cheer

bringing joy and happiness

to each listening ear


On Tuesday they showed up

ready to strike a pose

playing games and doing dances

in their best party clothes


With the year coming to an end 

we've made some Christmas crafts

with plenty of glitter and sequins

and a whole lot of laughs


For now we wish you all

a very merry time

we look forward to seeing you soon

when the New Year bells chime


Take care everyone and have a brilliant Christmas

Love from the Year 2 team x


Humph the Camel

Week beginning 12.12.22


This week we put on 3 fantastic performances of our nativity 'Humph the Camel'. It was lovely to see so many of you come to watch us and we really hope that you enjoyed it. It has definitely made us feel very festive and we hope it had the same impact on you. Once again, a huge congratulations to all of the wonderful children. What an awesome job they did! 


Also this week, we continued to explore different parts of the world through dance. This week we visited Cuba and had a go at some salsa dancing. Some of the steps were quite tricky and required a lot of concentration but, as always, the children showed amazing resilience and did not give up. Take a look at some pictures from our busy week below.

Amazing Athletes

Week beginning 5.12.22


It's been another busy week here in Year 2 as we get closer to Christmas. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas Dinner on Wednesday with all the trimmings. It was great to hear everybody singing along to some Christmas classics whilst wearing their festive headbands. It really was a lovely day!


As always, the children have been working super hard in their English lessons and this week has been no different. They have been putting on their best bossy voices and having a go at creating their own command sentences. We definitely have some future teachers in the making. Finally, we wanted to say a HUGE congratulations to the 12 children in Year 2 who represented the school in an indoor athletics competition earlier this week.  As a result of their amazing resilience and incredibly reciprocity, they won first place. Well done, everyone! You were awesome!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Week beginning 28.11.22


You can tell that we moved into December this week as things have started to get a little bit festive in year 2. We have been hard at work preparing our Nativity and have shown incredible amounts of resilience. We cannot wait to perform to you soon. 


Also this week, we had our second wellbeing day of the year. As it was in December it was only right that we sprinkled a little bit of Christmas on it. The children always love a chance to use their artistic side and this wellbeing day was no exception. Using only our fingers to rip paper, instead of scissors, the children created their own Christmas characters.  We then added all of our characters together to create a wintery scene. Keep an eye out in the dining hall in the New Year to see our posters on display. It wouldn't be wellbeing day without enjoying some sports too. To help celebrate the World Cup, the children enjoyed some football activities. They also showed off their skills in disco dodgeball. What a great day it has been!


The life of Mary Seacole

Week beginning 21.11.22


This week we have been learning about the life of Mary Seacole on what would have been her 217th birthday. The children were very reflective and thought about what they learnt in year 1. They already knew that Mary was a nurse and we discussed how this may have meant that she was incredibly kind, loving and helpful. After sequencing the events of her life chronologically and discussing how Mary traveled to the Crimea on her own and built the British Hotel, the children also discussed Mary as resilient, determined and an upstander. It was great to see our brilliant year 2s become actors and roleplay the events of Mary's life. We can't wait to learn more about her later in the year.

Exploring the World through dance

Week beginning 14.11.22


Over the next half term, we will continue learning about our wonderful world by exploring dances from different countries in our PE lessons. We kicked this off on home turf this week by learning and performing our own Morris Dances. It was so interesting to explore this style of English folk dance and we learnt all about how the dance is used in the Springtime to welcome new growth. We were so resilient when piecing together the different steps of our sequencing, there was lots of skipping and galloping and we loved having a go at waving our handkerchiefs to the music. We can't wait to explore another country soon. Where do you think we will travel too next?

Marvellous Mathematicians!

Week beginning 7.11.22


This week we have been showing off our awesome maths skills and have once again used our learning powers to help us when we are feeling stuck. We know just how important it is to be resourceful. That is why this week, we have been using our 100 squares, tens frames, number lines and base 10 to help us solve addition and subtraction equations. As you can see from the pictures below, being resourceful has really helped us to prove our thinking and explain what is happening in an equation. What fantastic mathematicians we are!

A brilliant day in Bestwood

Week beginning 31.10.22


What a super day we had in Bestwood Country Park on Wednesday! The children were, as always, absolute stars and showed off their learning powers excellently. As you can probably imagine, we were very pleased to see that the rain held off for us but we were even more pleased that everyone had a huge smile on their face all day and welcomed on new challenges with open arms. Our amazing year 2 children showed us how well they can work as a team when they were building their own outdoor dens. They showed off their strength when carrying some heavy logs and the finished dens were absolutely fantastic. The children also put their forest skills to use when toasting their own marshmallows. It is clear from the chocolate around their mouths that they all enjoyed their tasty treats! If den building and outdoor cooking wasn't enough, the children also showed amazing reciprocity in their orienteering activity. It was so lovely to see everybody work together and be proud of their achievements when they found all of the checkpoints. Finally, a huge thank you to our parent helpers. Trips like this would not be possible without you and we are so glad that you all had a lovely day too.

Hello Yellow Day

Week beginning 10.10.22


We have had another fantastic week in year 2. What a wonderful group of resilient, respectful children we have. This week we have read a new book called, 'The Great Kapok Tree' and we have loved it. We have also looked at the < and > symbols in maths and have had lots of fun proving our work to each other. We began our week with our 'Hello Yellow' day. Everyone wore yellow to show that no one is alone with their mental health and that we look after each other. In year 2, the children are fantastic at using their reciprocity learning power. Here are some of the year 2 children showing each other that they are a special team! Just look at those happy, supportive and kind faces. We wish you all a wonderful half term holiday with your lovely families.

P.S. Thank you so much for attending our parents' evening meetings this week. We have absolutely loved sharing the children's learning and achievements with you.

Magical Musicians

Week beginning 3.10.22


It has been another exciting and fun week in year 2. We have worked sooooooo hard! You won't believe how much we have managed to get done. We wrote some fantastic stories based on the book, 'Stuck' which were very, very funny. We read an information sheet all about 'Continents of the World' and clarified some very tricky words such as 'almost' and 'surrounded'. We finished our rainforest paintings and... we worked very hard in maths on place value and partitioning numbers. On top of all of this, we have had lots of fun in our ukulele lessons. Here we are being 'magical musicians' and strumming away. 

PS We want to say a HUGE thank you to all our grown ups for supporting our wonderful year 2 children with their reading. We are so impressed by your dedication and commitment. 

Kind, Brave, Happy and Hardworking

Week beginning 26.9.22


Oh my goodness, these children are amazing! They are working so hard and have settled in to all the year two routines brilliantly. We have been working hard in maths learning about place value and the meaning of the = symbol. The children are using their learning powers to solve all sorts of maths problems and we couldn't be prouder. We have continued our work based on the story 'Stuck' too. Why not ask your child to retell the story.  We bet they can remember lots of it. In the photographs, you will see the children writing funny list sentences similar to those found in the story. Lots of the sentences really made us laugh!

Thank you to everyone who came to our curriculum presentation. It was so lovely to see so many of you. We really appreciate you giving up you time.

Take a look at these resilient, respectful learners working their socks off. They really are wonderful!


Continents,  Oceans and Compasses

Week beginning 20.9.22


It's been another fantastic week for our wonderful year 2 children as they continue on their amazing learning journeys. This week we have read a very funny book by Oliver Jeffers called, 'Stuck'. It made us all laugh out loud and we are busy learning the story off by heart. We also started an art project and worked very hard on some detailed and careful line drawings of rainforest animals. On top of all of this we learned the compass directions, north, east, south and west. We made up some funny rhymes to help us remember the compass points. One of them was, 'Never Eat Slimy Worms!' After that we looked at some maps of the world and worked out which direction we would need to travel in to get to different continents and oceans. It was very good fun. Well done year 2. 

Hardworking  Heroes

Week beginning 12.9.22


The year 2 children continue to settle in brilliantly. They are getting used to the year 2 routines and are making friends in their new classes. This week, we have worked hard to learn different units of time such as minutes, hours, days and months as well as finding out about the different hands on an analogue clock. We've also learnt the difference between a proper noun and a common noun and have started to write our own versions of 'How Big Is The World?'. Our art work has been lots of fun as we explored different art techniques when creating a miniature sculpture.  We did our best to replicate the shapes and textures of different animals using play dough. Everyone was smiling and enjoyed guessing which animal their partner had created. Well done year 2. We are so proud of each and every one of you.


A Super Start!

Week beginning 5.9.22


We can't believe it's nearly the end of our first week back! A huge WELL DONE to all of our wonderful year 2 children. They have settled in brilliantly and have made us smile with their kindness and respect. We can tell it is going to be an amazing year! For those of you who aren't already aware, we have brand new class names. You will now find the Perky Pandas in Class 5 and the Kind Koalas in Class 6. This week, we have had lots of fun looking at everyone's 'Little Mole' projects. It has been so lovely to hear about the wonderful summers the children have had. Thank you so much for supporting your child with their summer challenges and for the support you give them every single day. With your help our lovely year 2s have settled back really well and we can't wait to get to know you and them better as the year unfolds. 

Love Ms M and Miss Bartlam
