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Woodthorpe Infant School

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Phonics and Reading

Reading at Woodthorpe Infant School

Phonics Information for Parents/Carers

Our aim is to inspire all children to develop a love of books and reading. All children take home a ‘sharing book’. This is a book chosen by the child for their parents to read to them. This reinforces the idea that reading is fun and promotes engagement. Every half term a special ‘Book Buzz’ event is also organised which again promotes the enjoyment of reading.


At Woodthorpe Infant School, we teach phonics and early reading using the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ early reading scheme. Each child on the Little Wandle scheme receives a daily phonics lesson as well as three reading practice sessions per week. In Foundation 2 and Year 1, the children take home a ‘Collins Big Cat’ reading practice book which is closely matched to their phonic stage and reading ability. In Year 2, the children transition from the ’Collins Big Cat’ reading books to colour banded books and also receive whole-class reading sessions.


Click here to see a presentation about the scheme.


Click here to view the full Reception and Year 1 teaching programme overview to know what your child will learn and when.


Click here to access the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised website where you can find information on how you can support at home.


Children are also introduced to quality texts during English lessons and during our daily story time. 
