Early Years Foundation Stage
Good Level of Development
Woodthorpe Infant School 2023-24: 73%
National Average 2023-24: 67%
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Woodthorpe Infant School 2023-24: 93%
National Average 2023-24: 80%
National Curriculum Assessments
Key Stage 1
At least Age-Related Expectation:
Woodthorpe Infant School 2023-24: Reading: 78%, Writing: 71%, Maths: 85%
Nottinghamshire Local Authority 2023-24: Reading: 73%, Writing: 65%, Maths: 74%
Greater Depth:
Woodthorpe Infant School 2023-24: Reading: 36%, Writing: 12%, Maths: 31%
Nottinghamshire Local Authority 2023-24: Reading: 21%, Writing: 9%, Maths: 18%
There is no National Key Stage 1 data for 2023-24.
As we are an infant school, our results are not published in the school and college performance tables.
Link to comparison tables: https://www.gov.uk/school-performance-tables