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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1's year group page. This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun. We have an exciting year ahead, with trips out, workshops and visitors already planned. We look forward to getting to know and working together with all Year 1 parents, to ensure the children have a fulfilling year.  

Year 1 Curriculum Presentation

Year 1 Spellings Booklet

Happy Holidays

We just wanted to say how much we have loved teaching your children this year, it has been a pleasure watching them develop and grow in confidence. Thank you for all your support in helping your children become the fantastic young people they are. We are all very proud of them. Thank you also very much for the very thoughtful and generous gifts that we have received, we are very touched by your kindness..

We hope that you all have a wonderful summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all in September.

With very best wishes to you all.

The Year One Team 

Awesome Animals

Week beginning 17.7.23

This week we had a visit from Brendan, the 'Animal Man' and it gave the children the opportunity to observe lots of different animals close up. The children looked at and were able to hold a wide variety of animals, The children demonstrated their bravery by holding animals such a snake and a tarantula, whilst demonstrating respect and care for the animals. Another highlight this week was when we had the Teddy Bears' Picnic, we loved meeting all of the well loved bears and cuddly toys, that the children brought to school. In between the rain showers the children had a great time on the bouncy castle and enjoyed eating their picnic outside.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team.

Super Smoothies

Week beginning 10.7.23

Over the past few weeks the children in Year One have been working hard in their Design Technology lessons to design and make a smoothie. The children began by identifying different types of fruits and vegetables and where they grow. They developed the understanding that a fruit is the part of a plant that contains different seeds. The children tasted a variety of different fruits and vegetables and then created their own smoothies be learning to chop fruit safely, using the 'claw grip' method. Finally they got to the best part, when they got to taste their smoothies and evaluated what they liked best about them and how they could be improved in the future. This week in Science the children have planted a sunflower seed and will have the opportunity to bring them home and watch them grow over the summer holidays. We look forward to seeing pictures of how tall they have grown!

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team


Amazing Athletes!

Week beginning 3.7.23

This week we had a special visitor in school, which was very exciting for everyone. GB Heptathlete Katie Stainton spent the day in school and led some special PE sessions with the children. She started the day by talking to the children in assembly about her how she became an athlete and about some of the challenges she has faced along the way. She talked about being brave and resilient, even when things do not always go according to plan. She certainly shares our school values of being brave and kind. Later in the day the children took part in a PE session where they practised some of the events that make up a heptathlon, such as hurdling and throwing the javelin. Katie was very impressed by the children's enthusiasm and determination, hopefully we may have some future athletic stars here at WIS!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Super Senses

Week beginning 26.7.23

Another busy week in Year One! This week the children have enjoyed connecting with nature in Science by using their senses to explore the outdoor environment. They listened carefully to all the different sounds and looked closely at different plants using a variety of equipment. The children particularly enjoyed using their sense of smell to smell the wonderful aromas of plants such as rosemary and mint in the garden area. We also had a special visit this week from Beth and Carys from St. Mark's church, who spoke to the children about the Christian values of Love and Generosity. 

We are very excited about ending the week with a visit to The Theatre Royal to watch Winnie the Pooh.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend.

The Year One team.

First Aid Training

Week beginning 19.6.23

On Thursday and Friday of this week, Class 3 and 4 took part in a Mini-First Aid session with Maria. Maria brought along her teddy Ted, who she used to demonstrate a range of first aid techniques. The children learnt how to clean and cover a cut or graze. Maria demonstrated how to use a cold compress if someone bumped their head. The children also learnt about and practised how to make a 999 call if someone became unconscious. Maria spoke with the children about the importance of knowing their address, please practise this with your child if they are unsure. All of the children joined in the sessions with enthusiasm and showed a really good understanding of the techniques they were taught. Well done everyone!

This Friday is our annual Summer Fair, we hope that you can come along and support this fantastic fun event.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Super Sports Stars!

Week beginning 12.6.23

What a busy week we've had again in Year One! On Tuesday afternoon we had our annual Sports Day and what a scorcher it was! All of the children had a fantastic time competing in the three races. We were very impressed with how hard they all tried and how supportive they were of each other. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch and support all of the children. 

We hope that you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

The Year One Team



Welcome back!

Week beginning 5.6.23

Welcome back to our final term in Year One and what a busy one we have ahead! The children have worked incredibly hard this year and we are looking forward to all of the fun activities that we have planned over the next few weeks. 

This week the children have been reading a book all about The United Kingdom in their English lessons and learning about the features of non-fiction books. In maths the children have been practising counting in tens and ones and representing two-digit numbers pictorially and by using equipment. They have also been busy preparing for next week's Sports Day, we can't wait to see you on the day!

Best wishes,

The Year One Team


Week beginning 22.5.23

The tadpoles in year 1 are now turning to froglets. The children are so excited and have been observing the changes closely. 

Last week we had an RE visitor Mr Mughal who came into speak to the children about Muslin beliefs. Class 3 and 4 really enjoyed it and came up with some very interesting question. Mr Mughal was very impressed with the knowledge the children already have.

The children have enjoyed learning about direction (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, whole turn) this week in Maths and have tried it out in the playground.

On Monday class 4 had their 'Wellbeing Day' and on Friday class 3 are having theirs. Lots of fun activities are arranged for the children. 

Have a wonderful half term and enjoy the break!

The year 1 team smiley

Super Computing!

Week beginning 15.5.23

The children in class 3 and 4 have had a super week. We have seen lots of learning powers being used.

The children are getting really clever at logging onto their computer and completing an activity set by their teacher. Check out our photos!

In maths the children have been learning to half and quarter quantities and in science they have been exploring the environment for signs of Spring. They used the equipment in the exploration shed to examine objects  they found more closely. This week we started our new book 'Little Lumpty' and the children have been using adjectives to describe him.

Have a great weekend!

The year 1 team 

Colour Mixing

Week beginning 8.5.23

We hope you enjoyed the King's Coronation and had a lovely time with your family. It was a shame about the weather.

This week we have been busy, busy, busy! In Art the children have been mixing primary colours together to make new colours and in Science we have been doing some fair testing. The children used 3 balls and experimented on which ball bounced the highest on different surfaces.

In PE the children have been practising their skills for sports day for later on in the year. Maths this week  we have been investigating whole, half and quarters.

Have a wonderful weekend and lets hope the sun shines!

The year 1 team



Coronation Day

Week beginning 1.5.23


We hope you had a wonderful bank holiday and you are looking forward to the next one!

The children in class 3 and 4 had a wonderful Coronation day. We  did a variety of activities including making a self portrait, making sandwiches, having a crown parade (the crowns were amazing) and having a picnic with the sandwiches we made and some yummy scones.

Have another wonderful weekend and let's hope the sun shines!

The year 1 team 

Counting in 2's 5's and 10's

Week beginning 24.4.23

The children in class 3 and 4 have had a very busy week in all our subjects. In Maths they have been learning to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. Get them to show off to you at home what they can do.

Our cress experiment went really well. The children were surprised to see that the cress in the dark had actually grown but came up with some fabulous questions about why it was a different colour to the one in the light.

In geography the children have been looking at weather symbols and they have labelled the 5 Oceans and 7 continents.

Please can you all have a look at home to see if you have any Little Wandle books because we have some outstanding. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Enjoy your bank Holiday weekend!

The year 1 teamsmiley


Welcome Back!

Week beginning 17.4.23


We hope you had a wonderful Easter and we are delighted with how well the children have returned and are ready to use their learning powers. We have had a very busy week learning how to make equal groups in maths. In English we have been orally rehearsing our book 'The Storm Whale.'

The children did an experiment with cress seeds in Science. We are investigating what makes cress seeds grow the best.

The children in class 4 have been busy making a bug hotel for the playground for all the children to enjoy. This is course I am undertaking with the RSPB (Mrs Sellers) which encourages the children to connect with nature.

Have a look out for it when you drop off and pick up your child!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The year 1 team

What a busy term!

Week beginning 27.3.23

The children in Year One have completed another busy term and have made fantastic progress, due to all their hard work. This week we began by having a fun Well Being Day, where the children enjoyed doing different Easter art activities. They also used their Reciprocity Learning Power to create a Spring picture to be displayed in the dining area in school. This week we have also had a great time egg rolling, well done to all the children for their enthusiasm and super rolling skills! We were very impressed by all of the amazing creative entries to the egg decorating competition. Thank you so much for supporting your children to take part.

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing Easter holiday.

Best wishes,

The Year One Team


Meet Our Ducklings!

Week beginning 20.3.23

This week has been very exciting in school with the arrival of our fantastic ducklings. Last week we had a super time observing their eggs closely, waiting for them to hatch out. This week we got to meet the ducklings and watch how they grew and developed. We were amazed by how quickly they developed and changed over the space of a week. The children showed how kind and caring they are when they got the opportunity to hold the ducklings and watch them swim. We were sorry to see them go, but hope that they will be happy in their new home.

Wishing you a very happy weekend.

The Year One Team

Visit to St Mark's Church

Week beginning 13.3.23


This week the children spent the afternoon visiting St Mark's Church to support their learning in RE. The children have been learning about the religious practices and lifestyles of Christians. They enjoyed exploring the different areas of the church and finding out about the different ways Christians worship. It has also been an exciting week with the arrival of the ducklings in school. We have been observing the eggs closely and we very excited to see one of the ducklings hatch out. The children have also been discussing the special people in their lives and have been thinking of the different ways we celebrate Mother's Day.

Have a lovely weekend and have fun celebrating Mother's Day on Sunday.

Best wishes,

The Year One Team

Another Busy Week!

Week beginning 6.3.23

What a busy week Year One have had, we've been busy using all of our Learning Powers and have had lots of fun along the way. In maths this week, we've been very resourceful by using lots of different equipment to represent tens and ones.  We have enjoyed reading the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood and have been using lots of interesting adjectives to describe her. In Design Technology we have begun to design and make a puppet of Little Red Riding Hood, so we can have lots of fun using it to help us retell the story. We have been very resilient when exploring different ways of joining fabric together and cutting out a template. In Science, we once again used our observation skills when investigating which materials were magnetic. We also used our Reciprocity Learning Power, when we worked together to try to solve the problem of how to remove a paper clip from a cup of water, using a magnet. We were very impressed with how brave the children were when they were attempting to solve the problem.

Wishing you a very happy weekend.

The Year One Team


World Book Day

Week beginning 28.2.23

What a fantastic World Book Day we had this week! This year's theme was Bedtime Stories and so lots of the children came to school dressed in their cuddly pyjamas and onesies, along with different book characters. All the children had a great time sharing their favourite books with each other and showed how much they love reading in Year One.

Wishing you all a very enjoyable weekend.

The Year One Team

It's Nearly Spring!

Week beginning 20.2.23


Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term, the children have made a super return to school this week. Our wellbeing bears Cuddles and Chocolate have settled in well and have been given lots of hugs and cuddles. The children have been using their observational skills in Science to look for signs of Spring in and around the school grounds. The children looked closely at a range of Spring flowers, including daffodils, crocuses and snow drops. They also spotted some buds growing on the bushes and planted some seeds in the science area. Maybe you could look out for signs of Spring when you are out and about and let is know what you have seen. The children have also been enjoying their music lessons this term, where they have been practising using a range of instruments to play simple pulses and rhythms.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team.




Visit to Mansfield Museum

Week beginning 6.2.23


What a busy last week of this half term we have had! On Tuesday we visited the Mansfield Museum and had a fantastic time looking at all the different exhibits. We loved taking part in the HOME: Zero art installation, which as been developed by the University of Nottingham. This encouraged us to use our Reflective Learning Power to think about how we could have less environmental impact in our day-to-day lives. We also got the chance to go behind the scenes at the museum and look at the museum's archive of artefacts. Another highlight of the day was meeting a local children's author, Adrian Beeden, who read us one of his stories and answered our questions about how he wrote and produced his books. Back at school, we have been busy using our scientific observation skills by identifying the different materials in and around school. We also used our Reciprocity Learning Power to work together to sort a variety of objects according to their properties. Class 4 enjoyed their wellbeing day on Monday and Class 3 are looking forward to theirs on Friday.


We hope that you all have a wonderful half term holiday and look forward to the children telling us about all the exciting things they have done, when we return to school.

Best wishes,

The Year One Team





Awesome Artists

Week beginning 30.1.23


This half term the children have been learning about the famous sculptor Barbara Hepworth. They have enjoyed looking at examples of her work and discussed the different materials she used to create her sculptures. The children have been practising using a range of techniques and tools to shape, cut, mould  and add texture in order to create their own sculptures. In science this week the children enjoyed connecting with nature, by using their observation skills to look for different colours in the natural environment. This week in English the children have enjoyed innovating our class book, 'The Queen's Hat', by changing the places where the hat goes to. In maths the children have been using a variety of equipment, including ten frames, to practise their subtraction skills. 


We are looking forward to seeing you next week to discuss your child's progress at Parents' Evening. We are sending home your child's books on Friday for you to have a look at over the weekend. Please return the books to school on Monday.


Thank you for you cooperation. Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team


Super Scientists

Week beginning 23.1.23


This week the children in Year One have been using their Scientific Enquiry skills to investigate their different senses. They enjoyed using a whole range of different resources to help them explore all of their senses. On Tuesday the children had a fantastic time taking part in an in school sports competition. We were really impressed by how all the children used their Reciprocity Learning Power to support and encourage everyone in their teams. 


We have been reading a new class book this week, called 'The Queen's Hat' and the children have been busy applying their independent writing skills to retell the story. In Maths the children have been very brave, using their knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help them work out the number bonds to 20. 


It is not long until we go on our trip to the Mansfield Museum (Tuesday 7th February). Please return the consent form for your child to participate in the University of Nottingham research project, taking place at the museum.


Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.


The Year One Team


Budding computer programmers!

Week beginning 16.1.23


This week the children in Year One have begun to develop their coding skills in their computing lessons. The children have loved using Ozobots, which are small programable robots. They learnt a challenging word - algorithm and used their Reciprocity Learning Power to work with a partner to create simple instructions for the Ozobot to follow. All the children were really engaged and I'm sure we have some potential future computer programmers in our midst!


Now the children are well into the Spring Term, we are encouraging them to become more independent in their learning. This week in English, we have been very impressed by how the children have been learning about verbs and using them in writing sentences independently, about what the character in our book 'The New Small Person' does. Please encourage your child to practise writing sentences at home, about anything that they wish. Making sure that they remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Thank you for your continued support. Have a super weekend.

The Year One Team




Welcome to the Spring Term

Week beginning 9.1.23


The children in Year One have made a super start to the new term. They have returned to school full of enthusiasm and ready to continue their learning journey into the Spring Term. The children have been enjoying reading our new class book ‘The New Small Person’ by Lauren Childs and have been using adjectives to write descriptive sentences based on the book. In Maths the children have begun to learn about place value and have used base 10 equipment to help them develop an understanding of tens and ones in 2-digit numbers up to 20. This half term the children will having PE lessons on Wednesday mornings, as they are developing their gymnastic skills with Miss Clark, who is a specialist PE teacher. During these lessons the children will be using apparatus and therefore need to have their hair tied back if it is long, for safety reasons. They will also need to wear shorts, please make sure that your child has shorts in their PE kit.


We are very impressed with the effort all the children are continuing to make with their reading. The children are working hard during our daily phonics lessons and many of them are enjoying being able to demonstrate their reading skills at home. Please remember to write a comment in your child’s reading diary to show when they have read to you at home.


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Merry Christmas!

Week beginning 19.12.22


We have had a wonderful term with your children and we have achieved such a lot. The children in class 3 and 4 had a super party day and a surprise visit from Santa. 

Thank you for all your continued support and your generous gifts. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and we look forward to another amazing term.

The year 1 team smiley


Nearly There!

Week beginning 12.12.22


What a busy week we have had. We hope you enjoyed our Nativity! The children in class 3 and 4 really enjoyed performing it to you all. 

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths this week. Then we have been making models out of them. In science the children have made sound maps. They went into the playground and listened to what they could hear. If the sound was loud the children recorded it on their map as big and if it was quiet they recorded it as small.  In DT the children have continued with designing their castle. We have had lots of lovely descriptive writing about the Troll from our book 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff.'

Have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Week beginning 5.12.22


Another busy week for the children in class 3 and 4. One Monday the children enjoyed 'Wellbeing Day' they produced a lovely Christmas picture by just tearing coloured paper. In the afternoon they had a fun  with our sports providers.

We have been busy rehearsing, making sure we are ready to perform to you next week. We had a lovely Christmas dinner on Wednesday and the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

In maths this week the children have been using part whole models to subtract and have then have written their equations. In DT the children have been designing a castle with a moving part.

We are looking forward to seeing you next week at our Nativity.

Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team 

Busy Busy!

Week beginning 28.11.22


The children have had a busy week practising for our Christmas Production. We are sure you have been hearing snippets from the songs. 

Class 3 and 4 have been enjoying our new book 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and we have been talking about what a traditional tale means. 

In science this week the children have been describing ever day materials using words such as rough, stretchy, smooth, soft, firm. We wonder if they can describe some every day objects that they find at home.

Rest up over the weekend for another busy week next week.

The year 1 team 

Groovy dancers!

Week beginning 21.11.22


The children in class 3 and 4 had a wonderful time at the school disco on Thursday. We saw lots of groovy dancing!

This week the children have been learning how to subtract using lots of different mathematical resources. In English the children have really enjoyed learning about 'Beetles' and understanding  about a non fiction text. They have also been busy writing the facts they have learnt. Ask your child about what they have learnt? 

We have loved hearing from the parents about the children telling them about what they have been learning in History and some children have even brought in books to share with the class about 'Mary Seacole' and 'The Great Fire of London.'

We have been busy practising our songs for the Christmas Nativity. Please can you remember to bring your child's costume in.

Thanks again for all your continued support!

The year 1 team 

Recount of Trip

Week beginning 14.11.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have been using their amazing learning powers this week. We have been busy writing a recount of last weeks trip using time sentence openers. In science the children have been learning about how animals teeth are different for herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and the children grouped them into correct categories. In DT the children were experimenting with levers and came up with some fantastic ideas. Maths this week the children were adding 2 numbers together and writing the equation.

Thank you to all the year 1 children who entered the Autumn Photograph Competition. It was such a tough job for the teachers to choose a winner. All the children who entered were given a certificate.

Have a wonderful weekend and we hope the weather cheers up.

The Year 1 team

Nottingham Castle

Week beginning 7.11.22


What a fun week the children in class 3 and 4 have had! The children have been learning how to record number bonds systematically and they have been writing some of the story of 'Beegu' using adjectives.

The highlight of the week was our trip to 'Nottingham Castle.' It was so exciting to explore the medieval caves and the children showed how brave they were on the dark and steep steps. They also enjoyed the 'Robin Hood Experience' and showed off their skills using a digital bow and arrow and longbow. After lunch they enjoyed the adventures of the outdoor playground pretending to be outlaws. I'm sure all the children slept well after their trip. 

Thank you to the parents who came to help. We wouldn't be able to run these trips without you.

Thank you for continued support!

The year 1 team laugh


Welcome Back!

Week beginning 31.10.22


We hope you had a wonderful half term and enjoyed some lovely family time. The children have come back to school focused and ready to learn. This week in maths we have been looking at family facts and in science we have been identifying and grouping plants and trees. Our story 'Beegu' has engaged the children to write adjectives this week and they have come up with some lovely sentences.

Thank you to everyone who sent in their Autumn photograph. You still have time if you haven't done it yet. I know the teachers are going to have a really hard time to pick a winner.

Please remember to write in your child's reading diary when you have read with them. We love to see what books the children are enjoying at home.

Next Wednesday is our school trip to the castle so reading books won't be sent home till Thursday.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team


Lots of fun!

Week beginning 10.10.22


Monday and Friday afternoon was wellbeing day and the children really enjoyed 'Laser Tag and Clubbercise.' As well as doing lots of art activities.

This week the children have being making and breaking numbers using the part whole model and in English they have been writing sentences including verbs. In PE the children completed their country dancing and they showed great reciprocity. 

It was really lovely to meet you all at parents evening. We hope you found it informative.

We are so proud of how well your children have coped with life in year 1. Have a wonderful restful break and see you all soon.

Don't forget the Autumn photo competition.

The year 1 team smiley


Lots of resilience!

Week beginning 3.10.22


The children have been showing great resilience with their writing this week. They have been showing off their segmenting skills that they have been learning in phonics. 

The children have been enjoying observing the changes in the trees in the playground and we have been exploring what creatures live in the trees by shaking the branches and observing what falls out.

In maths the children have been working out the missing symbol for an equation.

I (Mrs Sellers) am running an Autumn photograph competition. There will be a prize for the winner so please email your entry to the office.

Have a great weekend and enjoy all the beautiful Autumn colours.

The year 1 team


Thank you!

Week beginning 26.9.22


Thank you to all the parents who came to the curriculum evening. We hope you found it informative. If you were unable to attend you can see the power point on the website.

The children in class 3 and 4 have been sorting animals into Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores in science this week. In art the children have been experimenting with Charcoal and enjoyed making different shapes and patterns.

In Maths there has been lots of resilience with ordering numbers from 'greatest to smallest' and in English we saw lots of reciprocity as the children did a 'noun' hunt in the classroom.

We hope that your children have been showing off their reading skills and you have enjoyed their lovely expression.

Now that the weather is getting colder please ensure your child has a coat in school.

Have a lovely weekend!

The year 1 team

Busy Busy!

Week beginning 19.9.22


The children have enjoyed a very busy week in class 3 and 4. This week the children have been exploring the school environment to observe the changes in the seasons and identifying whether a tree is a 'deciduous or evergreen.' 

In PE we've had lots of fun learning to do a longways set. Ask your children to show you.

Maths this week the children have been comparing sets of objects and counting 1:1 correspondence. In computing the children have been learning how to log on and type in their name and password.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our curriculum evening on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend smiley

The year 1 team

Settling in well

Week beginning 12.9.22


The children in class 3 and 4 have settled in brilliantly. They are becoming familiar with the year 1 routines and expectations and have all worked extremely hard. This week the children have been constructing sentences about our story 'We're going on a bear hunt' and in numeracy they have been using numicon to represent numbers. In science the children were exploring the properties of different materials and using the key vocabulary, soft, rough, flexible, opaque and transparent. Class 3 and 4 children have enjoyed our guided reading sessions and will have now brought home their reading book to show off their reading skills and expression. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

The year 1 team 

Welcome Back!

Week beginning 5.9.22


We hope you had a wonderful summer break! The children in class 3 and 4 have settled in brilliantly, we have loved seeing their gorgeous smiley faces as they have come through the door in the mornings.

We have had a busy week and I'm sure your child will be tired. On Monday we had a peek into what the children will be learning this year and finished the day off with a Carnival in the playground.

Thank you for all your support with your child's journal. We have really enjoyed seeing what adventures bear has been up to during the holiday.

Have a restful weekend and we look forward to another busy week.

The year 1 team smiley
