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Woodthorpe Infant School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Welcome to Year 1's year group page. This is the page for Class 3 and 4. You will be able to find out about our learning experiences in school each week and see photos of us having fun.

Year 1 Curriculum Presentation

Click here to view the Year 1 curriculum presentation.

Year 1 Phonics for Parents Presentation

Click here to view the Year 1 Phonics for Parents presentation.

​​​​​​Happy Holidays!

Week beginning 26.7.21


What a year it has been and it is hard to believe that we have reached the end.  A big thank you to all the parents for your continued support throughout out the year. I know the Year 1 team will agree when I say it would be hard to do it without you..  The current Year 1 children have grownup so much over the past year and they have been great learners too. Have a great summer holiday and the Year 1 team will see you all in September.

Another Fun Filled Week

Week beginning 19.7.21


We have had another lovely week in Year 1! While there were some pre Sports Day jitters, the children all enjoyed it and were very glad to have had the opportunity to take part.  While rain did stop play a little bit early, disappointed was avoided with ice lollies. We were very lucky to have a visit from a magician this week. The Year 1s loved the show. They laughed and cheered and were awestruck in equal measure. The Friends of Woodthorpe deserve a big thankyou-the show was was great success. The children also had their first taster session of the ukulele this week and what a tuneful, rhythmic  lot they have turned out to be! They are all looking forward to further sessions in Year 2. Have a lovely weekend.

Looking forward to Year 2.

Week beginning 12.7.21


Initial nervousness seems to have disappeared and the Year 1s were very excited about their final visit to their Year  2 teachers. They are very enthusiastic about the summer 'Chunky Challenge' and can't wait to begin their journals with 'Moley'. One of the other events that the children were excited about was the 'Book Buzz' and the summer reading challenge. Parents be warned - most children in class want to join the library and take part! It was lovely to listen to them talk about their love of reading, explaining that it was their favorite thing to do. They were keen to talk about their favorite books, characters and authors. Haven't they come a long way since the start of Year 1!. Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather.

A week of changes

Week beginning 28.6.21


This week there has been great excitement in the year one classes as some of our butterflies have emerged. Children watched with fascination as they discarded their chrysalis and dried their wings. Thankfully we had a dry day and were able to release them and wave goodbye. We are still hoping that the rest of our butterflies will emerge. The other highlight of the week was moving up day. The Year 1s have now met their new teachers and have been introduced to the rest of their new class. There were some wobbles before their visit, but the children came back from their visits happy, excited and feeling very grown up!  Have a great weekend. 

Will we have butterflies soon?

Week beginning 21.6.21


We are very excited and a little bit worried in Year 1 to see if our butterflies are going to emerge over the weekend.  Who will look after them? Fingers crossed they all become butterflies! The Year 1s continue to practice furiously for Sports Day. They are an extremely competitive bunch and every one of them is determined to win.  Hopefully the weather will be with us....Year 1s are also getting ready to meet their Year 2 teachers next week and as usual at this time of year, there is an air of excitement and anxiety.  It's hard to believe that we are at that time of year already!  Finally thank you again for all the funds raised during the 'Smartie Challenge'. We are all hoping our purchases arrive before the end of the term.

Don't they grow quickly!

Week beginning 14.6.21


Who would have thought caterpillars could grow so quickly. The year ones have been fascinated watching them. They arrived as tiny caterpillars and already some look ready to form a chrysalis. We are all wondering what changes will happen over the weekend. The children also enjoyed our 'History Mystery' this week (many now want to become historians or join the police!). They were able to work out from evidence that our mystery person was Mary Anning and asked very intelligent questions about the shortfalls in the evidence. Have a good weekend all and hopefully the sunshine will return.

Our First Week Back...

Week beginning 7.6.21


What a wonderful first week back! The children are rested and keen to share all that they have been doing during their holiday.  They have settled well and all are happy to  see friends again.  This week they have enjoyed drawing their pictures for our commemorative tea towels. It is incredibly difficult to draw a picture on a 3 x 4 cm scrap of paper, yet they have managed beautifully and I am sure you will agree when you see the results. Finally, a big thank you to all of the parents who supported our funding raising by sending the Smartie Boxes in to school. The children will all benefit from your generosity. 

Animation, Green Man and Fund raising...

Week beginning 24.6.21


It's been a busy week! We have created our own version of the Green Man for display outside and the Year Ones continue to  work on grouping and sharing in maths.  Over the last few weeks in Computing we have been developing our own ideas and created an animation of an acorn growing into a oak tree. We have thought carefully about how we break the growth of an oak tree down into small parts and have learnt how to use different paint tools. It’s been great fun. You can see our animations by clicking on the links below.

Class 3 link:  -

Class 4 link  -

Have a lovely half term and please remember to help your children fill those Smartie tubes!



Insulation and melting points.

Week beginning 17.05.21


We continue to learn how to do fair tests  this week and Year Ones are very good at pointing out  fair and unfair aspects of a test. This week we have been investigating how long it took ice cubes to melt under various conditions and children were fascinated to learn that wrapping them up can actually prevent them from melting!  Children have been given their Smartie packs to take home today and are very excited at the prospect of eating Smarties and collecting money to help make our school a more interesting place to learn. Thanks for all your support in this.

An awe and wonder moment...

Week beginning 9.5.21


We had one of those moments in class this week when the Year 1s were asked to predict which growing medium would encourage a bean to sprout first. ' Compost' was the justifiable prediction. Oohs and ahs reverberated around the room and I have never seen a group of people more pleased to be wrong! The children were fascinated to discover that the seed planted in tissue was the first to sprout. The moral according to Mr Hopkinson is to remove soil from his garden and replace it with tissue! Another highlight has been the art work this week. Children produced work in the style of Yayoi Kusamo. They did a lovely job too!!!

The Weather...

Week beginning 3.5.21


Who would have thought that a weather map could be so interesting! Year ones pored over them this week trying to and succeeding in making sense of the information they contained. They used their knowledge of compass directions to name places that were windy, sunny or wet. They were fascinated to discover that carnivores, herbivores and omnivores have different types of teeth and they thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to write an alternative version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  All in all, a very busy and enjoyable week in Year One.

The Joys of Multiplication!

Week beginning 26.4.21


Believe it or not, one of the joys of being in the Year 1 classroom happens when teaching multiplication. This year has been no different with year 1s feeling proud, and very grown up as they learn the skills needed to complete multiplication problems. We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and making equal groups of objects and children have been delighted to learn that these skills will help them with 'timsing'. Children have also been looking for human and natural  features in our school and have been fascinated to learn how villages, towns and cities emerge and why schools are built in areas like Woodthrope. 

First Week Back

Week beginning 19.4.21


The first week has flown by and the Year 1 children have settled well into the class routines. The sunny weather has allowed us to get outside a bit more and we have been examining our playground for signs of spring. We were very excited to be using our new class compasses for the first time., all waiting patiently for the red needles to point to North.  Some wanted to continue to walk in that direction to see if they could get to the North Pole!  All in all it's been a lovely start to the new term.

Egg-citing end of term!

Week beginning 29.3.21


We had a fun packed last week of term with egg-citing events! The egg rolling and best decorated egg competitions were very popular and it was very hard to pick winners. See below for some of the eggs that were brought in. They were amazing!

We wish you a restful Easter break and look forward to the Summer term with , hopefully, a bit more of getting back to normal.


Week beginning 22.3.21


We had another good week getting back on track and there was some amazing teamwork on the bridge making! Look out for a message the week beginning the 29th for a new Wellbeing club for next half term run by me      ( Mrs Bright) around making things, showing kindness and paying simple acts forward.  In the meantime have a look at the amazing results from our Year 1 children !

Back on track!

Week beginning 15.3.21


It has been great to see all the children settling back into the school routines and watch this space for further updates. We are currently constructing bridges and next week I will share some of the results. Not Trent Bridge of course but mini versions!

Everyone is Back!

Week beginning 8.3.21


It was great to see everyone back together and we had a really good week.  The children were very resilient and glad to see each other. The duckling eggs also arrived on Monday and by Friday five had hatched out. 

We are looking forward to see how they grow. Welcome back everyone!

World Book Day

Week beginning 1.3.21


It was World Book Day on Thursday and it was lovely to see all the costumes in school and online in the story sessions. See below for some photos and the story jars displayed on the allotment fence.


As well as that the children in school enjoyed working together on Lego rainbows and 'getting their wings' on the fencing at the top of the drive. If you have not been in school give yourself some extra time this week to get your wings too!


We are so looking forward to having everyone back together next week and being back in our teams!

Welcome back Meerkats and Narwhals - you have been amazing!


From ALL the Year 1 team :)


Good News!

Week beginning 22.2.21


It was really good news to hear we will all be back at school together on the 8th of March. The children who have been in school are very excited to see ALL their friends again! In school we have been learning about The Great Fire of London and counting in 2s and 5s. If you are at home keep on going with the Home Learning for just one more week and keep safe.


See you all on Monday 8th March :)

Last Week!

Week beginning 8.2.21


What a different half term this has been but how resilient everyone has been !

The children in school enjoyed the Book Buzz event which was a quiz they helped to make and share- this will be available for all on World Book Day as well as an online live story session.

It has been lovely to see pupils at home in the online story sessions. We hope to see all the Home learners in the story sessions in the week after Half  Term and look forward to all being back together soon. 

Have a lovely break !

Signs of Spring!

Week beginning 1.2.21


We started the week with an interesting date-the same forwards and backwards-1221!

 In school we have been tracking day length and discovered that daylight hours got longer by about half an hour over the week. It feels like Spring is definitely on its way, especially as we noticed snowdrops and crocuses appearing. In Class 3 our mini daffodils bloomed this week , which has brightened up the classroom.

We finished the week by using clay to make sculptures in the style of Barbara Hepworth which we will decorate once dry.  See the pictures below. If you are working at home you could use any squashy material to have a go at something similar. The main style rule is it has to have at least one hole through it. We also decorated plates as part of Children's Mental Health week. We hope you are all staying safe and once again it has been great to see the work you have been handing in.

A wintry week!

Week beginning 25.1.21


We had a snowy start to the week and the children in school loved having a chance to explore the snow on the playground. Building snow people fitted in perfectly with our ongoing work on sculpture in our Art sessions!

If any of you at home managed to take any photos why not share them to our class blog?

We also worked hard on subtraction and writing a story about the Queen's hat flying around the London landmarks. Again, it has been great to see the responses to the Home Learning -keep up being resilient.

Well done and keep safe!

A quiet week

Week beginning 18.1.21


We have had fewer children in school this week but the ones who came in worked hard on addition and subtraction and how they are linked. They also enjoyed the story 'The Queen's Hat' and learning about London landmarks. We compared London to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil and all said we would love to visit both places when we are allowed to travel again. We talked about what we would do if we were the Queen or King for the day. Someone suggested they would make the rich people share some of their money with the poor-a little Robin Hood in the making!

As ever, the Year 1 team  are impressed by the efforts of the home learners and of course, their home teachers. Some of you have viewed assignments but not handed in so remember to do that if you have done the work. We hope next week is another good one for learning in school or at home.

Keep up being resilient-adults too! Don't forget to view mine (Mrs Bright) and Ms O'Hanlon's video messages on Microsoft Teams.



Weather and bulbs!

Week beginning 11.1.21


In Geography, the children in school have been learning to use weather charts for cities in the UK to compare temperatures and weather conditions. It was very timely we had a snowy day!

We have also been investigating the structure of onion and garlic bulbs. Class 3 and 4 smell just like garlic bread even after two days! If you are learning at home  you could have a go at this too. We discovered that the bulbs are quite different inside. Keep up your home learning and remember to press hand in so we can see what you have been doing.

Welcome back! (In person or remotely!)

Week beginning 4.1.21


Well, what another challenging week for us all but, as ever, the challenges have been tackled bravely in school and at home. It has been lovely to see the responses handed in from the Home Learning set this week and in school the children have continued to follow the planned curriculum. 

In Maths lessons we have been learning how to match numbers on ten frames to a numberline and how to jump off the number to count on and back.

Keep up being resilient in school and/or at home and the Year 1 team look forward to seeing some of you next week.



Happy Christmas

Week beginning 14.12.20


Christmas cards and calendars have been completed and the glitter has been stored for another year (the caretaker has breathed a sigh of relief) - it's been a lovely week here at Woodthorpe Infants. We have had Christmas dinners, Christmas parties and thanks to the Friends of Woodthorpe, we look forward to our Christmas pantomime later on today.  Thank you to all our parents for your continued support this year and we hope you have a lovely holiday and we will see you all again in 2021.

The most important visitor of all

Week beginning 6.12.20


Jingle bells rang, Santa ho ho hoed and the children were filled with awe and wonder as they questioned him relentlessly, ensuring that he had presents prepared, that he would appreciate a mince pie and a glass of something grown-up and that he was indeed going to visit their house on Christmas Eve. Infant schools when Santa visits, must be one of the best places to be at Christmas!

It felt a bit like a mini Christmas in the Year 1 classes this week as the children opened box after box of magnetic construction toys. The children love it and would like to thank the Friends of Woodthorpe for taking the time to raise the money, so they could have it. Thanks also to all the parents who donated to the Christmas Hampers. We are all very grateful for your gifts. Finally, if you are still feeling somewhat lacking in the festive spirit, take a look at the schools Christmas Carols on the events page. They are bound to bring a smile.

What a difference a week makes....

Week beginning 30.11.20


Christmas excitement is difinitely noticeable  among the  Year Ones  this week.  We have been hearing tales of 'naughty elves' most days and children have enjoyed having the opportunity to share. The children have continued to practice their Christmas songs and I am sure some of them will end up on the equivalent of Britain's got Talent, in years to come! Thank you to all the parents who have donated to the Christmas Hamper. Please keep the gifts coming in as the Biggest Hamper will win a prize for the class. Don't forget it's non-uniform on Monday.

Welcome back!

Week beginning 23.11.20


How great to see Class 4 Narwhals back in school again. They have come back brimming over with excitement, eagar to learn and happy to see their friends again. Thank you to all the parents and carers who helped the children access the home learning. It has really helped ensure they did not miss too much while they were in isolation. Back in school the children have continued learning about place value ( tens and ones)

and are continuing to practice songs for Christmas.  They have been learning about the history of Nottingham Forest Football Club, so if any adults having any interesting information or paraphalia please share it with your child  as  I am sure they would love to hear about it.





Resilient learners!

Week beginning 16.11.20


There has been lots of learning in Year 1 this week, some in school and some at home. The children have all shown resilience in their learning wherever it has taken place and it has been great to see how many Class 4 families have accessed the home learning this week. Don't forget to select 'hand in' once you have completed a task so we can give feedback on what you have done. There is more home learning available for next week until the whole year group are back.

In school, Class 3 have been enjoying learning about shapes, simple poem writing and The Great Fire of London.

Keep up that resilience Year 1 ! We are proud of you!

Mary Anning

Week Beginning 9.11.20


Many of the year 1s were keen to visit Lyme Regis after learning about Mary Anning this week. They were all hoping to walk in her footsteps by finding fossils on the beach. Boys and girls were nonplused to learn that  as a woman, she was not given credit for her discoveries  and male counterparts generally took the credit instead. Year 1s have adapted well to the new ways of working this half term, and they have shown great resilence as they are now expected to work more independently.



Welcome back Year Ones.

Week beginning 2.11.20


We have had a great first week back and the children have come back rested and enthusiastic. They loved learning about how toys have changed since their grandparents were children and sorted toys, using lots of historical vocabulary to justify their decisions. One bright spark was overheard to say 'I know Ms O'Hanlon couldn't have played with this toy because it's electric and electricity wasn't invented when she was a kid'. Needless to say Ms O'Hanlon was quick to congratulate the child on their detective skills and to correct misconceptions... It would be great if you could talk to your child about toys you and older relatives played with, as it would help to reinforce their understanding of the time period.

 Half term already!

Week beginning 12.10.20


The weeks have sped by and the year 1 children have worked diligently and proved their resilience time after time when faced with new challenges. While there is a palable air of excitement as the half term approaches,  we are all especially looking forward to our Well Being day, which is a lovely way to end the half term. Year 1 children will have the opportunity to engage with activities which will help them understand the importance of unwinding. We will be adding to our art work inside school and adding to the pebble path outside school, so please look out for our year 1 additions in the weeks after half term.  Thanks for all your continued support and have a lovely half term holiday.



Animal Characteristics

Week beginning 5.10.20


We have had another lovely week in year 1!  The children were fascinated when learning about different animal characteristics and that humans were in fact animals and mammals. They have encountered a lot of unfamiliar vocabulary since starting year 1 and have done a great job of retaining it. There have been some lovely additions from the children to our Art Wall based on the 'Once upon a time...' theme and they are all clearly proud of their contributions. In Geography, we have been learning about compass directions and some children commented that it would be a very useful skill when driving on the motorway!

Rio De Janeiro

Week beginning 28.9.20


First of all, apologies if your children want to go to Rio De Janeiro for the Christmas holidays! The Year 1 children thought that winter holidays in the sun sounded like an excellent idea. And yes, we have been learning about weather and climate in England country and comparing it with weather and climate in Rio. We all thought that Brazils' 5 day National Carnival sounded like a fantastic idea. We have had another great week in Year 1 and the children have all worked hard learning about verbs and nouns. There have been some important lessons learned about how rewarding learning can be and how great it can make you feel. We have even had a 'victory dance' in Year 1 when one child finally 'got it' when working on some tricky maths. We have also had some pretty awesome art work. Take a look for yourself.

Learning about Autumn

Week beginning 21.9.20


We have had a lovely week trying to identify trees in the playground and the year 1 children were keen to find out how autumn would affect our environment. Many children went on to bring in leaves from home which was great! There has been a marked change in the children as they are really settling into class and are evidently proud of their learning. More are taking part in class discussions and answering questions, and many more are remarking that they 'love maths' or 'like writing best'.

Enthusiastic Learners

Week beginning 14.9.20


The year 1 children have shown great enthusiasm in all areas of the curriculum they have been introduced to this week. They are keen to share their knowledge of materials and have all shown great resilience and imagination in their writing. Before Art lessons, some could be heard to say they were 'rubbish' at art and yet went on to produce work they were very proud off. Thanks to all the parents for writing in reading diaries - it really does help us to get a better picture of the children's learning in reading. 

A Great First Week

Week beginning 7.9.20


The year 1 children have had a great first full week. They have adapted well to the routines and have been eager to show what they learned in F2. We have also picked new names for our classes. Class 4 are now the Neighbourly Narwhals while Class 3 are the Marvellous Meerkats. We have had great fun finding out some interesting facts about these animals too. We have been learning about the importance of sorting this week and the children have come up with some very creative ways of sorting animals! Thank you to all the Class 4 parents who have been very flexible about our changes to the end of day pick up and for your continued support.

Welcome to Year 1

Week beginning 1.9.20


Welcome to all the children who started in Year 1 this week. It has been lovely to have them all back. The children have settled very well despite the strange circumstances we find ourselves in. It has been a great opportunity to watch them reacquaint themselves with old friends and find new ones as well. The children have coped well with measures we have put in place to ensure we can all come to school safely. A big thank you to the parents who have all co-operated to ensure our safe return.  Some parents have asked about year 1 PE days; Class 3 will have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays, while Class 4 will have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. On PE days, children should come to school in their PE kit. Finally, could parents please ensure that reading diaries and school books are kept in book bags. If the reading diaries have been mislaid, pop a note in the book bag to let us know and we will replace it. 

Thank you again from the year 1 team.
