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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Welcome to year 2! We are so happy to welcome the children back to school. We have missed everyone so much and cannot wait for our learning journey to begin together. We have a fantastic year planned for our lovely year 2 children and are so excited to work with you to ensure that your child is enjoying school life. As you know, the class 5 teacher is Ms McGuinness and the class 6 teacher is Miss Bartlam. Mrs Bucknall and Miss Creber will also work with the year 2 children regularly. Our door is always open and if you have any questions, worries or concerns, please do let us know. Together we are going to make this year a wonderful experience for the children. Our year together is going to be fun and exciting as we continue to... 'Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Happy!'

Curriculum Presentation

You can view our curriculum presentation for 2021-22 here.

A Huge Thank You

Week beginning 25.7.22


There can't have been a dry eye in our school for our wonderful year 2 leavers' assembly. Thank you so much to everyone who came. It was a fantastic way of rounding off such a rewarding year with these very special children. We would also like to say a huge, 'THANK YOU' to everyone for your kind thoughts and good wishes. Teaching your children has been an absolute pleasure and we will miss every single one of them but we know that they will love the junior school.

Wishing you a wonderful summer.

Ms M and Miss Bartlam

PS Don't forget year 2, 'You can count on me like 1, 2, 3 I'll be there!'

Our last full week

Week beginning 18.7.22


What a week it's been! We could not talk about our week without mentioning how resilient all of the year 2 children have been. With the added challenge of trying to juggle learning with very hot temperatures, Class 5 and 6 once again proved what superstars they were! We are so proud of them all and loved enjoying a little bit of fun in the sun with them.


Aside from taking turns to sit in front of the fans, our year 2s have finished their computing unit this week. We have been learning about technology in the wider world with a specific focus on 3D printing and were lucky enough to see some of our own car designs be printed. The children were very impressed with the results. We have also further explored measuring this week in maths. The children worked with lots of different rulers, meter sticks, weighing scales and measuring jugs to find the length, mass and capacity of different classroom objects. How resourceful they were!

I am an upstander!

Week beginning 11.7.22


This week we have revisited one of our favourite stories, 'Amazing Grace'. This is an special story which follows the adventures of Grace, a young girl who loves to be imaginative and act out her most beloved stories. The story reminds us that no matter who we are we can be anything we want to be if we put our mind to it, a message that we're sure you'll agree is so important. Grace has her mind set of playing Peter Pan in her school's upcoming performance but, unfortunately, not everybody in the story believes that this is the right role for her. With this in mind, we have spent some of our English lessons this week thinking about how we can be an upstander and make a conscious effort to stand up for what is right. Our amazing year 2 children wrote some super sentences about what they would say and do if they were a part of Grace's class. As always, the children produced some beautiful work and continued to make us proud with their kindness and respect for others.

Amazing Art and Super Sports

Week beginning 4.7.22


This week has been quite different to usual with lots of exciting things happening. We had out last Wellbeing Day of the year on Tuesday and, as always, we enjoyed some new sports activities. We loved getting involved in cricket matches out on the field and also had lots of fun in dance on the playground. There were big smiles all around. As well as sports, we also created some more artwork. It was a really lovely day for everyone and we are looking forward to seeing our artwork on display soon. 

We had more sporting fun this week as we had our annual sports day. It was lovely to see so many of our grown ups there cheering us on. We were so resilient and kept running all the way to the finish line. What a great afternoon it was


Designing our own cars

Week beginning 27.6.22


This week we have been thinking a lot about how we use technology. We started by thinking about the technology used in our classroom and then how we use technology ourselves at home. We know that our world is full of technology and we thought of amazing examples of how we spot it when we go shopping, to the cinema or even when we are travelling. One way that technology is put to excellent use is when cars are made. With this in mind, we were set a challenge to design our very own 'dream cars' with a plan for some of them to be printed on a 3D printer. We experimented with lots of different colours and shapes and were very happy with our final designs. You can take a look at them by copying  the links to our Purple Mash Display Boards below.


Class 5 Display Board


Class 6 Display Board

Happy 60th Birthday WIS

Week beginning 20.6.22


What an amazing week we've had! As you may have heard, our school celebrated it's 60th birthday this week and we couldn't let the occasion pass without lots of celebrations. There has been so much to do and a lot of laughs! On Tuesday we had an awesome bouncy castle in school and we all had great big smiles on our faces as we bounced as high as we could and showed off our flips and tricks. We also had a great time playing pass the parcel and added our handprints to the WIS boards at the top of the driveway. Don't they look fabulous! Lunchtime was also very special on Tuesday as everybody sat on the playground for a fun and sunny birthday picnic. Check out the pictures of our fantastic hats below.

If that wasn't enough birthday fun, Mrs Bucknall had arranged a super concert for some very special visitors on Thursday. We had spent lots of time learning our songs and it was so special to perform then to ex staff and pupils.  What a lovely afternoon! Some of our teachers even had tears in their eyes. The whole week of celebrations have reminded us of just how special it feels to be a part of Team WIS.  

Here comes the sun

Week beginning 13.6.22


It has been another busy week here in year 2 but we are so glad that the sun has been shining down on us. It is really starting to feel like summer and we are very excited about it! This week we have been busy designing packaging for our very own healthy snack. We thought about where different foods come from and made sure that we made our packaging look bright and eye-catching. We are really looking forward to finishing our design process and making our product in the next few weeks. We have also really enjoyed hearing about the toys our parents and grandparents payed with in our history lessons. We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who uploaded videos for us to explore. They were fab!


As you may already know, next week is our big birthday celebration week. Can you believe that our school is 60 years old? We have some very special activities to look forward to and can't wait to share some fabulous pictures with you next week to show you how much fun we've had. Keep an eye out in school for our brilliant bunting that will be going up on Monday. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Love the Year 2 Team 

A bright and sunny return

Week beginning 6.6.22


What a cheerful return to school we have had this week! On Wednesday, we took part in a very special fundraising event called 'Winnie's Wish'. To help raise money to support a little girl battling a devastating illness, our whole school dressed in their brightest yellow clothes. What a joy it was too see such a ray of sunshine on the playground! It really put a smile on everyone's face. Thank you to everyone for showing your support and donating to such an important cause. Also this week, our ever resilient year 2 children further developed their sports skills in PE. They are enjoying exploring lots of mini games and have shown very impressive reciprocity when working in their teams. It really has been great to see everyone being so active and has made us feel very excited for our upcoming sports day.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Week beginning 26.5.22


The year 2 children have had a fun filled, busy week. We started our week with a 'book buzz' event. I'm sure that the children have told you about the book characters we have had painted on the walls at school. They look amazing! The year 2 children worked in pairs to help the younger children to find and identify each of the book characters. Each team showed so much reciprocity and worked brilliantly together. We also had a visit from Javid, a representative from the charity 'Muslim Hands'. Javid talked to us about 'Zakat' the Muslim practice of giving to others who are less well off. The children behaved very respectfully and were so knowledgeable about the 5 pillars of Islam. We felt very proud of them all. We also had a traditional lunch of 'fish and chips' to celebrate the queen's jubilee. After that, we had a restful, calm afternoon making clay characters to add to our story settings. Take a look at these lovely photos. The year 2 children really are so kind, creative and respectful. By the end of each week, we year 2 teachers worry about bursting with pride. POP! Have a lovely half term holiday everyone. See you all soon. 

Cool Crafts

Week beginning 16.5.22


We have had so much fun this week and have used all our learning powers every single day. The year 2 children have worked hard on some tricky 'quizzes' and have also made some wonderful crafts too. We have been making bunting for the school's 60th birthday celebration, peg dolls and story settings based on our favourite story books. The year 2 children always work hard but this week they have surpassed themselves. When we think of our year 2 children, the word that springs to mind is... 'WOW!'

Gruffalo Fun

Week beginning 9.5.22


What a fantastic trip we had on Tuesday.  We were all so excited to see the stage production of one of our favourite stories... 'The Gruffalo'. We set off on a double decker bus which took us all the way to the Theatre Royal in Nottingham. The theatre looked beautiful and 'The Gruffalo' set was stunning. The play was lots of fun and we were all laughing when the fox exited the stage shouting, 'MUMMY!' because he was so scared of the mouse. It really was a very special trip and every single child behaved beautifully. The children of Woodthorpe Infant School really shone using their lovely manners and impressing the grown ups they met. A huge thank you to all our helpers and a very special enormous THANK YOU to FOWI who organised the tickets. What a wonderful community we have!


Amazing Mathematicians

Week beginning 3.5.22


The fantastic year 2 children bounced back into school with lots of news about their bank holiday weekend with their families. It sounds as though you all had lots of fun. Year 2 are always ready to learn and this week was no exception as they worked their socks off, especially in maths. We have been working on using < > and = symbols in equations. We worked out which symbol to  use in an equation and then made up our own equations too. We did our best to catch the children out but they were too reflective, resilient and resourceful for us and spotted every trick. What amazing mathematicians they are! Well done year 2. We love your brave learning attitude. 

Our Bestwood Trip

Week beginning 25.4.22


What a fantastic trip we had on Wednesday! It was a beautiful day, the rain stayed away and we had so much fun. We all bounced into school and set off for Bestwood Country Park. We spent the day orienteering, making dens and toasting marshmallows. Our dens were really impressive and some even had a seating area and more than one room! The orienteering wasn't easy but everyone was very resilient (especially our grown ups) and we didn't give up. A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time to help out. You were all brilliant!

A Super Start to Summer

Week beginning  19.4.22


What a fantastic start to the summer term! We are so happy to have everyone back at school ready to learn. The children have settled in beautifully and their amazing learning attitude is stronger than ever. We kicked off our super summer term with a well-being day which involved the children in creating some wonderful, collaborative paintings. We were inspired by some fantastic artists who don't hold their paintbrushes in their hands but instead use their feet or mouths. Antonio Davis is one of these artists and his work is amazing! Everyone used their learning powers and made sure that they showed reciprocity by taking turns and worked respectfully and kindly with their partner. It really was so much fun and much, much trickier than it looks. The fun-loving, respectful WIS children never stop impressing their teachers!


Happy Easter Everyone!

Week beginning 28.3.22


What an egg-citing week we've had in the run up the the Easter half term! We started the week with some more duckling cuddles, it was great to see how much they had grown already. This week we took part in our annual Egg Decorating competition. What fabulous entries we had! There were some very creative designs including an eggy Jack Sparrow on his own private island, a spiky hedgehog, some adorable bunnies and even an out of this world Saturn egg. Well done to everyone who entered and congratulations to the winners. We also had an egg-cellent time at our Egg Rolling event and we we're very impressed with how close some of us got to the target. Congratulations to Jake and Jacob for being the winners in your class and an extra well done to Jacob for being the overall school winner. We're sure you would love to see some pictures of our wonderful week, take a look at them below.


All that is left for us to say is Happy Easter! We hope you all have a lovely break.

Love the Year 2 team 

Darling Ducklings

Week beginning 21.3.22


We have reached one of our favourite times of the year. The sun is finally starting to creep out and we have our fluffy visitors in school again. If you didn't already know, or hadn't heard the chirping, we are of course talking about the ducklings. We are very lucky to have 4 beautiful and cute ducklings with us for the next 2 weeks. This week, in our science lessons, we spoke about what the ducklings will need to help them grow and observed which stage of the life cycle they were at before they hatched. Once they were safely hatched and in their cage, it was great to observe their eggs closely and see the membranes. We have loved watching the ducklings so far and they really made us smile when they had their first swim. How cute and fluffy they are! Take a look at some pictures of our new friends below as we gave them lots of love and cuddles.


Week beginning 14.3.22


As you may be aware, this Friday was Red Nose Day. To celebrate the occasion, we came to school dressed as our favourite superheroes. Our classrooms were once again filled with huge smiles and lots of colour. We spoke about what super powers we would love to have and practiced some superhero action poses. Earlier in the week, we set to work on our very own marionette puppets. After conducting some research at the puppet show and sketching out our designs it was finally time to get making. We must admit, they are looking brilliant so far. We have a few finishing details to add but we cannot wait to share them with you next week.

Super Scientists

Week beginning 7.3.22


We have been showing off our super scientific skills in our learning this week as we explored what is meant by 'microhabitats'. We spent some time in the classroom thinking about the creatures you might find in microhabitats and discussed where we had seen them before. It was then time to get our magnifying glasses out and find some microhabitats of our own. We found some slimy slugs under piles of damp leaves and one group found a very long centipede underneath the playground tyres. It was great to see everybody use their learning powers and work together to identify different plants and animals.  What great explorers we were! 

Playful Puppets and a wonderful World Book Day

Week beginning 28.2.22


What a busy week we've had here at WIS! It has been filled with so much fun and a lot of laughter. We had a very special visit from the Pinxton Puppets on Tuesday. Not only did we get to watch their very funny puppet show of Little Red Riding Hood but we also had the chance to be creative and make our own stick puppets. Our puppets all had their own top and cloak and we made them super vibrant with some furry feathers and shiny stickers. It was great to see the children think about what stories they could create for their own puppet show. The workshop has got us so excited to make a different kind of puppet in our DT lessons this term.


We're sure that you also spotted some fabulous book characters on Wednesday as we celebrated World Book Day. What brilliant costumes they were! Our classrooms were full of colour as Willy Wonka, Fantastic Mr Fox, Gangsta Granny, the Cat in the Hat and so many more made their way inside, not forgetting what seemed like the entire cast of Harry Potter armed with spell books and magic wands. It was great to see everybody share their favourite books and love of reading too. You won't want to miss seeing the fabulous costumes in the pictures below.


Welcome back and Wellbeing Day

Week beginning 21.2.22


Welcome back everybody! We hope you all had a lovely and relaxing break. It has been great to heard about all of your adventures in our English lessons as we have been writing our own recounts. It sounds like you all had a great week with lots of fun and laughter. 


We had a super start to the half term this week with another fabulous wellbeing day. The Dashing Dolphins and Pouncing Polar Bears both had the chance to be creative when designing their own Lego community posters. Class 5 went for a awesome space themed community with the children designing their own alien and astronaut characters, whilst Class 6 became superheroes for a day and thought about the powers their characters would have. The children had a fabulous morning! The class community posters can be found on display in the dining area. In the afternoon, the children also enjoyed being active with some gymnastics, dance and yoga sessions. It was great to see everybody join in with big smiles on their faces. 


We have got a great half term planned with lots of exciting things to look forward to. We can't wait to share more of the children's adventures and learning with you!

Busy Busy Busy

Week beginning 7.2.22


What a super busy week we have had at school! We have learnt the names and properties of 2d and 3d shapes and we have used mirrors to find lines of symmetry. We finished our wonderful 'Land Art' sculptures based on the work of Andy Goldsworthy and we completed some fantastic writing inspired by the book, 'Rainbow Bear'. The children's 'Rainbow Bear' writing was so powerful that it made Ms M and Miss Bartlam have a bit of a chin wobble. On top of all of this, we have managed to squeeze in a virtual visit to a mosque too. Remember the exciting things you do in the half term holiday children because we want you to tell us all about once we are all back at school. Have a lovely time!

Eid Mubarak!

Week beginning 31.1.22


The year 2 children had a very special treat this week when one of our lovely parents came in to tell them all about Eid. We learnt that Eid is a Muslim holiday which marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. Celebrations continue for one, two or three days, and people wish each other Eid Mubarak (Blessed Eid). Celebrations include decorating homes inside and out, family visits, eating special sweet foods, wearing special clothes and giving and receiving gifts. The children were extra lucky because, not only did they learn about Ramadan and Eid, but they also received a special treat too! Eid Mubarak to everyone!


Nature, Art, Happiness and Health

Week beginning 24.1.22


This week we have continued to look at amazing artists such as Jenny Pickford and Andy Goldsworthy. We had a lovely afternoon outside gathering natural materials and then making our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired sculptures. We used all sorts of wonderful materials such as dried leaves, twigs, pine cones and stones. We also used some fabric leaves too! Then we worked in a group to arrange the materials into patterns and made some beautiful art work. Take a look at our photos. What do you think? The children showed amazing team work and artistic flair. 


We also thought about how important exercise, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep are if we want to stay healthy. We talked about how important it is to smile and laugh because this makes us feel happy. The children know that keeping clean is a part of being healthy and there was lots of laughter as we made some pretend germs and then tried to wash them off our hands. Our pretend germs were made of glitter and hand gel! Ms M ended up with glitter everywhere! Will out carpet ever be the same again?

Inspiring Stories

Week beginning 17.1.22


This week we have read a beautiful book called, 'Leaf'. It's a story all about a polar bear who washes up on the edge of a wild wood.  Sadly, the other animals fear and avoid him because he is different. The poor bear misses his family and home so much and he resiliently tries to get back to them but his plans don't work. In the end, the crows of the wild wood take pity on him and fly him home. The children responded to this wonderful book with so much empathy and enjoyed roleplaying the story. They imagined how the polar bear must have felt which inspired some great writing. Our children are so kind and empathetic and it was heart-warming to hear them explain how we should always welcome and include others. 

Amazing Artists

Week Beginning 10.1.22


It's been another brilliant learning week at WIS! The year 2 children have worked their socks off. They have enjoyed learning to tell the time and have made fantastic progress with this very tricky concept. Thank you so much for helping your child with their time homework over the holiday. We really can see the impact the home learning has had. The children wrote some very inspiring poems this week too! We read the poem, 'River Winding' from the book 'Earth Poems' and used this as the basis for our own ideas. The children made such interesting words choices and their poems were so inventive. We have also looked at the work of the sculptor Jenny Pickford and enjoyed making 'mini-sculptures' inspired by her creations. Take a look at our fantastic work. 

Happy New Year! 

Week Beginning 4.1.22


It is absolutely wonderful to have the children back at school and to hear the memories they have made over the holidays. We hope that you have all had a very happy time together. Returning to school was so much fun because we started our week with a well being day. During our well being day, the children engaged in sports such as dodgeball, dance and yoga. They also had a relaxing time working on a very special art activity. Each child worked in a team of three and planned and produced a 3d portrait of an animal with their team mates. The team work we saw throughout the day was impressive and it was a fantastic opportunity for the children to use their learning powers, especially their 'reciprocity'. 


On Wednesday, we had a visit from Sarah Denvers and her 'assistance dog' Barney. Sarah explained how Barney helps her every day and some of us were lucky enough to give Barney a pat! It has been a lovely week and the children have returned to school eager to ''be kind, be brave and be happy!' 


Merry Christmas Everyone

Week beginning 13.12.21


As can be expected as we prepare for Christmas, we have had a very busy week with lots more festive fun. We started the week with our Year 2 Christmas parties on Monday. The morning was filled with lots of dancing, singing and party games including a special pass the parcel. We loved seeing everyone in their party outfits and showing off their best dance moves. Tuesday was also a very special day here at WIS. We enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner with all the trimmings followed by a visit to St Mark's Church to hear the story of the first nativity. We have finished the week with a DT project and have made our own pages for a festive pop up book. The children were so creative with their ideas and we loved seeing their imagination come to life on their pages. 


You can see lots of pictures from our busy week in the slideshow below. Before we head home for the Christmas holidays we wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for your kind words and gifts. We have loved teaching your amazing children this term and cannot wait to see them all back at school next year. 


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, stay safe

Love Miss Bartlam and Ms M 

Away in a manger

Week beginnning 6.12.21


What a busy week we have had! We couldn't let the week end without mentioning our fantastic nativity performances on Tuesday and Thursday. We're sure that you will feel the same when we say we could not be prouder of all of the children and the way they worked as a super team. It felt lovely to be able to welcome you all into school to watch our performances, we hope you went home humming the songs and feeling super Christmassy. Once again, a big thank you for all of your continued support. If you didn't manage to catch the show or you want a reminder of how lovely it was, take a look at the pictures below.


As we prepare for our final week of school for 2021, we wanted to note a few things. Firstly, a big thank you to everybody who has donated a raffle prize. The class hampers are looking excellent and will hopefully make a nice addition to somebody's Christmas buffet table. Secondly. if you weren't already aware, Monday 13th is year 2 party day. We know that the children are very excited to have some more festive fun, please send them into school in their best party outfits. The more sequins the better!

Snow much fun

Week beginning 29.11.21


On our return to school on Monday, we were thrilled to see that there was still a blanket of snow on the playground waiting for us. We couldn't wait to get out coats on and head out for some frosty fun. Some of us enjoyed a mini snowball fight with Mr Hopkinson. What great fun it was! A couple of our resourceful year 2 children decided to gather snow and make their own little ice sculptures too, we had a very handsome hedgehog made with snow and small stones. It really was lovely to see everyone with huge happy smiles on their faces at break time.


Also this week, we have been busy on our journey to Bethlehem as we put the finishing pieces of our Key Stage 1 Nativity together. We can't wait to share it with the rest of the school and our grown ups next week. Hopefully, you are just as excited as we are and it will get you feeling very festive.



Dear Earth

Week beginning 22.11.21


Over the last couple of weeks we have been reading a story called 'Dear Earth' by Isobel Otter. This take is all about an adventurous girl named Tessa who longs to be an explorer just like her Grandpa. Tessa dreams of visiting the many wonders of the world and decides to write a letter to our miraculous planet, Earth. Just like Tessa, this week we decided to write our own letters to Earth and explain what we would do if we had the chance to become and explorer. We used some very impressive verbs and spoke about how cool it would be to hike up snowy mountains, graze with giant pandas or even wobble through sandy deserts on a camel. As always we were so impressed with everybody's imaginations. Some of our Dashing Dolphins wanted to share their letters with you. Take a look at the videos below and ask yourself, if you travelled the Earth, where would you explore?


Before we go we wanted to say a really big well done to the year 2 children who have been working on their handwriting and spellings at home. We are really seeing the benefits in school. Keep up the great work everybody.

Dear Earth

Still image for this video

Dear Earth

Still image for this video

Our trip to Perlethorpe

Week beginning 15.11.21


What a brilliant day we had at Perlethorpe on Wednesday! Luckily the rain held off for our first school trip of the year and we had a super day exploring the grounds at Perlethorpe. Before we tell you what we got up to, we have to say a big well done to all of the year 2 children. Everybody showed amazing respect to the grown ups around us and, as always, displayed great use of their learning powers throughout the day. We are very proud of all of you! Another big thank you to all of our parent volunteers, we could not have done it with out you.


What a jam packed day it was! In the morning, we got stuck in with lots of great activities. We showed great reciprocity when leading our blindfolded partners thorough the woodland obstacle course and were also fantastic explorers when searching for different exciting minibeasts. Miss Bartlam was so proud of the Dashing Dolphins when they carefully (and very resourcefully) created safe habitats for some woodland creatures. In the afternoon, after a well earned lunch, we went into the River Meden to search for some more exciting wildlife. Even though some of us were very nervous to take the plunge, we all gave it a go and by the end were having a fabulous time doing the 'Perlethorpe Shuffle' in the river. 


We had such a fabulous day and would love you to take a look at some of the pictures below.


Marvellous Mathematicians!

Week beginning 8.11.21


If you didn't already know, we love doing maths here at WIS and this week we have proved what super mathematicians we are. We used our hundred squares to help us solve some addition and subtraction equations and, with the help of our number lines, we explored numbers that were greater than, less than and equal to each other. Our teachers were really impressed with our proving skills. What amazing use of our learning powers! Take a look at some of our Dashing Dolphins being incredibly resourceful in the pictures below. 

Wellbeing Day

Week beginning 1.11.21


Welcome back everybody! We have loved getting back into the swing of things this week and it has been so lovely to hear about all of the fun you got up to over half term, especially the spooky halloween adventures. This week we have been exploring a new story all about the wonders of the rainforest, it is called 'The Great Kapok Tree'. We wrote some super exclamation sentences to show just how wonderous and beautiful the creatures of the story were. Our wellbeing day on Tuesday also helped us explore the story a little more as we joined in with some drama, dance and singing to showcase our favourite rainforest animals. What an awesome day it was! As you know, we love showing our artistic side at WIS so we also decorated some bright and colourful feathers to join our 'Woodthorpe Wings' display. Look out for these soon on your walk up to school or, for a sneak peak, take a look at the pictures below.


Awesome Authors

Week Beginning 11.10.21


It was so lovely to see so many of you at parents' evening. Thank you so much for coming. We love sharing the children's fantastic progress with you. It has been another busy week in year 2. This week we have watched a film called 'Zahra' and written a story to match the film. We have learnt all about verbs and adverbs and how they work together. Everyone has worked very hard and their handwriting is improving hugely. Here are some of our lovely children showing off their brilliant stories.

PS We are sending home some handwriting and spelling jobs for the children to work on over half term but the most important job that you absolutely MUST do is to... have lots of fun with your lovely children! 

Hello Yellow Day

Week Beginning 4.10.21


We have had another fantastic week in year 2. What a wonderful group of hard working children we have. They really are sooooo resilient. This week we have learnt a poem all about a magic carpet ride and have written our own poems based on this. In science we learnt about the life cycle of a plant and in maths we worked on our understanding of addition and subtraction. We finished off the week with our 'Hello Yellow' day. Everyone wore yellow to show that no one is alone with their mental health and that we look after each other. In year 2, the children are fantastic at using their reciprocity learning power. Here are some of the year 2 children showing each other that they are a special team! Just look at those happy, supportive and kind faces. 

PS We are looking forward to seeing everyone at parents' evening next week. We can't wait to share the children's learning with you.

Magical Musicians

Week Beginning 27.9.21


It has been another exciting and fun week in year 2. We have worked our socks off this week. You won't believe how much we have managed to get done. We wrote some fantastic stories based on the book, 'Stuck' which were very, very funny. We have read an information sheet all about 'deserts' and clarified some very tricky words such as 'located'. We finished our rainforest paintings and... we worked very hard in maths on place value and partitioning numbers. On top of all of this, we have had lots of fun in our ukulele lessons. Here we are being 'magical musicians' and strumming away. 

PS We want to say a HUGE thank you to all our grown ups for supporting our wonderful year 2 children with their reading. We are so impressed by your dedication and commitment. 

Amazing Artists

Week Beginning  20.9.21


What a wonderful week we have had in year 2. We are having more fun than ever and are loving the sunshine. This week the year 2 children have shown what 'amazing artists' they are by working on their rainforest pictures. They chose an interesting rainforest animal, drew the outline slowly, and carefully filled the page with detail. After that, they made their pictures so colourful by adding lots of vibrant oil pastels. We are so proud of their resilience! Well done year 2!

Sunshine and Smiles

Week Beginning 13.9.21


What an amazing week we have had in year 2. It has been so much fun and Ms M in particular is SUPER happy to be back at school with everyone. It has been a busy week in year 2. We have written stories based on 'How Big Is The World?', worked on telling the time, drawn some rainforest animals, learnt a song about the continents and oceans and discussed animal habitats. Phew! We have also had time to enjoy the sunshine and have shown so much reciprocity when playing with our wonderful friends. Some children are new friends and some children are old friends but they are each and everyone of them... LOVELY! Here are some of us playing in the sun. Just look at those sunshine smiles!

Welcome back year 2!

Week beginning 6.9.21


As we approach the end of our first week back we wanted to say a great big well done to all of our super year 2 children. They have continued to show amazing resilience as they adapt to life in year 2 and have really made their teachers smile with their kindness and respect. We can tell it is going to be an amazing year! For those of you who aren't already aware, we have brand new class names and we would love to share these with you. You will now find the Pouncing Polar Bears in Class 5 and the Dashing Dolphins in Class 6. On Wednesday, we put our artist hats on and spent some time creating our own class animal and rock, we are looking forward to you getting a chance to see these on display very soon.


As always we wanted to say thank you for all of your support at home. With your help our lovely year 2s have settled back really well and we can't wait to get to know you and them better as the year unfolds. 

Love Ms M and Miss Bartlam
