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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Welcome to Year 2. We are so excited about the coming year and have lots of fantastic activities planned. If you have any questions about your child or would like some additional information about our curriculum, please pop in and have a chat. 

What a year!

Week beginning 15.7.19


We made it! (bar the last 3 days smiley) This is the last entry for Year 2 2018-19. What a fantastic year it has been. Scrolling down this page reminds us of how much we have achieved and experienced.


This week has seen more exciting events. We had Nicky the storyteller in on Wednesday. She told us stories and asked us to decorate bunting for the story den which will be at Woodthorpe Grange park over the holidays. We also had a superb concert from musicians from Arnold Hill, accompanied by Mr Miles - quite literally! He loves to rock it out with the kids! We also thoroughly enjoyed our final Summer Sing this morning.


It just leaves us to say thank you for all the support from home and how proud we are of the children in so many ways. It has been a privilege to teach them. Have a great summer and if you have younger children, we will see you in September. Well done to all our Year 2 children. We will miss them!


More Moving on and T-shirt printing

Week beginning 8.7.19


On Wednesday Mr Rossington and some Year 3 pupils hosted a Q and A session. The Year 2s asked lots of questions, mainly revolving around food!


We had fun doing hand print creatures on T-shirts and have been getting ready for our first Summer Sing!

Moving on

Week beginning 1.7.19 


It has been an exciting week and the children thoroughly enjoyed their time at Arno Vale yesterday. They behaved extremely well and we are immensely proud of them. We hope to see you all at the Summer Sing coming up next week and the week after.

Sports Day and Pinxton Puppets

Week beginning 24.6.19


We all enjoyed our Sports afternoon enormously and were grateful that the sun shone. There was some healthy competition and lots of good sporting behaviour. It was great to see how keen so many grown ups were to participate!

This morning we experienced Pinxton Puppets. There was a making workshop followed by a talk on types of puppets and a puppet show. The puppets are whinging (or should that be squeaking?) their way home. The children are very proud of their efforts. Hopefully you will be treated to a show yourselves!

Family day

Week beginning 17.6.19


We have had a great week starting with Healthy Living day, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Our Family day celebration was lovely and it was good to see so many of you coming along to share the highlights of school life. We still have lots ahead including Sports Day and the Summer Sing as well as exciting transition events. It only seems a blink of an eye since our Year 2s were 4 and 5 and just starting school! Our bunting is still up and every child sewed at least one triangle. We are looking forward to a great last few weeks of teaching such amazing children before they move on to the juniors.


Soggy Sudbury

Week beginning 10.6.19


Well, even though it was a very soggy Sudbury trip, we all had a great (if a little damp) time! We loved looking at the different toys and it was very interesting to see how toys have changed over time. The highlight of the trip was pretending to be a sweep and going up the extremely dark chimney! Everyone was soooooo brave! A big thank you to all our parent helpers who, as always, were fantastic! 


Our Final Half Term

Week beginning 4.6.19


We can't believe it is our final half term with these wonderful children but what a fantastic half term it will be! Everyone has returned to school very happily and we have enjoyed writing a new adventure for the adventurous (and quite naughty) rabbit that is...Tatty Ratty. Great work from everyone. Keep it up year 2.

You are awesome!

Crafts, quizzes and baby presentations

Week beginning 20.5.19


We have been busy this week completing reading 'quizzes', which the children did brilliantly in! We also made peg dolls and spinners to tie in with our topic on Toys from the past. Thank you for sending in the questionnaires, photos and baby things. It was fascinating to learn about how much we have changed.

See below for some examples of the range of things that were brought in.

Answers on a postcard if you can identify which member of staff is in the 40 year old photo aged 11 (the children found that tricky. I like to think that it is because I look young for my age rather than having different hair colour...).

The Year 2 team wish you a restful break and pass on how proud we are of how hard the children worked during our 'quiz' period.

We look forward to seeing you next half term with so many events going on, including the trip to Sudbury Hall, Sports Day and Family day, as well as preparing for their transition to Arno Vale.

Growing Up

Week beginning 13.5.19


On the 20th of May the children will be talking about how they have grown and changed since they were babies. Don't forget that they can bring in some baby memorabilia to show to the class which could be a toy, some clothing or some photographs. We are very excited to see all those baby photographs and to hear about them when they were little. As always, thank you for your fantastic support with the children's learning.

This week the children have enjoyed craft activities relating to toys from the past. There were some really creative wooden spoon puppets which should have come home by now.



Week beginning 6.5.19


Year 2 have had a busy week revising telling the time and writing stories based on Dogger by Shirley Hughes. We had our best smiles ready on Photograph day and then rocked it out when we had a workshop with Michael from Rocksteady. Some of us got to play drums, guitar or keyboard and singing with a mike. 

The children loved it and we all joined in to play and sing Shotgun by George Ezra.

Magical Musicians

Week beginning 29.4.19


What brilliant musicians we have here at Woodthorpe! The children have been working with Miss Need on their own musical compositions. They've had so much fun experimenting with different instruments and sounds. Woodthorpe Infant School is alive with the sound of interesting, creative music every Friday! I bet you wish you could hear it too!

Welcome Back to the Summer Term

Week beginning 22.4.19


We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. The children have returned to school raring to go! We have started our 'Once There Were Giants' topic and the children have worked very hard on thinking of questions about how they have grown and changed. We can't wait to see the memorabilia,  photographs or clothing the children choose to bring in and share with us in the week beginning the 20th May. We started our topic with a visit from Mrs Burton and her beautiful baby Esme. Mrs Burton talked to us about how she cares for Esme and how much Esme has already changed even though she is only four months old. The children had lots of really interesting questions for Mrs Burton and were very calm and quiet with Esme. What a lovely visit it was!

Writing Challenge Champions

Week beginning 1.4.19


We have been so impressed with the writing challenge homework that's been returned to school. What a fantastic effort from everyone! Well done! It has been lovely to see how much the children have enjoyed improving their grown up's writing. A huge thank you to all of you for helping make this such a lovely, fun, learning activity. 

Writing Challenge Homework

Week beginning 25.3.19


Don't forget to return your child's completed star challenge sheet next week. We would love to see some of the completed writing challenges in school too. Thanks so much for supporting your child with their writing homework; our budding authors have had lots of fun.

Super Scientists

Week beginning 25.3.19


Our brilliant scientists have been working on their seed science investigation for a few weeks now. They decided on their own investigation, set everything up and then very carefully recorded the results.  The question, 'Will a seed grow in tomato ketchup?' may be the most unique scientific investigation ever. The children worked very hard to ensure that their investigation was completely fair and that no other factors could impact on the outcome. They really are super scientists! 


Playground Equipment

Week beginning 18.3.19


Oh my goodness, we just love the new playground equipment! The staff and children have had so much fun playing on the equipment and our new football surface is not only perfect for football but is also great for gymnastics or just sitting and having a chat with our friends. 

Writing Challenge Homework

Week beginning 18.3.19


We are really excited to see that some of the children have already completed their writing challenge homework. Please remember to send your child's star chart back to school during the last week of term so that we can celebrate their hard work. Some of the children have also decided to bring in some examples of their work. This has certainly shown us how amazing the Woodthorpe children are at correcting their grown up's writing! We've never seen so many missing full stops and capital letters! As always thank you for joining in and supporting your child's learning, we really appreciate it.

Science Day

Week beginning 11.3.19


The Woodthorpe scientists have been working hard this week. We have designed our own plant investigations, found out about liquids, solids and gases and watched our lovely, little chicks hatching too. We've had a wonderful scientist called Meghan working with us and she showed us some really fun scientific games which confused our brains! We've all had lots of fun and many of us have decided that we want to be scientists when we grow up (this includes the teachers).

Outward bound and into books!

Week beginning 4.3.19


What an exciting week in Year 2 this week! 

We had an amazing time on our school trip to Bestwood Country Park. We tested our survival skills by learning how to use maps to find places in the woods. We built dens out of what was around us and toasted marshmallows over the campfire. It was a brilliant day of outdoor learning!

Not only that, we celebrated World Book Day and the costumes were great. 

Terrific at Tye Dye

Week beginning 25.2.19


We started our 'Blooming Marvellous' topic this week. Over the half term we will be finding out all about plants and what they need to survive. We have explored how amazing plants are and used turmeric and hibiscus plants to create two very interesting and vibrant dyes. It was really good fun although some of us weren't so keen on the smell of turmeric! We mixed the dried plants with water and then added some fabric to the dye. What do you think of the results?

Well-being Week

Week beginning 11.2.19


We've had another brilliant week in year 2.  During our well-being week we made healthy snacks such as salsa and stir-fry and best of all... we had a visit from the Olympic athlete Joe Roebuck! We had a fantastic time with him, he led our sponsored circuit training and told us all about how hard he worked to become an Olympic swimmer. Joe Roebuck showed us some of the medals he has won and talked to us about resilience. What a brilliant week we have had!

Synagogue Trip

Week beginning 4.2.19


Class 5 had so much fun at the synagogue this week. We took the public bus to Sherwood and visited the synagogue there.  We learnt all about the Jewish faith from a very funny helper called Norman, he was great fun and made our learning really interesting. We saw a beautiful 'Star of David' in the stained glass window and the ten commandments written in Hebrew on the wall.  Norman also showed us the amazing 'Dressed Scrolls' in the ark!  A big thank you to everyone who helped on the trip, you were brilliant and we had a fantastic learning experience. Class 6 will have their turn next week.


Land Art 

Week beginning 28.1.19


This week we have been learning all about the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy makes beautiful sculptures from natural materials and we have been looking at lots of his wonderful work. We were so inspired that we made our own land art. You can ask the children all about Andy Goldsworthy and his land art and they might even help you to create your own.





Marvellous Mathematicians

Week beginning 21.1.19


Wow! We have worked our socks off this week. What a marvellous group of mathematicians we have in year 2. We have been working very hard on 'taking away' and have learnt how to 'explode a ten'. If you're not sure what this involves (no dynamite - don't worry) please ask your very clever child to explain it to you. It hasn't been an easy concept to learn but our wonderfully resilient children have stuck with it and are all 'taking away' brilliantly. Well done year 2, you are awesome!

Rip-roaring Writers

Week beginning 14.1.19


What an amazing start to our 'writing challenge homework!' The children have been coming in all week telling us about the fantastic work they are doing at home. Many of them have told us that their favourite activity so far, has been  correcting the writing their grown ups have done! In fact, the children have been so enthusiastic we have had to remind them that the challenges don't have to be completed all at once but can be spaced out over the term. Once again, thank you so much for the brilliant support you are giving the children at home. Here is a photo of some of our 'Rip-roaring Writers!'

A New Year!

Week beginning 7.1.19


What a wonderful start to the new term! We've had so much fun this week pretending to be explorers and thinking about what we need to survive, some of us even made a shelter in the playground! We've made some interesting fact sheets about Scott of Antarctica and have worked our socks off learning to tell the time.

Well done to everyone who worked so hard on their 'time homework' over the holidays, it has had such a positive impact on the children's understanding. On Thursday we launched our very special 'writing challenge homework' and we can't wait to see the fantastic writing the children do at home. If you have any questions about the homework please pop in and have a chat. Finally, a huge thank you to everyone for the wonderful Christmas gifts but most of all thank you for the good wishes - we really are very lucky teachers! 

End of term excitement!

Week beginning 17.12.18


This final week of term has been an exciting one. We have enjoyed Christmas dinner, had fun on our party day, watched a production of Beauty and the Beast and had a visit from a range of animals from Zoo4schools! We had a chance to hold most of the animals including bearded dragons and a snake.

It has been a fun packed week as well as term and we hope you all have a restful Christmas break.



The Landlord's Cat

Week beginning 10.12.18


It was a week of dress rehearsals and performances watched by F2, Y3 and many adults. The children put on an amazing show every time and it was lovely to see their confidence grow over the weeks. 

There must be some very proud parents out there!

Christmas Fair

Week beginning 3.12.18


The Christmas fair was highly enjoyable and successful. We raised over £2,400! Thank you to all those who supported it by donating, running stalls, organising it or by spending :). 

Mrs Bright had a quick dash about to get photos of all the marvellous stalls before they were quickly sold out. If you couldn't make it this year, here's hoping the photos below will encourage you to join us in the future. 

The children did such a good job of making their Christmas crafts and the Friends of Woodthorpe group along with staff put so much enthusiasm into making the event the resounding success it was. 

Many thanks to all!

Enterprise Afternoon

Week beginning 26.11.18


On Monday afternoon the children had a great time making items to sell at our up and coming first Xmas fair. Class 5 made hot chocolate reindeers and Class 6 made rustic tree decorations. They did a brilliant job and we hope there will be a mad rush to purchase them. Also there will be a game on each stall. Class 6 are having a 'pin the nose on the reindeer' game and Class 5 will have the stocks with Miss M taking the hit for the team! 

We hope to see you all there helping to support the children's understanding of how making things can produce a profit. Also we want you to have lots of fun and join us in entering into the Christmas spirit.

See you there!

Children in Need and The Great Kapok Tree

Week beginning 19.11.18


Last Friday we dressed up in our  pyjamas and raised money for Children in Need. There were some crazy outfits and that was just the staff! 

We have been working on the text The Great Kapok Tree which is about preserving a rainforest. The children have produced some amazing writing with exclamations and speech marks. 

We continue with our rehearsals for The Landlord's Cat and you will truly be amazed by your children's talents.

The Landlord's Cat

Week beginning 12.11.18


Rehearsals are well under way for this year's KS1 Christmas performance. The children have been busy learning lines, acting and singing. Already, there are some little stars in the making. smiley

Thank you for your support in this. Tickets are available from Monday for the performances on Wednesday 12th  and Friday the 14th of December. You are in for a real treat!

We also celebrated Children in Need day and had lots of fun in our crazy pyjamas....even the staff!

Safety Week

Week beginning 5.11.18


We have had an exciting week learning about how to stay safe in many different ways including online, on the road, near and in the water and in the event of a fire. The children were thrilled to see the fire engine and crew from Arnold Fire Station and also enjoyed the talk about the RNLI from Geoff Pearson who visited on Thursday. Talk to your child about what they have learned and keep safe!

Performing Poets

Week beginning 22.10.18


What a busy week! This week we have worked very hard on writing our own poems about a magic carpet ride. We read them to our friends. Click here to hear a fantastic poet! What do you think?

Clever Computing

Week beginning 15.10.18


We have had a brilliant time this week creating our own digital images. We put two images together using a special photo app. The pictures show us on our magic carpets flying around the world. Aren't they fantastic?

Amazing Acting

Week beginning 8.10.18


We've had a lovely week in year 2. We read a poem called 'The Magic Carpet' by Brian Moses and made up actions to go with it. It was lots of fun! 


Week beginning 1.10.18


Once we had finally arrived we had an amazing time at Perlethorpe.  We sifted the river bed and found all sorts of interesting minibeasts such as blood worms. We all ended up with squelchy feet but it was definitely worth it. We hunted for minibeasts in the woodland too and pretended to be moles. What a fantastic day!
