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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Foundation 2

 Welcome to Foundation 2


Welcome to classes 1 and 2. Our team consists of Miss Sheppard (class 1 teacher), Miss Gill (class 1 TA), Mrs Sellers and Mrs Burton (class 2 teachers) and Mrs Offord (class 2 TA). We love learning through play and spend our days being busy, active and often messy in our indoor and outdoor learning areas. Learning is planned around stories, chosen to engage and excite the children. Please check our website and our Purple Mash noticeboard regularly to see the fun we have been having!

A Huge Thank You!

Week beginning 26.7.21

The Foundation team would like to say a 'huge thank you' for all your support this year. We have had a wonderful year with your children despite the distribution of lock down. Thank you also for all your lovely gifts it is so kind of you. I (Mrs Sellers) am really excited about working with your children in year 1. 

Have a well deserved break and see you all again in September.

Lots of love 

The Foundation Team smiley

Fun in the sun!

Week beginning 19.7.21


What another amazing week! The children have been coping really well in this extremely hot weather and we were so proud of the resilience they showed on sports day. They all ran their little socks off and showed great sportsmanship. The children in class 2 have been enjoying the toys in the Early Years garden bought by FOW and they have had great fun exploring stomp rockets.  On Thursday were entertained by a Magician and ate yummy doughnuts. The sunflowers the children have planted have started to grow and the children have taken them home. I (Mrs Sellers) would love to see a photo of them in September please send one through the office for the attention of Mrs Sellers. Next week we will be collecting all the reading books in but your child will still have their reading diary. Keep this safe for them going to their new class in September. Thank you!

Enjoy the good


Welcome to Spike and Chompy!

Week beginning 12.7.21


We have welcomed the arrival of Chompy in class 1 and Spike in class 2. The children were so excited to meet the two baby dinosaurs. They have worn the dinosaurs out this week with all the fun in the class. Class 1 and 2 really enjoyed another morning meeting their new teachers and they have all taken home their 'Chunky Challenge' to complete over the holiday. The year 1 teachers are really excited about September to see the children's journals and hear about all their adventures. 

The good weather this week has given the children lots of opportunity to enjoy their outside play and an exciting dinosaur treasure hunt. 

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!laugh

Foundation 2 Curriculum Presentation

Click here to view the Foundation 2 curriculum presentation.

Foundation 2 Phonics for Parents Presentation

Click here to view the Foundation 2 Phonics for Parents presentation.



It's cracked!

Week beginning 5.7.21

What excitement when the children returned to school on Tuesday. The egg has cracked and we still don't know what is inside. There has been lots of lovely learning this week. The children have been using ten frames to subtract. They have also  been sharing toppings on a pizza. Hopefully the weather will stay dry for next week so that the children can show off their running skills.

Have a great week!

Goodbye Butterflies!

Week beginning 28.6.21


What a fabulous week the children have had. On Monday we came to school to find an egg had appeared in the class and we don't know where it came from or what it is! The children were writing down their ideas to what it could be. We had some great ideas such as a meteor, dinosaur egg and a rock from space. We can't wait to find out what it is next week.

On Thursday the children went to visit their new teacher and class and they came back with lots of smiles and they were very happy.

Our class butterflies hatched, which was very exciting and the children were sad  to wave goodbye to them when we released them. Keep your eyes peeled you may see them in your gardens!smiley

Welcome to Rosie and Robbie!

Week beginning 21.6.21


A big thank you to Jonah in class 1 who has given Foundation 2 two stick insects. Rosie and Robbie have had a fabulous week with the children in class 1. The children have been fascinated with them and have been observing their every movement. The caterpillars have now changed into a Chrysalis and we are excited to see when they will hatch out. The classes have had lots of fun this week especially in our new sand pit (please can you ensure that your child doesn't stand on the lid of the sand pit because we have already had part of it broken).  The children have also loved playing with the new resources from the classes wish list bought with the funds raised from the FOW thank you!

Thank you again for all your support.smiley 

We have some very hungry Caterpillars!

Week beginning 14.6.21


The children have been so excited this week with the arrival of the Caterpillars. They have been amazed at how much the have grown and changed over the course of the week. Mrs Burton introduced some class camera's for the children to use and they have been having great fun taking pictures of their environment.

We have loved having the sunshine this week. We have seem the children using their reciprocity to make constructions together. Well done to all the children who entered the Summer Photo Competition. They were all amazing! Well done to Elliott in Class 2 who was the Foundation winner.

Lets hope the good weather returns  and have a great weekend!

Welcome back!

Week beginning 7.5.21


The children have been really excited to be back at school. They had lots of stories to tell us about their half term break. We have been really enjoying the sunshine and have been having lots of fun in the Early Years Garden. Thank you to the children who sent in a photo for the summer photo competition. You still have time to enter!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather. We are looking forward to another fantastic week next week.

Have a great break!

Week beginning 24.5.21


What a busy half term we have had with lots of fun and lots of learning.  All the children have worked extremely hard this term and deserve some chill out time over the break. Let's hope the sun shines! 

This week the children have been learning how to subtract numbers up to 10 using a variety of equipment and they even challenged themselves by writing down the equation.

Don't forget the summer photograph competition I am running (Mrs Sellers). Your entries need to be emailed to the office before the 11th June. I am really excited to see them! 

Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you again in June.smiley

Yum Yum!

Week beginning 17.5.21


What a fabulous week the children in class 1 and 2 have had. We have been tasting fruit from our story Hand's Surprise. We tasted, banana, oranges, pineapple, avocado, guava, mango, passion-fruit and tangerines. The children's favourite in class 2  was banana and pineapple and their least favourite was the avocado. The children have also enjoyed a fruit treasure hunt in the Early Years garden where they have had to spot the numicon and write down the numeral that represents it. We have been lucky to have a little bit of sunshine this week which has made playing outside lots of fun.

Have a great weekend!

Busy Busy!

Week beginning 10.5.21

Another busy week for the children in class 1 and 2. The children have enjoyed our new text Handa's Surprise. We have been learning what life is like in Africa and making comparisons to the way we live. We have been amazed by the learning powers this week when making number bonds to 10 (two numbers that make 10). The children have used ten frames to make their bond and then they have written the equation. We have loved the bravery some children have shown when sharing their mistakes with the class. Well done!

We are looking forward to another busy week next week.smiley



Reading Challenge!

Week beginning 3.5.21


Well done to all the children in class 1 and 2 who completed their reading challenge and a big thank you to all the parents who supported their children with them. We hope you had lots of fun! We have had lots of fun celebrating the children's achievements. All the children received a book mark to a accompany our story Commotion in the Ocean. We also had a pirate treasure hunt in the Early Years garden and did some dancing in the classroom. Thanks again for supporting us and your child.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mathematicians in the making!

Week beginning 26.4.21


The children in class 1 and 2 have been really using their learning powers this week. We have been very impressed with the maths that the children have been doing. This week they have been making number bonds to five. First they made the number bond on their five frame and then they wrote the equation using the correct operation. Please don't forget to send your reading challenges back to school by Friday 30th April. We hope you had lots of fun doing them with your child.

Stay safe and well. smiley

Welcome back!

Week beginning 19.4.21


The children have come back from their Easter holiday full of beans. We have been really impressed with the children's learning powers this week and their motivation to learn.  The children have been exploring how to make 10 using a variety of equipment and they have explained how they know it is 10. Our new text Commotion in the Ocean has really sparked the children interest in sea creatures and what else is beneath the sea. We are looking forward to lots of exciting learning next week! 

A very eggciting week!

Week beginning 29.3.21

What an eggciting week we have been having. On Monday we had our egg rolling competition which was lots of fun. The eggs that the children decorated were amazing. Our guided reading session this week was an Easter egg hunt. The children had to read the instructions to find the egg and then carry out the activity hidden in the egg. 

We hope you have a wonderful Easter. Stay safe and well and rest up for another busy term.smiley


The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Week beginning 22.3.21


The children in class 1 and 2 have had lots of fun this week learning about the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. On Tuesday the children did a tricky word hungry caterpillar hunt in the Early Years garden and they were delighted when they found them all. Lots of children have been using their resilience learning powers to write some of the story using their best handwriting. The new code-a-pillar has been a great success in both classes with then children having lots of fun programming them and seeing how far they can travel. 

Have a wonderful weekend. Not long now till Easter.





So much fun!

Week beginning 15.3.21


The children in class 1 and 2 have been having so much fun this week with the ducklings. They were all really brave and held them. We watched them swim and they had a wonder around the hall.  We will be sad to see them leave on Thursday. The children have loved being back together and they have been using their reciprocity learning powers to share and play together. Our pledge of kindness this week has shown the children thinking about praising each other when sharing our achievements. Another fabulous week at school enjoy the weekend!

Welcome back!

Week beginning 8.3.21


We have had a fabulous week. It has been wonderful to see how excited the children have been to be back at school. They have all settled really well. We have had a very exciting week with lots of lovely activities. The children were so excited on Monday with the arrival of our duck eggs. They have written notes to tell the other children in school to be quiet so that the ducklings are not scared. On Tuesday the children baked bread from our story The Little Red Hen and we had a tasting session - it was delicious! On Wednesday the children were thrilled to see one of the ducklings hatch out of its egg. Have a lovely, restful weekend because we know the children will be really tired.


Stay safe and well! smiley

So Excited!

Week beginning 1.3.21


We are so excited! All the staff and children in class 1 and 2 are so excited about all the children returning to school on Monday. This week the children in school have been talking about seeing their friends again and how much they have missed them. They have been making some cards to welcome the children back. Also, class 2 children have been busy beating their PE record at running and it now stands at 9 minutes and 5 seconds. World book day was a great success with both the children at school and at home. We had lots of book characters. Check out our photos!


Have a great weekend and rest up for a very exciting week next week.


Lots of love heart

Welcome back!

Week beginning 22.2.21


Hi everyone, we hope you had a wonderful half term break and that you had a good rest. We are really excited about us all been back together very soon. We were very excited when we returned to school to see that the twigs we planted had blossomed. The children have been doing some observational drawings and writing about it.

This week Class 2 ran for 8 minutes no stop in our PE session. See if you can beat our record!

We have really enjoyed seeing you for our story sessions and hearing your news about your holiday.

Enjoy the spring weather.

Stay safe and well. Sending lots of love x

Enjoy the break!

Week beginning 8.2.21


A huge well done to everyone this half term. To the children and their parents working from home and for the children who have been in school. We have loved seeing our children who are at home during our story sessions and hearing what fun they have been up too. The learning powers we have shown this term has been amazing and we have shown how resilient we are.

Class 1 and 2 have had another busy week. We are in competition with our running time in PE and the children in both classes have ran for 7 minutes without stopping. We really are building up our stamina!  This week we have been learning about the Chinese New Year and have made cards and colourful dragons. 

Have a wonderful half term break, rest up, stay safe and we send lots of love.heart




Slime Glorious Slime!

Week beginning 1.2.21


Hi everyone, we hope you are doing well. We have seen lots of learning powers being used in the home school learning. Well done everyone!

We had some Aliens visit the classrooms this week and they left some slime! surprise The children had lots of fun and got into a sticky mess. We beat our record in PE this week. We ran a whole 6 minutes without stopping. See if you can beat our record at home and send in some photos. We are really looking forward to sharing a story with you next week and we can't wait to see your faces. We are so excited!

Sending lots of love and stay safe heart

Scientists in the making!

Week beginning 25.1.21


Hello everyone, I hope you are all safe and well. We have been very impressed with all your home school learning. Class 1 and 2 have had another busy week. This week we used our resilience learning power to beat our running record in PE to 5 minutes and 7 seconds. We have become scientists this week by observing a tree branch that we planted in a pot in the classroom and we are waiting with great patience to see what will happen ( I will keep you posted). We have also been experimenting on how to melt ice balloon. We were amazed what happened when we put salt and food colouring on them. Why don't you have a go at home! The children have been learning to write an independent sentence everyday with great success and in maths we have used a part whole model to make number bonds to 5.

Keep up all that fabulous work you are doing!

If you haven't entered the Winter Photograph Competition you still have plenty of time. Email your photos to the office.

Stay safe and well. We miss you lots!

Sending lots of love x 

Winter Fun!

Week beginning 18.1.21


Firstly, well done to the children and parents who are doing an amazing job at home with the home school learning. We have loved looking at your photos and videos, keep them coming. The children in class 1 and 2 have had another busy week. We have been doing lots of learning as well as having lots of fun. This week in PE we ran for a full 4 minutes non stop. All the teachers joined in with the running . I must say my legs ached in the evening (Mrs Sellers). We have been learning to write captions, add two numbers together to make 5 on a 5 frame and painting winter pictures.

We really miss you, check out our photos.

Stay safe,

Lots of love x


Well done!

Week beginning 11.1.21


We hope your all keeping safe and well. The children in class 1 and 2 have been really missing their friends who are home school learning. So, we looked at the fabulous work, photos and videos that the children have been doing at home. Well done everyone! We were all really impressed!

The children at school have had another busy week. We have been learning to write a rhyming string. We have also been adding two groups together and having a go at writing the calculations. We impressed ourselves in PE this week with running non stop for three minutes (Mrs Sellers and Mrs Offord also joined in). We are going to try and increase the time next week.  Then, we practised our throwing and catching skills. Here are lots of photos so that you can see what your friends have been doing.

We can't wait to see you all again.

Keep safe and well.

Sending lots of love smiley


Welcome Back!

Week beginning 4.1.21


Happy New Year! We had a brilliant day on Monday and it was fabulous to see all the children in class 1 and 2. We loved hearing all their stories about their Christmas holiday. Sadly, with the changes not all the children are now in school.  For the children at home we hope you are enjoying your home school learning and we are missing you and can't wait to see you. The children who are in school have been busy using their learning powers. They have been reading instructions for making cup cakes, experimenting with putting water outside to see if it will freeze, writing sentences, dancing to numbers and building amazing models with the large construction. We are hoping that we will be back together again soon. 

Stay safe and look after yourselves!

Merry Christmas!

Week beginning 14.12.20


What an amazing term the children in class 1 and 2 have had. They have settled really well and all have done some amazing learning using their learning powers. We have had a fabulous week with our class parties, Christmas dinner and on Friday the children will be watching the Pantomime Cinderella in their classrooms. Thank you to The Friends Of for organising this. The Foundation team wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you for all your support this term and for the lovely presents. We look forward to welcoming you and your children back in January. Stay safe!  

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

Week beginning 7.12.20


The children in class 1 and 2 had a very exciting day on Monday. Santa Claus came to visit us at school. Class 2 sang our Christmas song to Santa and he was so impressed he sent us a letter on Tuesday to say 'Thank You' and to encourage the children to send him a letter. Class 1 had a letter from Santa's elf to encourage class 1 children to also write to Santa. The children have also been showing off their skills of adding groups together and checking by counting to see how many they have altogether. Next week we have party day so dust off those party outfits!

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas!

Week beginning 30.11.20


The children in class 1 and 2 have been very excited this week. The children in class 1 have a winter wonderland role play and  class 2 have been decorating their own Christmas tree. We received a letter from Santa and he sent an Elf and a Advent Calendar for the children.  As you can imagine the children were so excited. Lots of resilience has been shown in the children's learning powers this week when writing CVC words and they did a fabulous job!

Class Challenges

Week beginning 23.11.20


Another busy week in class 1 and 2 with lots of lovely learning. The children have been enjoying the CVC word blending challenges and the ordering numbers to 5. Represented in different ways. Class 2 have a new Superhero reading corner and have loved dressing up as superhero's and reading magazines, sentences and top trumps. Thank you to the parents who donated magazines. If you have any at home that you no longer want we would love them for our reading area. 

Segmenting Fun!

Week beginning 16.11.20


This week the children in class 1 and 2 have been enjoying segmenting CVC words. They have been using their resilient learning powers by keeping on trying and not given up. They have also been resourceful by saying the word and pushing the sounds onto their fingers and lastly using equipment to help them make the word. A great effort by all! 

Using our learning powers!

Week beginning 12.11.20


The children in class 1 and 2 have been using their amazing learning powers this week. This week they have been making numbers to five using a 5 frame and then recording the numbers on a whiteboard. They have also been doing a independent challenge. The rainbow challenge is making CVC words and the star challenge is representing numbers to 5. On Tuesday afternoon we had a special treat to celebrate the completion of our  Superhero Challenge. Thank you for supporting your children with this I hope you had lots of fun!

Welcome Back!

Week beginning 2.11.20


The children in class 1 and 2 have made a great start to the new term. They have come back full of energy, enthusiasm and are ready to learn. We have had a busy week learning about Dawali 'the festival of light.' In the Early Years garden they have enjoyed a Dawali treasure hunt. The children have also been learning how to represent the number 5 in different way. Please send in your child's superhero challenge when it is completed. Have a lovely weekend!

Book Buzz!

Week beginning 12.10.20


Class 1 and 2 had a very exciting day last Friday with the book buzz. Class 1 chose a book for class 2 and wrapped it up and class 2 chose a book for  class 1.  The books were then shared and enjoyed by all the children. The children have had another busy week. They have drawn a story map for our book We're going on a bear hunt. They also retold the story using actions and did a great job remembering the sequence of the story. In maths this week the children have been representing numbers with different objects.

We have had a wonderful half term and the children have settled really well into school life. Thank you for all your support and enjoy the rest over the holidays.

Woodthorpe Bear Hunt

Week beginning 5.10.20


This week we went on our own bear hunt. The children recited the story to remind them where to go. We went through the grass, the river, the mud, the forest, the snowstorm and then into the bear's cave! Everybody had a great time. Thank you for supporting it by ensuring the children had their wellies on Wednesday. Check out our story retelling here!

Bear hunt

Week beginning 28.9.10


This week we have been learning our new story, We're going on a Bear Hunt. We started by learning some actions to put with the story and on Wednesday we are going on our own bear hunt! Please remember to bring wellies. The children were very excited because we had a visit from a virtual bear on the smartboard and lots of paw prints were left around the classroom! This week we have sent home our Super Hero Challenge. We hope you enjoy doing the activities with your child.

Goose Fair Day

Week beginning 21.9.20


The children in classes 1 and 2 have had a wonderful day at our Goose Fair. They have enjoyed lots of activities in our Early Year Garden, including splat the teacher, the haunted house, knock the apple, make the frog jump and a fair treasure hunt. The children were excited to participate in a virtual roller coaster ride (we had lots of screaming). Then to finish off the day we had mushy peas (Mrs Sellers really enjoyed the mushy peas) and popcorn. A great day had by all! We also learned a 'Fairground Poem' this week - see it here!


Looking forward to lots more fun next week!


Week beginning 14.9.20


The weather has been really kind to us this week, so the children have had lots of time in the outdoor Early Years Garden exploring. They have been digging for buried treasure (we are getting quite a collection of pebbles) and have been using the binoculars to observe the changes to our trees and finding leaves. We have also been very busy in the classroom, cutting along lines and drawing lines and shapes using different media.


We have had lots of fun with retelling the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' using actions. Class 2 have finished making their axolotl for their display and class 1 have finished making their turtle. We hope you like the finished products.


Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week.

The Foundation Team


Settling In 

Week beginning 7.9.20


The children in classes 1 and 2 have had another fabulous week. They have been so brave with being in school all day. They have had lots of fun making new friends and have done extremely well with the routines of the day. This week we have introduced phonics and the children have learnt the phonemes 's' 'a' 't' and 'p' and have enjoyed learning the Jolly Phonics songs to accompany the sounds. In maths, the children have learnt the days of the week song and have clapped the amount of syllables there are in each day. We are so delighted with how well the children have settled.


We are looking forward to another fantastic week next week!

The Foundation Team

 A Great Start To Starting School!

Week beginning 1.9.20


We have had a great start to the new school year. The children have been absolutely amazing. They have shown how brave they can be by giving their parents a kiss at the door and coming into school completely independently (well done parents).


They have been thrilled to see old friends and have already started to make new ones too. The half days have been helpful in enabling the children to get to know the school environment and the adults that work with them. The children have had lots of fun exploring and the adults have enjoyed getting to know your child better. 


Many thanks to you all for supporting the children with everything they need for their school day. On Thursdays, the children will be doing PE in the afternoon. Please send them to school in their PE kits that day; tracksuit with a t-shirt underneath and trainers. The children will do PE outside where possible. Also, just a quick reminder they need their book bags in school everyday, a water bottle filled with just water (no squash or flavoured water), a coat as we will be going outside everyday and please label all clothing with your child's name.


Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to lots more fun next week. 
