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Woodthorpe Infant School

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Ogden Winter Photograph Competition

Well done to everyone who entered the Winter Photograph Competition. They were all amazing and as a staff we found it very difficult to choose.


After much deliberation, we chose 6 finalists:

Patrick, Class 1

Edward, Class 2

Noah, Class 3

Phia, Class 3

Safeeya, Class 6

Our community entry was Jack R.


A video that showcases the entries can be viewed by clicking here.


A huge congratulations to Noah in Class 3 who is the overall winner in the competition. He was chosen from entries from four other schools, The Nottingham Girls' High School, St. Ann's Well Academy, Springbank Primary and Southwold Primary.


Congratulations also to Patrick in class 1 who was a runner up. Both of your prizes are on their way.


Everyone who entered the competition will receive a certificate.


Thank you for participating and for your support. Look out for the next competition!
