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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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Foundation 2 garden transformation

The Early Years Garden has seen a transformation over half term. Many thanks to all who came to build, dig, plant, sweep, carry, and tidy. The raised bedding will provide wonderful learning opportunities as pupils grow plants and vegetables. The new sensory walkway has fresh plants purposefully chosen to entice the senses. We are also thrilled to now have a large balance scale in the garden for pupils to use, kindly made by a Grandad.


So many people have given their time and resources so freely; we feel truly blessed to have such wonderful parents at Woodthorpe.


Frank Key have kindly donated materials for the project, FOWI kindly paid for a water butt, guttering and trellis, another grandparent has sponsored a water butt for the garden area, and Tony Smith from Arnold market has kindly donated plants and bulbs.


Thank you to those who gave their time to assist on site – Ryan, Catherine, Logan, Ann, Sam, Rob, Nathan and Mrs Offord. Special thanks go to Steve who built our raised bedding and managed the project.
