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Woodthorpe Infant School

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Reading Recommendations

The children at WIS LOVE reading books. We have had so many amazing reading recommendations that we wanted to share them on our website this week:


Zac W (Bold Bees) LOVES reading No-Bot because he thinks it is funny when he leaves his bottom and hand on the swing.


Toby (Bold Bees) LOVES reading Peter Pan because he likes the page when Michael ties his pyjamas down.


Edith (Bold Bees) LOVES reading What's the time Mr Wolf? because she likes that it is a puppet book and it is funny.


Theo (Bold Bees) LOVES reading Football Atlas: A Journey Across the World and onto the Pitch because he likes the page with the different trophies.


Nathaniel (Lovely Lions) LOVES reading Avengers: Battle Against the Black Order because he likes the page where Banner is not wearing a top because it reminds him of himself.


Harriet (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading Harriet versus the Galaxy because the character Harriet wears hearing aids and they are so strong that she uses them to hear the aliens in her bedroom.


Teddy (Bold Bees) LOVES reading The Book With No Pictures because he likes the page that makes you say so many funny words.


Emily (Lovely Lions) LOVES reading Dragon Post because she likes that there are letters that you can take out of the envelopes.


Ivy (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading The Boxcar Children books because her

favourite is Benny because he is really funny and his brothers and sisters have really cool adventures.


Eva (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading The Magic Faraway Tree Collection because she likes it when one of the characters who does a lot of washing tips the washing water onto other children.


Katy (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading The Fart That Changed the World because there is a page in the book with a very funny picture of an old grandma sitting on a chair.


Jacob (Dashing Dolphins) LOVES reading Cat Kid Comic Club because it is written like a comic and it has different comics inside.


Eliza (Dashing Dolphins) LOVES reading Insects of Britain and Europe because it tells you all about bugs.


Toby (Lovely Lions) LOVES reading Gigantosaurus because he likes the page where you can see the young dinosaurs and the old dinosaurs and see how they look different.


Alex (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading Matilda because she likes it when Matilda goes to Miss Honey's house and she finds out her aunt is Miss Trunchbull. 


Olivia (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading Great Women Who Changed the World because it contains lots of interesting women.


Robyn (Pouncing Polar Bears) LOVES reading Princesses Don't Parp because she likes it when all of the king's clothes fall off at the end of the book.
