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Woodthorpe Infant School

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Happy.

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  • Online Safety Competition Winners

    Mon 22 Feb 2021 Mrs Burton

    Thank you for all your amazing entries to our Online Safety competition. You have reminded us that not everything we see and read online is true!


    The winners are: Patrick Bell (class 1), Stanley Eltoft-Prest (class 4), Sofia Haque (class 4) and Emily Ractcliffe (class 5).


    Check out their winning entries here.


    We hope you enjoyed completing the Healthy Habits Hunt around the Helicopter Park. Apologies to those that completed the Hunt to find there were a few answers missing – you were all entered into the prize draw regardless! The winner is Ava Westby (class 1).


    Prizes will make their way to the winners soon! For more reminders, tips and games for staying safe and happy online visit here.

  • Well Done!

    Fri 12 Feb 2021 Mr Hopkinson

    I want to take this opportunity to say a huge 'well done' to everyone for the amazing resilience they have shown during this half term. With so many of our children learning from home, it has certainly been a very different school experience for the past six weeks. The home learning many of you have produced has been fantastic and you (and your grown ups) should be extremely proud!


    I am very proud of each and every one of you - keep up the great work!

  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Tue 02 Feb 2021 Mr Hopkinson

    Many of you may already be aware that this week is Children’s Mental Health Week, which we are endorsing through this year’s theme of ‘Express Yourself’. The theme is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts or ideas through creativity. The CMHW website ( has lots more information, ideas and resources, including a virtual assembly, to help you and your child celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week at home.


    At Woodthorpe Infant School, we wanted to provide an opportunity to reconnect our school community and bring the children learning at home and those learning at school closer together. Therefore, we are bringing forward one of our school community art projects, originally planned for when all children return to school, to tie in with Children’s Mental Health Week. We would like every child to express themselves – their feelings, thoughts or ideas, through decorating a paper plate. Your child can decorate the plate any way they wish to, using materials they enjoy using.


    Although strictly speaking CMHW is this week, we are going to extend this activity to continue over half term. If you do not have any paper plates at home, these can be collected from the school office on one of your family walks. Please feel free to get siblings and family members involved too. Once your child has decorated their plate, please write their name on the back, along with a brief description/explanation of what their design represents and return it to school by Thursday 25th February. The children that are currently attending school will be decorating their plate over the next couple of weeks. Once these are returned to school, they will be proudly displayed in the hall.


    Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to seeing your designs!
